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Thu Feb 20th, 2025 @ 2:34am

Jennifer Bryant

Name Jennifer Marie Bryant

Position Teammate

Second Position Senior Classman

Character Information

Codename Dynamo
Gender Female
Species Human Mutant
Age 18
Affiliations(s) X-Men

Physical Appearance

Height 5'1"
Weight 125 lbs.
Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Jennifer is a pretty young woman whose hair is naturally dark and curly, though she sometimes wears it straight or in strange colors. Beacon loves bright colors and is not above seeking attention. She is quite physically fit. Her dark eyes are intense and inquisitive. She has full lips and a round face with a strong jaw. There is a bounce in her step.


Spouse None
Children None
Father John Bryant: Police officer
Mother Margaret Bryant: Beautician
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) Patience Bryant: Veterinarian
Other Family Andrew Woodard: Maternal cousin, construction worker, Purifier

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jennifer generally has an outgoing and bubbly personality. She is highly social and tries to be friendly to everyone. However, she can be sensitive, maybe too much so. Trust does not come easily to her and she keenly feels the world's hate and fear. She is generally a compassionate and caring person but her insecurities can definitely get to her in ways that keep her from showing it.

Jennifer is a natural performer, however. All the doubts and fears that plague her seem to fade away when she is "on," whether it be cheerleading at her old school, singing Christmas carols on campus, or summoning lightning from the sky.
Mutant Power(s) Electrokinesis 2: The user can draw electricity into her body and discharge it by touch or over distances. She can control the strength of the blast to shock, destroy, or even generate power. She is capable of electrokinetic flight. The user's body can generate electricity but, for larger or quicker charges, she can draw it in from outside sources, including from storm systems, even those not actively producing lightning. This creates a stunning visual effect from which Dynamo gets her codename. At levels 1-2, the user cannot fully control the shocks generated by her body and must wear insulation when carrying a significant charge, which is not all the time. The user also has great difficulty drawing electricity through any nonconductive material. At levels 3-4, the user can theoretically overcome these difficulties and make use of electroreception, becoming hyperaware of her surroundings by generating electric fields and detecting disruptions in them. At level 5, the user can control the flow of electricity to and from devices, turning them on or off and, if she understands their workings well enough, even operating them at a distance. At level 6, should it ever be attained, the user can theoretically control electric fields and all charge carriers, including those in the nervous systems of human beings.
Profession(s) Student
Strengths & Weaknesses Strengths:
+Physically fit

Ambitions To be accepted
Hobbies & Interests Cheerleading, choir, gymnastics, reading, swimming, movies
Mutant Mastery X-2

Origin Story Jennifer was born on August 29th, 1972, in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Mutant issues were far from her mind growing up, but she did know something of prejudice, being the daughter of an interracial couple and of one of the then relatively few Black officers in the Halifax police. Jennifer was a driven young woman, socially, academically and otherwise. As a young girl, she did choir and gymnastics.

Jennifer went on her first date in the eighth grade with a boy named Charles Parriott. They went on a few more dates and she was almost his first kiss. Instead, she gave him a huge shock as her power first manifested. He wasn't seriously or permanently injured. They never spoke again but he didn't spill her secret, mostly because he didn't want anyone knowing he'd dated a mutant.

In high school, she became a cheerleader. By sophomore year, she was one of those popular girls who are the villain in every television show and movie. She was never mean but she did enjoy. But she was never secure. She always doubted what people said behind her back. She doubted who she could really trust. She did, of course, have quite a secret. She was working on honing her powers. She wanted to avoid accidentally hurting anyone and she also found she could do useful things. For example, she could jumpstart her own car with a touch and create a spark if she was lost in the dark. She was always safe in a thunderstorm. By junior year, she even found she take to the sky, drawn by electric fields, and draw lightning towards her. She couldn't help loving the effect. She drove out to the middle of nowhere to practice. She assumed no one would see.
Past Exploits It was her cousin Andrew Woodard who first became aware of her power. He had never liked her much anyway and he hated mutants. He had become suspicious on a visit, when he thought he saw something out of the corner of his eye. He sure didn't want THAT in the family. He and his Purifier friends had kept tabs on her and they had indeed seen her in the sky out in the country. They had come for her the next night, wrapping her in rubber and hauling her to one of their homes. She was beaten and berated and told she would be turned. It was like that for three days and three nights before she had managed to get loose enough to use her powers. It was the first time she had intentionally used them to harm anyone. None of them had died, although she wouldn't minded if they had. However, there were burns and scars to go around. When she got home, her parents were concerned for her but also embarrassed. Her father couldn't be seen to have a mutant daughter. He was law enforcement. He had made discrete inquiries and sent her off to do her senior year at Xavier's.