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Sat Nov 19th, 2022 @ 6:53pm

Elizabeth Villar

Name Elizabeth Nicole Villar

Position Teammate

Character Information

Codename Myfanwy
Gender Female
Species Mutant
Age 14
Affiliations(s) None

Physical Appearance

Height 4'11
Weight 97 lbs
Hair Color Variable, Natural color unkown but expected to be brown.
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Myfanwy is very short, thin and rather plain. She is plagued with poor eyesight (must wear glasses or contacts, Anemia, and Thyroid failure (must take prescriptions), and must keep very caffeinated or tends to fall asleep easily. Her clothing is typically black, fellow students would brand her as an emo or goth girl. She has four piercings in left ear, three in right, one on left side of nose. Despite being Hispanic, her skin is very pale. Her hair is consistently changing color and would generally qualify as fried from too much bleach and poor care.


Spouse NA
Children NA
Father Oskar Villar (deceased)
Mother Maria VIllar (deceased)
Brother(s) Jorge Villar (deceased)
Tavo Villar (deceased)
Sister(s) Josephine Villar (deceased)
Lucille Villar (deceased)
Other Family None on record

Personality & Traits

General Overview Shy to newcomers, rather moody, often sarcastic.
-Outward Demeanor: Appears very dark, quiet and disinterested.
-Inward Nature: Protective, innocent, damaged.

Quirks: Heap of them. Changes mood rapidly. Tends to be bored. Scared of her own abilities. Is stronger, taller and more courageous in Astral form than physical.
Hates being called Elizabeth, goes only by Myfawny, named after a traditional Welsh folksong loved by her mother. Stands very strongly on her very minimal Welsh heritage despite looking more hispanic than anglo.

Religion/Beliefs: Catholic, fairly well developed faith.
Mutant Power(s) Mental Strengths: Astral Projection. Telekinesis can only be used at full strength when in physical form, while in astral form she must manifest to use half of its power. May move objects that can be held in her two hands easily, at half-power only objects easily held in one hand, or objects that slide easily.---

Astral Projection (2), Astral Form Shifting (1) = 3.

---Astral projection (Level 2), full mastery of prime plane manifesting. Can be astrally projected (invisible, intangible, and inaudible, but unable to affect anything, see's only astral layover of the world. Can stay in this form for 3 hours total), prime projected (translucent/ghostly, may converse and interact through speech, still intangible. Mixed vision of astral and prime worlds. Can stay in this form for two hours total), Prime manifested (Most solid astral form, though still glows with otherworldly aura. Can affect objects in the world with telekinesis at half-strength, partially affected by physical objects. Can stay in this form for one hour.

Profession(s) Student
Strengths & Weaknesses Mental Weaknesses: Shy, Easily Distracted, Daydreamer, Unstable Psyche, Stronger Alter-ego.

Myfanwy seeks escape from her normal life. She finds it through Astral travel. She feels her normal life is dull, depressing and horrible. Astrally she can go anywhere, see things most people never will. Her Astral form is distinctively more attractive, poised and confident than her normal self. Myfanwy prefers her Astral form to plain simple Elizabeth Villar.
Ambitions To find somewhere she belongs and call home.

Hobbies & Interests Drawing, collecting autographs, FANGIRL, hiking, Manga, going to the zoo

Likes: Techno Music, Fuzzy animals, internet friends, noodles
Dislikes: Conformity, School, mutants bent on global domination, sports.

She is skilled on computers and has friends she has met through the emerging internet that have taught her to hack into most connected systems and some bank encryption. She has the ability to gather funds if she needs them, even if most adults dont understand how she gets it.

Mutant Mastery X-1

Origin Story Elizabeth Villar was born into a lower middle class family in Tucson, Arizona. She had four siblings. Her father was a supervisor for a construction company, and worked nights as a security guard. what little time they did see him, he was angry and physically abusive, especially to his wife. Due to a strong desire to shield herself and escape, the trauma awoke latent astral and psychic abilities.

Elizabeth's parents and siblings were killed in a traffic accident when she was nine years old. They had been going on a family vacation on a rainy night. She was found asleep in a closet back at their home.

For the last five years she has been moved from foster to institutional care. She usually runs away. She is actually quite skilled at getting out of buildings and basic security measures.

A number of strange reports of a ghost girl wandering the highways west of Tucson, led investigators to discover Elizabeth, and learn of her powers. She was taken in by the Xavier School for Gifted Children in New York.
Past Exploits Myfanwy really hasnt had any notable exploits, at least not that anyone would know about. She projects her astral form as much as she can. In part due to her physical condition, she can drop into deep sleep very quickly, and randomly. She has traveled much of the world as she is unbound by limits of time and distance in her astral form. This habit gives her interesting insights about life and the world that make little sense coming from the frail diminutive girl most people see.