
Mutant Registration Act

Posted on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 @ 12:23am by Charles Xavier
Edited on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 @ 12:27am

The assassination of Senator Robert Kelly has expedited the Mutant Registration Act which President Richardson is expected to sign. Kelly's public murder has sparked widespread fear and outrage, driving the public to demand stricter regulations against mutants. This sentiment has pressured political figures to support the Act, leaving mutants with limited options as they brace for the impending legislation.

Anti-mutant activists, particularly the Friends of Humanity, have intensified their protests nationwide. Senator Peter Krane, a new ally of this group, sponsored the Act in the Senate, where it passed with a 3 to 1 vote. Senator Frank Stone of New Jersey was the only dissenting voice. In the House, Congressman Graydon Creed, founder of the Friends of Humanity, led the bill, which passed by a closer margin of 2 to 1, with many abstentions.

The Senate sent the bill to the House in mid-September, and it was passed by the end of the month. Key figures in the executive branch now include Mutant Response Division Chief Haskett, National Security Advisor Gyrich, and Unified Command Coordinator Colonel Moss, all poised for action once the President makes his decision which every expert predicts to be signing the Act into law.

In response, X-Factor has organized a conference to unite mutants and superhumans, aiming to discuss and plan their next steps. Chief among the threats is the resumption of Sentinel production by unknown parties. The involvement of the private sector to a much greater degree than the original Project Wideawake is very alarming due to the profiteering aspect of mutant rights violations. As the government escalates its stance against mutants into systemic oppression, the mutant and allied community must band together to avoid potential genocide.



Category: General News
