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Sat Mar 1st, 2025 @ 5:32pm

Sarah Mitchell

Name Sarah Mitchell

Position Teammate

Character Information

Codename Echo
Gender Female
Species Mutant
Age 16
Affiliations(s) Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters, X-Men

Physical Appearance

Height 5'4"
Weight 115 lbs
Hair Color Ginger
Eye Color Green
Physical Description A Teenage girl with vibrant copper-red hair that falls in gentle waves to her shoulders, pale skin dotted with freckles across her nose and cheeks. She has vibrant Emerald eyes and an athletic frame (5'4"). She Usually wears comfortable, modest clothing like an oversized sweater or hoodie, often in earthen tones or pastels, paired with jeans or skirts. She tends to wear a silver music note necklace as a reminder of her past love for singing.


Father Andrew Mitchell
Mother Gloria Mitchell
Other Family

Personality & Traits

General Overview Naturally shy and reserved, but not by choice. Despite her current quietness, she has a warm and creative soul. She's determined, resilient, and deeply empathetic. Sarah is a diligent student who communicates through whispers, written notes, and increasingly through sign language. She has a dry sense of humor that shows through in her written communications.
Mutant Power(s) Sonic Scream (2): Users can emit/produce/generate an extremely powerful scream/shriek of high amplitude for a variety of purposes from their vocal cords and mouth, typically for offensive purposes, like causing destruction. The attack usually manifests as a destructive stream or a destructive wave of sonic energy and can only destroy anything in front of the user unless they turn around, moving the scream in the process. Normally whenever the user screams, it requires them to be extremely loud and have a perfect aim. Once the user starts, they can't stop until all the energy is released. The user can also direct their screams over large distances, though the power of the scream dissipates over distance.

Depending on the skill of the user, the attack can severely vibrate many materials, causing them to shatter or disintegrate, repel targets with immense air pressure, or disorient, injure, or even outright kill any organic target by fatally rupturing their internal organs.
Profession(s) Student
Strengths & Weaknesses + Intelligent
+ Musically inclined
+ Empathetic
+ Has a dry sense of humor

- Fear of her powers cause her to speak barely above a whisper.
- she is still learning how to control her abilities.
Ambitions To learn how to control her powers and to explore the different aspects of them. Maybe, one day, preform on stage on London's westend or New York's Broadway.
Hobbies & Interests Sarah has a strong love of musical theatre and all things musical. She knows all the songs from several musicals like Les Miserable and Phantom of the Opera.
Mutant Mastery X-2

Origin Story Growing up in Melbourne, Australia, Sarah was always involved in musical theater and choir, both outside and within school, dreaming of a career on stage. During a high school production of Les Misérables, while performing "I Dreamed a Dream" as Fantine, her feelings of nervousness caused her powers to manifest unexpectedly. The sonic blast shattered all the windows in the auditorium and even caused a few minor injuries to several of the audience members. Traumatized by the incident, Sarah stopped speaking above a whisper and completely withdrew from her social life, choosing instead to isolate herself in the school library whenever she was at school and would remain locked up in her room while at home. Concerned for her mental health, Sarah’s parents sought out help from several speech therapists and psychologists, but due to Australia’s mutant laws, none of them would take her on as a patient. Eventually, one of the psychiatrists connected the family with Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters in the United States, where she now studies while learning to control her powers.
Past Exploits