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Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 8:52pm

Jade Farwynd

Name Jade Sharyn Farwynd

Position Acolyte

Character Information

Codename Sanguis
Gender Female
Species Mutant
Age 25
Affiliations(s) X-Men

Physical Appearance

Height 1.63 m
Weight 55kg
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Jade stands on the shorter end of the scale for a woman of her age. She sports a thick mane of copper/brick red hair and is of an athletic physique.

She usually wears brown, green and black tones, which usually make her red hair even brighter. Her bright appearance however is usually toned down when one takes in the sombre expression on her face. A smile is a rare thing to see on Jade's face and her appearance is usually of someone not wanting to be noticed.


Father Timothy Farwynd - deceased
Mother Grace Farwynd - deceased
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jade is a quiet, reflective individual who is rather awkward socially. She views her mutation as more of a curse than a blessing as it affords her information about people she rarely actually wants to know.

Ironically, she is a Phlebotomist, a medical professional who collects blood for analysis. She enjoys it as it's a fairly solitary profession after the blood is collected. Jade prefers her secondary profession, which is that of a pathologist. Dealing with dead people in a quiet room. Perfect.

Yet still, Jade does want to use her abilities for the power of good. When she began learning of her powers and realizing what she could do, she went on to study Sojutsu and Kendo, eventually developing her own variant of the two to complement the two weapons she's able to create and wield from blood.
Mutant Power(s) To use any of her abilities, Jade must have a source of blood available. She usually wears a small crystal vial on a chain around her next which houses some of her own blood. In the absence of the same, she will need to use her own or another creature's blood.


Blood Manipulation (3): She has the ability to control and manipulate the blood of others, which can be used both offensively and defensively.

- She can create a thick tentacle shaped manifestation out of spilt blood which can restrain an individual as well as perform slam attacks.

- Sanguis can also influence movement of an individual or cut off the flow of oxygen to the target's brain by slowing the blood flow to the brain.

- Sanguis can fashion weapons, such as blades or spears, from her own blood, making them lethal in combat. Weapons dissolve back into blood if anyone else touches them but her.

- Sanguis can drain the blood of others to replenish their own strength, potentially weakening and/or killing her victims. The side effect of this ability is enhanced bloodlust - the desire to drain more, leading to anger, irritation, tunnel vision and physical side effects such as dulled pallor and sunken eyes, red eyes.

Blood Regeneration (3) : She can rapidly regenerate wounds by manipulating their blood to heal injuries at an accelerated rate. Scarring, however, remains.


Hemokinetic Immunity: Sanguis' perfect immune system has evolved to such a degree that it can now manipulate and control blood in various ways. This condition affords her immunity to vampiric and mystical influences.

Blood Sense: She has an acute sense that allows them to detect the presence and condition of individuals based on the unique signature of their blood. The side effect of this is constant noise, as she can literally hear people's bloodstream so she has to wear specialized noise cancelling hearphones/plugs to manage.
Profession(s) Phlebotomist / pathologist.
Strengths & Weaknesses + Very creative and adept at putting imagination to use
+ Focused, meticulous, patient
+ Friendly person but often looks sad or serious
+ Quick learner
+ Very physically fit

- Can get addicted to using her abilities too much, which leads to loss of reason and single minded pursuit of blood
- At times if she has to use her powers and has no outside blood source to manipulate, she resorts to using her own, leading to cuts and scarring which leads to people mistaking her as a self-harm prone individual due to many scars on her forearms etc
- Has to wear noise cancelling earphones/earplugs to function as she can hear everyone's bloodstream
- Very arachnophobic due to having grown up in Australia
- While she wants to help fellow mutants, she is not really a people person
Ambitions Finding a measure of sanity in a world that usually treats her and other mutants like freaks and helping those who can't help themselves.
Hobbies & Interests Her primary interest is and has always been blood and how her abilities can influence it. Other than that, she is a self professed foodie, and loves to cook, especially exotic foods and recipes.
Mutant Mastery X-3

Origin Story Jade was born to Timothy and Grace in Saint Arnaud, in the state of Victoria, Australia. Saint Arnaud was a quaint, small place that was idyllic for young families. Safe, clean and surrounded by dry and rustic nature. Provided if said young family fit in.

Sadly, Jade was an odd child from early on, even before her mutations started manifesting. She had an interest in dissecting animals and insects and seeing how much blood there was in an animal's body. This, of course, was quickly noticed and the Farwynd family began facing pressure from neighbors and residents, to the point of them having to move.

First, they moved to Melbourne, the Capital of Victoria, where they lived for a few more years. Until Jade began exhibiting odd abilities. Healing big cuts and injuries, having an eerie knack for telling when people were sick. That is, at least, how those around her, including her parents saw it. Timothy and Grace kept explaining her 'gift' away but themselves refused to believe that their daughter was indeed different.

It wasn't until a year or so later, when Jade accidentally formed a knife made out of blood after she had accidentally cut her hand at home. Her father Timothy was home at the time and witnessed it and could no longer deny that...Jade was very different than kids her age.

So different that Australia likely was not the place for her. After talking with Grace, and finally making her see reason the Farwynds decided to move to the USA where there were more known cases of 'mutations'. Or at the very least more public cases. There she would be accepted, or so they believed.

They moved to the US in 1984 where Jade attended nursing school and did a pathology course in medical school to become a phlebotomist, before she moved to Houston, Texas where she began to work for the Anderson Cancer Center. She was working there when she first encountered Professor X who then hired her as nurse for the School For Gifted Youngsters/

Unknown history:

Jade descends from a family of monster hunters in a small south-eastern european country of Transia and is of eastern-european/romani descent, the family came into being around the time of the Vlad Dracula and had been involved in Monster hunting for centuries before the recent five generations decided to give up the family business and emigrate to Australia.

Originally the family name was Vantbun, or Fairwind - which was translated into English and dilluted over time and it became Farwynd.

Remus Vantbun, a Transian monster hunter in 1800, a mutant at the time himself, got bitten by a vampire but his mutation allowed him to stave off the effects of the turning, however he could never be rid of the bloodlust. He never hurt another human or mutant with the vampiric plague, however he did have a child at the time who seemed to have acquired it via blood and genome although the child's powers never manifested.

The child did have an uncanny sense of knowing who's a mutant and/or vampire and he, Dorian became a monster hunter too. In his later years, in the middle 19th century, Dorian decided to hang up his proverbial spurs and move to Van Dieman's land where he soon took a wife and settled and changed his name to better blend in with the locals. Thus Farwynd came to be.

With each generation a male Farwynd would be born with uncanny instincts, but showed no active abilities and the family slowly and deliberately forgot their ancestry, eventually believing themselves normal humans.

Until 1965, when Jade Farwynd was born.

Jade herself is a several generations removed genetic mutation of a mutant-vampire spawn in so far that she does not need blood to feed and survive, but has mastery over its usage and can be addicted to over-usage. When using her stronger abilities, elongated canines can become visible for a moment as an echo of distant heritage and she can look sunken, pale and rained with black bags under her eyes and visible veins, her eyes bloodshot red.
Past Exploits As a phlebotomist she developed somewhat of a reputation as the 'Blood Psychic' in the clinic she works at, often being the port of call for physicians to consult on their patient's illneses, especially blood related ones. This was due to her abilities to discern blood types and certain diseases that could be detected through blood.