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Pillow Talk

Posted on Mon Nov 20th, 2023 @ 4:56pm by Scott Summers & Aurora Summers

Mission: Episode 3: X-Tra Ecclesiam
Location: Scott’s Quarters
Timeline: August 17th, 1990

Aurora lay cuddled up in Scott’s arms, time together was still a tricky proposition as she couldn’t let anyone see her coming and going although her mental training from Xavier came in useful in that sense.

“I have a confession to make.” Her fingers trailed gently back and forth across his chest. “I told Connor I’m pregnant. He knows it’s a secret and he’s promised me he won’t say anything.”

The euphoria of becoming one in body and soul hadn't worn off yet for Scott. While Aurora was certainly beautiful, that wasn't what hooked him, not really. It was the way she bypassed his hardened exterior and nursed the wound deep inside. When their minds joined together in the throes of passion, it was like she took him to another place and together they would enjoy a few moments of heaven on earth, free from pain, fear, and all other concerns.

"Huh. That figures," Scott said, still coming down from Cloud 9. "Maybe he already did. Earlier today Bliss made some pretty terrible accusations against me and you. I think it was in retaliation for what I'd just said to her." Did he really want to go into all of this right now? He might not have a choice. "Turns out she is the reason Connor wanted the alcohol. They found another one, probably something Bobby snuck in way back when, and apparently had a good time together."

“He hadn’t better have! He promised me he wouldn’t tell. We made a deal that I keep his secret and he keeps mine.” She sighed. “Is anyone ever going to be on our side!?”

"Well, when did you tell him?" Scott asked, already regretting that he'd shared that detail. "It's not like Connor to lie or break promises. Bliss and I had our little chat right after everyone got their uniforms. I took her to the hangar to ensure we had total privacy and then warned her Connor is not her plaything. She got angry and deflected with all sorts of vitriol. I don't know how much of it to believe and how much she made up on the spot, but she knew something or at least strongly suspected it enough to throw it in my face."

“I told Connor right after I gave him his bottle of alcohol, he took me to where he keeps his stash and most likely where he and Bliss hang out together.” Aurora smiled. “That means you must have talked to Bliss before I talked to Connor, so Bliss doesn’t know I’m pregnant.”

Scott listened and carefully weighed that against his earlier conversation with Bliss. "All right, that all seems to track. It seems we weren't as careful as we should've been." Pausing to look at Aurora lying next to him, her coppery hair draped about her bare shoulders and beyond, he looked into her sparkling green eyes that had lost their ire and resumed their dreamy look whenever they were on him. "Then again, that's nothing new, is it?" He leaned in to kiss her softly, eking out the last bit of solace and ecstasy from their lingering connection. "We shouldn't have to keep this quiet. But nothing in the world is as it should be. That's why we're all here, really. Once we find the right time, we'll help the Professor understand this is the way it needs to be. When we make him understand, the others will follow."

“How long will that take?” Aurora looked into Scott’s eyes as she spoke. “What if they don’t come around, the Professor will most likely want to keep us apart. I know we have months until our baby is born, I’d like for us to be married before then. Call me eager, but I want to be able to show how I feel for you when we’re out there together.”

"Sooner the better," Scott agreed. "I've seen him get like this before. He will be focused 110% on that debate with Stryker until it's over. It's probably the reason he hasn't already figured this out on his own. If we come to him after this incident closes and before something else happens, I think that would be our best bet."

Aurora nodded. “If you think that’s best, Scott” she smiled. “I’m getting a sense that some people are getting suspicious of us, which is weird in itself. The Professor has been training me to control my senses, but the background hum of voices I get are getting louder! I don’t know if it’s linked to being pregnant, or if it’s something else, and I can’t ask anyone without giving away the secret.”

"Control doesn't make it any easier," Scott said. His fingers absently rubbed the frames of his glasses. "With powers or people." The amplified powers didn't seem like a huge problem but then again Scott was no doctor. "If you start feeling any kind of awful, then we'll get you into the autodocs right away and let the consequences be damned. Promise me that."

Aurora nodded. “I promise Scott. Connor was quick to point out that hormones during pregnancy could affect control of my abilities. I seriously hope he’s wrong! I dread to think what damage I could do with my pyrokinesis.”

"Connor..." Scott shook his head and laughed bitterly. "Of course he'd tell you that. This isn't going to be easy, Aurora, but we'll be fine as long as we don't panic or act rashly." He gave her hand a reassuring squeeze. "Do you hear me? Just fine."

“I hear you, and I believe you.” Aurora nodded as she looked into Scott’s eyes again. “I don’t want to end up hurting you when our minds are joined, so I have to be careful. Anyway...” she offered a smile. “What would you like? A son or a daughter? Or doesn’t it matter?”

Scott chuckled at the question. She really wasn't getting ahead of them, weren't they? "I just want a healthy baby," he said. "And... Aurora... I want you to know that the only time I've felt right in months is when we are joined." He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. "We both run the risk of hurting each other. The point of all this..." He gestured at the bed they shared. "... is not to hold back. I couldn't hold back with you if I tried. Don't start doing it with me."

Aurora nodded. “No holding back my love, I want to be with you for the rest of my life and I’m willing to share everything I am with you along the way. We may not be married in body yet, but in my soul we are.” She gently moved to straddle his lap. “If you want to truly know me, I can show you. I haven’t shown you my past before, I didn’t want you to see my past but it’s time I did.”

"There's a lot from my past, too..." Scott wondered if he needed to burden her with that. Yet... the compulsion to unite with her in every way was becoming irresistible. "All right. Show me. I want to know."

Aurora nodded as she focused on joining their minds once again, this time she let the walls fully down, letting Scott see her past. From growing up in the orphanage, being fostered, the beginnings of her mutant powers and the abuse she suffered as a result. Running away, and living on the streets, the pure hardships she suffered and things she had to do to survive.

In his body, Scott let out a gasp. Not much else would do. His memories identified with Aurora's so closely that it was difficult to tell where his ended and hers began. He remembered Professor Xavier finding him in the rubble of the train station after he had destroyed it. And then he remembered when he'd found Aurora in the underground lab. Only, as he now recalled it, the roles were reversed. The heavy metal door was blown off the hinges and slammed into the far wall. He saw Aurora striding in, full of purpose and determination, and his heart leapt into his throat at the sight.

"Bobby!" he heard her shout. "Where's Jean?! Bobby?"

None of those names mattered. Scott was enamored at the sight of her, both beautiful and terrible in the power she wielded. When she looked upon him, there was hope for a future, even a good one, in her eyes. "Jean?" she asked.

"No," Scott said. "Who's Jean?"

And then Scott returned to himself. When he looked at Aurora, he was overcome by the awe he had felt for her when their roles were reversed in their joined memories. In that moment, he would have done anything she'd asked of him as if it were a petition from the goddess Athena herself with him as lowly, little Odysseus who was helpless to get home to Ithaca without her wisdom and strength.

"Aurora..." His words were breathless. "... is... is that really how you saw me? Or am I imagining things?"

Aurora blushed. “You saved me, Scott. No one had ever done anything like that for me before. I saw you as a saviour.” She couldn’t help but smile. “Now I’m going to be your wife, and I can’t wait until that day!”

Scott kissed her again. This time it wasn't gentle but firm with a gasp of passion. Eyes closed, he released the awe back to Aurora that had been generated when he saw himself through her eyes. He could do no other. A electrical circuit of adoration had formed between them and he couldn't stop the flow.

Aurora returned the kisses, the passion flowing freely between them.

"Was... there... something else... you wanted... to show me?" The question took a moment to get out in between the waterfall of kisses.

Aurora shook her head. “You’ve seen the...whole of me Scott....what’s left is the...future and I know you want to wait.” He’d know what she meant, the longing to marry him before anything, or anyone got in the way.

"If you want to make it legal..." Scott pulled himself away from her neck long enough to make a full sentence. "... then we can go to the courthouse and file whenever you want."

Aurora pulled back long enough to look at Scott, “You’re serious?” For a moment she was worried. “Scott, tell me you want to do this because it’s your idea, not just because I’ve suggested it.”

"I'll do anything for you." Scott nibbled the hollow where her neck met her shoulder. "Anything." Reality kicked in for just a moment. "Might take a few days all the same. I don't know how it all works."

“There’s the chapels the ones lovers elope to, you don’t have to go through all the legal paperwork for those. Just a form to fill in, I’ve seen people go to them.” She ran her fingers through his hair as she shifted position on his lap. “We could get married straight away.”

This was happening so fast. In the back of Scott's mind, he knew this was crazy. But the point of no return was long gone. He didn't hurt when he was with Aurora. That meant she made him glad. She loved him. That meant something. For their baby, it meant the world. Scott had already proposed. She had already accepted. They were already expecting. What was there to wait for? The approval of others that might never come? Aurora was right. They needed to go ahead and do it.

"Sure," Scott said. "We can do that. It would only strengthen our position anyway." And, best of all, if they eloped, then Bliss's hurtful accusations would be deflated. Unconventional and tangentially inappropriate it may be, it was still a far better cry than the terrible tales people might try and spin. "I'll look around and see what I can find."

Aurora held onto Scott tightly, kissing him passionately. “You find that...I’ll find spend our wedding night away from here.” She smiled as she gently rolled them so Scott was on top. “Let’s enjoy right now and we can look together.”

"I love the way you think." Scott wrapped her up in his arms and made ready to do just as she'd said.

Aurora smiled. “I love you, Scott Summers, and don’t ever forget that.”


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