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Mon Sep 9th, 2024 @ 6:45pm

Theodore (Theo) Winters

Name Theodore (Theo) Alexander Winters

Character Information

Codename Nightshade
Gender Male
Species Mutant
Age 15

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 130
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Theo is a little on the short side for his age but only slightly and he may well have another growth spurt in him. He has the lithe sinewy build like that of a swimmer or dancer. He doesn't exactly have a six-pack but he has a strong core and it's clear he takes care of himself.

He has brown hair that is almost always unruly. His eyes are a warm carob brown that reflects the light and he has a smattering of freckles that he may or may not outgrow.

Theo is bi-racial His father is black and his mother is white. His skin is mocha-colored, giving him an exotic look. Most people can see that he isn't 100% white, but without knowing his history, not everyone can determine what races his parents are.


Spouse None
Children None
Father Philip
Mother Abigal
Brother(s) Reggie 21 Shane 12
Sister(s) Lucy 5
Other Family Various uncles, aunts and cousins

Personality & Traits

General Overview Theodore doesn’t go by his full given name, he doesn’t like it at all. He likes Teddy even less. He is okay with Theo though. He tends to leap before he thinks and fix his mistakes along the way rather than sit idly by and wait for things to happen, or come up with contingency plans and escape clauses.

He’s a bit of a risk taker, diving right into the middle of a situation, often becoming the eye of the hurricane.

He has his a moral compass, which mostly points to True North, but he doesn’t follow the rules very well.

He has a unique ability to notice the smallest changes—facial expression, body language, a new clothing style, etc.

He doesn’t hesitate to call those things out, or if the shift in facial expression or body language causes him to think a person is lying, he won’t hesitate to let them know, unless he’s trying to be deceptive as well and get them to expose more things.

He is full of passion and energy.

He isn't entirely comfortable in his own skin which makes him something of an introvert at least in one-on-one situations Getting up on stage on the other hand and performing a play, isn't a burden, he enjoys it. The same goes, to a lesser extent when it comes to singing.

He isn't always the smartest person in the room, but he is seldom the dullest either and he can hold his own in a battle of wits.
Mutant Power(s) Theo or Nightshade's powers derive from his connection and control(or in some cases lack thereof)of the interdimensional dark matter or energy in four ways. First, in drawing on a small amount of the energy residing inside his mutated DNA he can blur himself. He's not invisible, except when he is in deep darkness, and he can be spotted by someone who relies on other senses. It just makes him harder to sport or target. He has the most control and practice with this power of all his powers. (3)

Taking the blur to its next level is his second ability, which is full-on invisibility. This is great for sneaking in or out of someplace or escaping but if he attacks with one of his other powers he becomes visible again. The best way to describe this ability is dark matter surrounds him so he is invisible to sight and it is more difficult for him to be spotted with other senses, especially if he's not being directly targeted or looked for. (2)

He can teleport anywhere within 60 feet of himself. Anything he's carrying or wearing goes with him, but he can't teleport anything living(though that will change later. He can teleport through walls and other objects if he knows or is familiar with what is on the other side of the obstacle. That range is doubled if he's teleporting in or out of shadow. (2)

His final and most powerful ability is the one that he has the least control of. He releases some of the dark matter that builds up in him. He needs to do this every three or four hours(it happens naturally while he is sleeping)or the release becomes involuntary and a detonation. Those voluntary releases are the equivalent of static electricity. They are harmless and at best act as a means of distraction to turn the attention of someone away from someone or something else and on him instead. (1)

He can release a larger amount of dark matter which detonates around him. First, it teleports an intended target within 30 feet of him, to his maximum 60 feet range in a random direction. Second, it drains energy out of the target. Except under rare circumstances it doesn't do physical damage it can knock someone, especially normal people out.

Eventually, he'll be able to direct the direction of the target in a direction he wants and increase the power of the drain on the person (or creature).

He is always immune from the effects of a detonation and when he voluntarily creates a detonation he can target anyone within range.

However, he is still learning to control his power. If an involuntary detonation occurs, which can happen either through his not releasing the static charge level in a consistent matter or he is hit with a strong emotion like fear or anger, anyone friend or foe is affected. If it is an especially strong emotion the range of the teleport can be doubled and actual physical damage can occur.

Profession(s) He's a little young to have a profession but enjoys creative writing.
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths
Bold – He is full of life and energy. There is no greater joy for him than pushing boundaries and discovering and using new things and ideas.

Rational and Practical – He loves knowledge and philosophy, but not for their own sake. What’s fun for him is finding ideas that are actionable and drilling into the details so he can put them to use. If a discussion is completely arbitrary, there are better uses for his time.

Original – Combining his boldness and practicality, He loves to experiment with new ideas and solutions. He puts things together in ways no one else would think to.

Perceptive – This originality is helped by Theo’s ability to notice when things change – and when they need to change! Small shifts in habits and appearances stick out to him, and he uses these observations to help create connections with others.

Direct – This perceptive skill isn’t used for mind games – He prefers to communicate clearly, with direct and factual questions and answers. Things are what they are.

Sociable – All these qualities pull together to make him a natural group leader. This isn’t something that he actively seeks – he just has a knack for making excellent use of social interactions and networking opportunities.
He has virtually no fear of heights. Leap from one third-story roof to another? No problem. Walk that tightrope across the chasm, just make sure the rope is secure.

Impatient – He moves at his own pace to keep himself excited. Slowing down because someone else “doesn’t get it” or having to stay focused on a single detail for too long is extremely challenging for the rogue..

Risk-prone – This impatience can lead him to push into uncharted territory without thinking of the long-term consequences. He sometimes intentionally combats boredom with extra risk.

Unstructured – He sees an opportunity – to fix a problem, to advance, to have fun – and seize the moment, often ignoring rules and social expectations in the process. This may get things done, but it can create unexpected social fallout.

May Miss the Bigger Picture – Living in the moment can cause him to miss the forest for the trees. He loves to solve problems here and now, perhaps too much. All parts of a project can be perfect, but the project will still fail if those parts do not fit together.

Defiant – He won’t be boxed in. Repetition, hardline rules, sitting quietly while he is lectured at – this isn’t how he lives his life. He is action-oriented and hands-on. Entry-level work can be so tedious that it’s intolerable, requiring extraordinary effort from him to stay focused long enough to get to freer positions.

Heights may hold no fear for him, but tightly confined spaces, especially if he is alone, cause fear, and anxiety and if it’s really tight or he’s in that position for a while, it can cause him to panic.

Ambitions Theo would like to put the genie back in the bottle and give his powers back to whoever gave them to him Baring that he would at least like to control them better.

He's rather young for any romantic relationship but he thinks he's into girls. Mostly anyway.

Professionally he wants to be a writer.
Hobbies & Interests He likes strategy games like Chess and Go, even Risk and he loves to go to the arcade. He has good hand-eye coordination He has also started taking flying lessons. He loves acting and he can carry a tune, but he probably won't win first place in a talent show with his singing. If given the opportunity he'd make a good debator.
Mutant Mastery X-2

Origin Story Theo was born in Chicago in a rather sketchy city area at West 14th Street and South Halstead. He lived there for the first eight years of his life, and while his home life was no picnic, it wasn't that bad. His father was a firefighter and his mother was a secretary at a nearby Ford dealership. They weren't rich, but they were better off than many kids in the neighborhood.

Some people thought the family thought too highly of themselves even though they didn't. The parents were a bit standoffish, but that was more because they preferred their privacy. Nevertheless, that was the perception of many in the neighborhood and the kids suffered because of it. This was especially true for Theo, compounded by his name, and even though he was one of the oldest of the siblings he was also one of the youngest.

The fact that he has a temper certainly didn't help matters either.

Shortly before he was to turn nine, his father got a promotion, allowing them to move to the Arlington Heights suburb. Things were much better there. At first. Then his father started drinking and drinking a lot. This turned the once mostly happy home into a volatile mind field. Theo was afraid to bring friends home because he never knew when his dad would be pleasantly drunk and make lewd jokes, or an angry drunk, or give into a fit of rage by yelling and screaming. About the only thing he could count on was that his father would be drunk, or away from home at the firehouse.

It was a very difficult time for the whole family, but especially an impressible pre-teen like Theo.

During that time, his mother had found solace in watching numerous tele-evangelists Theo was skeptical at best, when it came to the preachers she watched. It wasn't that he was an atheist, or anti-religious. He felt safe and got a lot out of the small Lutheran church they had attended since he was baptized.

He just lumped all into the same charlatan category, except for William Stryker who he saw not only as a charlatan but as a dangerous bigot hiding behind religion

Things began to change when Theo turned 12. His parents went to a Stryker revival meeting and dragged the whole family along with them. Theo was the only one in his family that wasn't impressed. They started to go to more and more meetings and after a month or so Phillip had a conversion experience.

Theo had some reservations but despite those things began to change for the better. At first. Philip gave up drinking and started caring about his family. He was getting his life together. Then he lost his job due to indiscretions in the past. But not to fear, Stryker offered Theo's father a job in security since he'd been an MP when he was in the Marines.

That's when things went from bad to worse. Over the next few years, the Winter's family bought into everything Stryker was teaching, except for Theo

In the meantime, puberty hit and Theo began the process of going from boy to man (it's a process he is still going through) Most boys his age were thinking of girls and getting a girlfriend, but Theo seldom thought about those things. He isn't attracted to other guys. At least he doesn't think so. It was just that he was indifferent to sex altogether. He is more into relationships, emotional rather than physical intimacy. At least up to this point.

Stryker preached a lot of messages about how women were not to be pastors, seen but not heard. How being gay was an abomination. The only thing worse was mutants. Theo's uncle, his mother's brother, was gay. He wasn't creepy and he and Theo got along well with him

When he was thirteen the hormones began to kick in. One night about a month before he turned fourteen, Theo was hiding from his family because he didn't want to go to another meeting, and his power kicked in. They went on without him. Such displays kept happening to him and he knew he was in trouble. He was a mutant and he wasn't straight, not into girls or guys.

His parents eventually found out and he had to run away.
Past Exploits