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Selene Gallio

Name Selene Gallio

Position Black Queen

Character Information

Codename Black Queen
Gender Female
Species Mutant
Affiliations(s) Hellfire Club

Physical Appearance

Height 5′10″ (1.78 m)
Weight 130 lbs (58.97 kg)
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue (Red when using power)
Physical Description Selene has a sharp, angular face, with high cheekbones that give her a regal, almost otherworldly look. Her eyes are a piercing shade of blue, which stand out against her pale, flawless skin. Her brows are well-defined, giving her a look of intensity and determination. Her lips are full, often set in a serious or contemplative expression. Her hair is long, jet-black, and typically straight. Selene is tall and slender, with a toned, athletic build. Her complexion is very pale, almost porcelain-like, which contrasts dramatically with her dark hair and attire, adding to her ghostly, deathly allure.

Selene typically wears dark, gothic-inspired clothing, primarily in black. Her outfits are practical, yet they maintain an air of elegance and strength. Overall, Selene’s physical appearance is meant to evoke the deadly beauty and deadly grace, with a combination of striking features, intense eyes, and a commanding presence.


Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview The long-standing Black Queen of the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle, Selene Gallio professes to have lived for several millennia, and to have been a foe of the ancient sorcerer, Kulan Gath. In past ages, she was renowned as a sorceress whose power was feared and respected by other magic users. She eventually came to live in the ancient Roman Republic. At some point, Selene established herself as the Goddess of the Moon of Arthurian legend. Perceived by various sources as being a powerful sorceress, Selene is actually one of the long-lived mutants known as the Externals, possibly the oldest. Over the millennia, her worshippers grew into a world-wide cult.
Mutant Power(s) Life-Force Absorption
Psychic Vampire
Shadow Manipulation
Strengths & Weaknesses
Ambitions Selene remains extremely ambitious and deceitful, and should always be approached with caution.
Hobbies & Interests
Mutant Mastery X-5

Origin Story
Past Exploits