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Mon Feb 17th, 2025 @ 5:27pm

Kurt Wagner

Name Kurt Wagner

Position Faculty Member

Character Information

Codename Nightcrawler
Gender Male
Species Human Mutant
Age 24
Affiliations(s) St. Francis's Monastery (Winzeldorf, Germany), Herr Getmann's Traveling Menagerie

Physical Appearance

Height 5′9″ (1.75 m)
Weight 161 lbs (73.03 kg)
Hair Color Indigo
Eye Color Yellow (no irises)
Physical Description Kurt's hands have only three enlarged digits, including an opposable thumb. He also has only 2 toes on each foot, each longer than an ordinary human's. He has a prehensile tail approximately 1 meter in length which could support his own weight, ending in a spade-shaped tip. He has pointed ears, pronounced fang-like canine teeth, and a thin coat of indigo fur along his limbs and torso. His spine is more flexible than an ordinary human being which allows for frequent crouching and contortionist movements without damaging his body.


Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview
Mutant Power(s) Teleportation (4): Ability to teleport himself, the clothes he is wearing, and within limits a certain amount of additional mass which is in contact with him. He teleports by displacing himself into an unknown dimension, traveling through it, and then returning to his own dimension at a certain distance from his point of departure. He consciously determines his point of return. The entire process occurs so quickly that Nightcrawler is unaware of being in the other dimension.
Profession(s) Acrobat
Franciscan monk
Strengths & Weaknesses Flexible Bone Structure: Nightcrawler's bone structure allows him great flexibility. He can remain in a crouched position for a long time and perform contortionist type feats without causing any damage to his spine.

Camouflage: He has limited abilities to blend into shadows, both as a result of his indigo fur and his connection to the light-bending attributes of the dimension through which he teleports. This is also the explanation for why he constantly appears in shadow, even in direct light.

Prehensile Tail: Nightcrawler has a tail allows him to grab onto objects with relative ease. His tail is strong enough to not only support his body weight but also lift an adult man completely off the ground. It is deft enough to fight with like a sword or blunt object.

Night Vision: Nightcrawler's always glowing eyes grant him a marked degree of heightened night vision as well.

Superhuman Agility: Nightcrawler's agility, balance, and bodily coordination are enhanced to levels beyond the human body's natural limits.

Superhuman Reflexes: Nightcrawler's natural reaction time is enhanced to a level beyond the human body's natural limits.
Hobbies & Interests
Mutant Mastery X-4

Origin Story Left as a foundling in a Franciscan monastery near Winzeldorf, Germany, Kurt Wagner grew up with a friar's training before he ran away to the circus in adolescence. After spending several years being trained by a master acrobat and finding and then losing true love, he returned to the monastery with a keen interest in lost knowledge and forbidden texts. Most recently, he has been searching the globe for his long lost love and has allied with X-Factor and the X-Men to achieve this end.
Past Exploits