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Mon Feb 17th, 2025 @ 5:27pm

Maeve MacKenna

Name Maeve MacKenna

Position Teammate

Second Position Senior Classman

Character Information

Codename Morrigan
Gender Female
Species Mutant
Age 18

Physical Appearance

Height 5' 5"
Weight 135 lbs
Hair Color Auburn
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Maeve is quite small in stature with a slim athletic build. Her face has quite soft features and her eyes shine like pools of clear blue water. Her hair is a light brown colour but at times can appear red depending on the light.


Father Liam MacKenna
Mother Aoife MacKenna
Sister(s) Amelia MacKenna
Saoirse MacKenna
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Maeve has always been a quite confident and open person. She has a strong sense of right and wrong and will stand up for those in need. Even though she was the youngest in her family she always felt a little different, set apart from her sisters and more like her mother.

Recently her confidence has taken a knock and she feels a little more apprehensive about being in large groups. She feels at times she could lose control and isn't on top of her emotions since her mothers passing.
Mutant Power(s) Earth Manipulation (2): Maeve can create, shape and manipulate earth and "earthen" elements including most solid objects, specifically all minerals and mineral compositions regardless of their state (mountain, boulder, sand or dust), dirt, soil, etc. More advanced users can manipulate metals such as iron, copper and titanium.

Offensive uses of this power include extracting huge boulders from the ground and hurling it at the enemy at high speeds, impaling the enemy with countless spikes from the earth and in some cases creating giant golems or other creatures from earth and utilising them for combat.

Defensive powers include shaping huge walls or barriers from the ground, creating an omni-directional wave of rocks/stone around the user to defend from all attacks and covering oneself with armour made from earth. Supplementary uses of this power include flight by standing on a piece of levitating earth and enhanced movement by skating on the earth and gaining enhanced senses from sensing the earth.
Profession(s) Former Student
Strengths & Weaknesses + Loyal to those she befriends.
+ Has a bit of a morbid but amusing outlook on life.
+ High intelligence.
+ Attunement to the world around her.

- Her power can take a lot of concentration and sometimes she is left open to harm.
- Right now, is still learning how to control her abilities.
- Over the past 2 years has seen an ugly side to Humans and distrusts them, fears them.
Ambitions To attempt to learn how to control her powers more, and explore different aspects of them.
Possibly reconnect with his family on Achill Island.
Hobbies & Interests She likes gardening and taking care of the environment any way she can. Enjoys reading as she has done so from an early stage due to her upbringing.
Mutant Mastery X-2

Origin Story Maeve was born in Keel on Achill Island just off the west coast of Ireland.

Her mother was a spiritual woman, a leader in the community and held her own church on the island following the faith that had served them all for generations. She had met her father whilst on a pilgrimage of sorts to the mainland, when she set eyes on him on the Irish coast it was never in any doubt how it would end.

They both had a great love, one that swelled in the presence of others, one that was blessed enough to have 3 daughters come from it. Maeve being the youngest.

Their family was very much matriarchal. The women of the families in their community always seemed to take the lead on things and there was an air of mystery and mysticism on their island. Words like ‘coven’ and ‘witches’ were thrown about when those from the mainland would visit, and even some on the island itself that were not native kept their distance.

They didn’t pray to ‘God’, but to the Goddess Danu, mother of the earth and prosperity. Not a lot is known of the Goddess per say but more of her ‘children’ the Tuatha Dé Danann, or Tuath Dé from earlier texts. The Tuath Dé are often depicted as kings, queens, druids, bards, warriors, heroes, healers and craftsmen who have supernatural powers. They dwell in the Otherworld but interact with humans and the human world. It had been said the veil was always a little thinner on Achill Island and her family had been there for generations.

Being the leader of their people, their community, Maeve’s mother, Aoife was a large figure and respected in their village of Keel, and around Achill Island. There was almost a shamanistic feel to their home, a live off the land and give back to it mentality.

Given that Maeve and her sisters didn’t have a television, there was no phone in the house but plenty of books and things to spark the imagination. Sometimes her imagination would prove too overactive as she was sure she had seen villagers, or more so the village elders, with strange abilities she could not quite understand.

When Maeve would ask her mother what was going on she would give a cryptic answer that the spirits give blessings to those that honour them with offerings from the land they live on. That the Goddess gives them strength and the power to keep their loved ones safe.

As Maeve grew older she began to understand a bit more and things were explained to her. That some people have special abilities granted to them by the Goddess and that the practice of witchcraft had been ever present on Achill Island for centuries. This was why they had set up there, their ancestors had felt the thinning of the veil and it put them in contact with the Tuath Dé. To those on the mainland they were called witches, or Cailleach by those still using the old tongue.

On her 15th birthday tragedy struck and her mother died. An apparent rockslide has swept her into the sea whilst she was bringing back supplies from a neighbouring village. There was a festival being set up to honour the Tuath Dé and Danu. Instead this became a festival of tribute to them and remembrance to her mother, Aoife.

The weeks after Aoife’s death Maeve began to notice strange things going on. When she was angry the ground would sometimes shake, she felt a strange draw to the earth around her. At times she believed she even saw the ground shift around her when strong emotions rose.

It was then that some of the elders, her father too, took her aside and told her she had been blessed with her mothers power. This power, to manipulate the earth, was her mothers and further proof of her passing but also a blessing from Danu. That his blessing had been passed down their family line for generations and that she was now the one who would hold such a privileged position.

Not quite what she wanted to hear at such a young age she panicked and ran away from Keel, from Achill and even away from Ireland all together. She reached mainland Great Britain for a while but found that prejudice against the Irish rife and that she was unwanted there. During all that time she was still coming to terms with this apparent ability she’d inherited from her mother whilst at the same time sure she could hear whispers of people trying to reach her, of a closer connection to the Earth as a whole that she didn’t quite understand.

She practised her ability when she could, tried to make sense of it but as she was homeless she and a minor ended up being picked up by British social services and as she refused to tell them who she was or where she’d come from was put in a foster home until they could find her origins. Hearing her Irish accent they reached out to their Irish counterparts and mostly got radio silence, also there was the fact that she was from a small island that most didn’t venture off of. Her birth records held there made finding her true identity futile. All she told them was that her name was Maeve.

She found her time in the home difficult. England was not what it sounded like in the books she read, nor was it an entirely friendly place to children let alone Irish children with noone to lean on. She ran away often only to be brought back with a bruise or two more than she had when she left.

Eventually Maeve ended up meeting a much older man by the name of Artur. He promised her a better life in America, the idea of the American dream. She didn’t have to pay much and he whisked her off on a boat across the Atlantic. However, during the trip she noticed other girls of a similar age, scared and broken looking. When she questioned what was going on she was beaten, when protecting others she was starved. She felt that same rage that used to make the ground shake but nothing happened… her power must be too weak and over the water not strong enough to help.

When she reached the shores of the United States they began to throw the girls into the backs of vans but she resisted. After a sucker punch to the stomach she felt a swell of anger and fear she’d never felt before and the ground shook. Her eyes turned black and small pebbles began to float nearby her. This caused all of the men to abandon their vehicles, their jobs in rounding up the others and focus on her. Fortunately this allowed the others to escape, and quickly.

As Maeve breathed heavily, the effort alone of her powers causing a drain, one man came at her. Snapping her head towards him and raising her hand in defence a small pebble shot towards him and through his eye. He fell to the ground with a thump as the others looked on in disbelief.

Seconds passed before they snapped back to attention and decided if they all charged at Maeve they’d stop her. They were wrong. In total fear for her life she screamed and the dock tore apart around her. Spikes formed and speared some of the men whilst others ran but only got so far before the ground half swallowed them up leaving only their torsos and above on show.

Collapsing to the ground she heard the quiet of the night fill her ears, then a small whisper of ‘well done’ in her ears. Looking up, and rising from her knees, she fled the scene.

There were reports of it in the news, “another dangerous display of mutant capability” a headline in one of New York’s papers.

Maeve was on her own again, 17 and nowhere to go and stuck in a strange land full of dangers and dark corners.

She had heard talk of a place where people with strange abilities were welcomed. It seemed like a pipe dream but all the same it was better than being taken advantage of in the streets of New York, or worse, being found out as someone different and to be preyed upon.

This Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters sounded like the right direction to go.
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