Mutant Registration Act

Created by Charles Xavier on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 9:42pm


Calls to register mutants began in earnest during the 1970s. Project Wideawake was commissioned in expectation of mutant apartheid. After the Master Mold debacle, only the Friends of Humanity, the Purifiers, and other extremist groups continued their support.

Upon the assassination of Senator Robert Kelly in August of 1990, those calls were renewed with a vengeance. In addition to the national shock and outrage of a presidential frontrunner being gunned down by a "ballistically impossible gunshot," the geomagnetic storms which swept the planet and wreaked havoc with everything from telecommunications to public transport placed the blame squarely on Magneto who made no effort to deny credit.

Given these incriminating facts, even the staunchest mutant rights advocates were left without leg to stand on to combat the massive surge in antimutant hysteria. By the time the X-Men put an end to the geomagnetic storms emanating from an ancient structure in the Savage Land, it was too little and too late. The Mutant Registration Act had been passed.

Text of the Bill


SB 1075


The purpose of this Act is to establish a system for the registration and monitoring of individuals possessing mutant abilities, herein referred to as "mutants" for the purpose of national security and public safety.

Section 1: Registration Requirement

All individuals identified as mutants, as defined by Section 3 of this Act, are required to register with the Mutant Registration Authority(MRA) within thirty (30) days of discovery or manifestation of their mutant abilities, or upon reaching the age of majority, whichever comes first.

Registration shall include the provision of biographical information, a description of mutant abilities, and any other pertinent details as required by the MRA.

Failure to register as a mutant shall constitute a violation of this Act and may result in penalties as outlined in Section 4.

Section 2: Definition of Mutant

For the purpose of this Act, a mutant is defined as any individual possessing genetic mutations that grant them superhuman abilities, including but not limited to enhanced strength, speed, durability, agility, telepathy, telekinesis, energy projection, shape-shifting, or other extraordinary powers not naturally occurring in the general population.

Section 3: Enforcement and Penalties

The MRA shall be responsible for the enforcement of this Act and shall have the authority to investigate and prosecute violations.

Any individual found to be in violation of the registration requirement shall be subject to fines, imprisonment, or other appropriate penalties as determined by the MRA. The MRA may take necessary measures to ensure compliance with this Act, including but not limited to surveillance, monitoring, and detainment of unregistered mutants.

Any attempt to evade registration or provide false information to the MRA shall be considered a separate offense and may result in additional penalties.

Section 4: Privacy and Confidentiality

Information provided during the registration process shall be kept confidential and used solely for the purposes outlined in this Act.

The MRA shall implement measures to safeguard the privacy and rights of registered mutants, including protection against discrimination or persecution based on mutant status.

Section 5: Oversight and Review

The implementation and enforcement of this Act shall be subject to regular oversight and review by appropriate governmental bodies to ensure compliance with legal standards and protection of civil liberties.

Amendments or revisions to this Act may be made as necessary through legislative processes.

Section 6: Severability

If any provision of this Act is found to be unconstitutional or otherwise invalid, such provision shall be severed from the remainder of the Act, and the remaining provisions shall remain in full force and effect.

Section 7: Effective Date

This Act shall take effect ninety (90) days after its passage into law.

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