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Born Again

Posted on Fri Jun 28th, 2024 @ 11:37pm by Scott Summers & Jean Grey

Mission: Episode 4: The Savage ConneXion
Location: The Baxter Building - New York City
Timeline: September 18th, 1990

Scott and Jean returned to New York City after weeks on Muir Island, where Moira declared Jean healthy enough for normal activities. Upon arrival, they were immediately busy with calls, meetings, and legal documents to set up their new life away from the X-Mansion and the X-Men.

Their first task was visiting the Beat Street Club to deliver the news of Telford Porter’s death. They discovered over two dozen children and teens under Telford’s care, including the ‘Fallen Angels,’ mutants using their abilities to survive in the city. It was clear that Telford had reformed and had been taking care of these kids. Despite Scott providing funds, the children needed more support as they lived in poverty, resorting to petty crimes. Offers to join Xavier's school were declined; New York was their home.

Jean couldn’t abandon them and began visiting the Beat Street Club daily. Meanwhile, Scott searched for an apartment and workspace, eventually finding suitable premises with enough space to serve as their base to help downtrodden mutants while continuing the search for the missing First Class.

Scott also pursued an annulment from his marriage to Aurora, essential for moving forward with Jean. Using Hodge & Associates, the annulment petition was filed, and the hearing occurred despite delays caused by the magnetic storms that had ravaged the globe, which finally ceased as suddenly as they had begun. That could only mean the X-Men's mission in the Savage Land had succeeded without them, presenting yet another sign that Scott and Jean were meant to walk a new path. For now, they awaited the judge's decision in Cameron Hodge’s office.

Jean had told herself half a dozen times that she shouldn’t be worried about any of this, that everything was meant to happen for a reason and whatever the judge had decided was simply part of a bigger plan. Scott had returned to her and sworn his fidelity and that was what actually mattered. If the judge denied Scott's annulment, they would get through all of this together, just like they always had. At least this is what Jean was repeating to herself over and over again while they waited on the other side of Hodge's desk. This meeting had made her nervous, she inhaled deeply before holding her breath for a moment. The change in breathing helped calm her nerves a little but not enough to prevent Scott from noticing.

~* ‘I’m sorry, I’m not helping.’ *~ Jean apologized to Scott for the extra tension she was adding to their wait. Sharing everything with a telepath had both ups and downs. Her joy could easily become his joy, but he also had to weather her sorrows. Today it was enough of her nervous energy to make his stomach sour, a strange sensation that Scott could feel despite his calm demeanor.

~You’ve already helped far more than you realize~ Scott expressed gratitude into their shared space in an attempt to ease her troubled thoughts. ~Before I found you again, I was going in circles with no idea which way was up. Now we're moving forward again…together. If that means a little shared anxiety, then so be it~ He squeezed her hand and added physical feedback to his thoughts. ~I wouldn't have it any other way~

She offered him a small smile in thanks for his supportive words and the leveling presence he provided. All things considered, Jean would have thought he would have been the nervous one, but she only felt that familiar steadfast resolve from Scott. His trademark confidence and focus had returned to him, which not only grounded his own anxieties but also Jean's as well, just like old times. Scott knew exactly what he wanted for himself, once he set his sights on something he achieved it. This type of manifestation always made him so calm and collected under pressure. Scott knew his future was with Jean and nothing would stop that from happening.

Cameron Hodge finally entered his office to find the couple, hand and hand, waiting for him. So much had changed in the month since he had last seen Scott Summers. A man at his rock bottom who had managed to find his way back and apparently found someone else along the way.

“Mr. Summers… Miss.” He acknowledged them both before sitting down at his desk, his million dollar view of the Empire State Building bathed in morning sun behind him. Opening a folder that had been placed on his desk, he skimmed through the documents in front of him.

“It appears that the court has granted your annulment, Mr. Summers.” Cameron looked up at the man who was holding hands with an attractive redhead and arched his eyebrow. Things moved quickly for some. “I must say, our divorce attorneys wrote a rather compelling petition on your behalf... an interesting argument for being of sound mind when telepathy is involved. Our statutes aren't prepared for the X-gene and all the compounding factors it creates. I should give them a bonus for the argument that was raised.”

That detail elicited a unified cringe from both Scott and Jean. Publicly talking about telepathy had always been a restricted subject for them. It was a sensitive matter for a number of reasons, both personal due to Jean's adolescent struggles as well as the general right to privacy that couldn't be enforced by anything other than the honor system.

Hodge closed the envelope and slid it across the table towards Scott.
“There are two certified copies of the annulment in there, one for your records and one for the other party’s records.”

Scott felt the relief that passed through Jean as Hodge delivered the good news, enough to banish the discomfort over the reference to telepathy. It was like fresh air had suddenly filled the hot and stuffy room. He hadn’t fully realized how heavy his marriage had been on her heart until it was lifted, like a cement weight that had been dragging along behind them while they went on this journey together. The annulment meant the marriage had never happened because it was never legal. There was no ex-wife or previous marriage on his records; it simply never was.

“I also have some other, unexpected news for you…” Cameron pulled out another folder and a sealed white envelope filled with heavy contents. “The revised tenant’s contract for the Baxter Building was accepted. They were comfortable with the changes made to the contract and everything has been signed and accepted. As your estate counsel, we made the initial payment on your behalf and everything is all set.”

Hodge slid the second folder and the envelope filled with metal keys and key cards.

“Congratulations to you, Mr. Summers. You seem to have turned tragedy into triumph. Do you have any questions about the annulment or the rental property?”

Scott gave a slow nod, but inside he had about fifty emotional pressure valves release all at once, slow and steady. Even his grip on Jean’s hand eased up. This was a lot of legal work accomplished within a short period of time. Scott was nothing short of impressed. It was little wonder the Professor retained this guy's services. There was no one better in Scott's book.

“I do,” he said. “Has Aurora been served? And were you able to negotiate the mandatory 99-year lease that was floated?”

“Service hasn’t been perfected on Miss...” He looked at the annulment. “... Windsor. If you’re interested in having her served the documents, we can have that arranged. It’s not required prior to the filing since an annulment can be filed by a single party without the other party’s consent. Once it’s granted, it’s more of a personal preference to have it served.”

Scott nodded in understanding.

“As for the lease, it was adjusted thanks to a bit of negotiations, but you are more susceptible to rate increases. So when it’s time to renew your contract, I would definitely be prepared to pay more. But who knows? You might find somewhere else when this expires? But for a handful of reasons I’m glad you decided to push back on the 99 year lease. This is New York, not some common law territory.”

Hodge looked at the gold Rolex on his wrist. “It’s still early, so if you want us to send that annulment via the process server, we have enough time to get it dispatched today.”

“No… no, we have other business at that address,” Scott said. “It would be better if I did it myself.”

He was done running from his mistakes. It was time to clean them up. No matter what happened, Scott was going to do the right thing, just as he should've done in the beginning. Just as Sean had first warned him. How much grief could have been avoided had Scott taken that to heart?

But Jean had forgiven him. It seemed too much to hope that Aurora would as well. Scott really couldn't be sure. All he knew was that it might be a long time before any of the others at the X-Mansion welcomed the sight of his face.

“One last question,” Scott said. “About the rental space. Do you have the keys?”

“Yes, all in the envelope.” He tapped the thick white envelope that sat with the rental contract. “The Baxter Building is rather high tech. The key cards in there will take you to your floor when scanned in the elevator. I’m told most rooms on the floor will operate with those, but traditional keys have also been provided should you need them.”

Fancy. Scott pretended to be impressed. The X-Mansion had quite a bit of next-generation and even extraterrestrial technology hidden beneath its veneer of antiquity, so keycards weren't exactly cutting edge for him. He smiled and reacted appropriately.

“We'll look forward to seeing what other surprises it holds.” Scott suppressed the flirtatious sidelong glance that he instinctively wanted to throw Jean’s direction. There was no need for such overtures. She already knew. “I guess that's everything we needed. Thank you, Mr. Hodge.”

Scott and Jean stood up together and gathered the envelope along with the other documents Hodge had provided them. Celebratory joy began to glow and shine between them despite their attempts to be reserved.

~You ready to get out of here?~ Scott kept a taciturn facial expression that utterly belied the internal excitement that coursed through his being. ~Please say yes~

~* ‘Yes! Of course.’ *~ Her own excitement bubbled and floated in their shared thoughts. This type of infectious happiness had been sorely missing from their lives as of late. It took all of her self-control to walk at a calm and relaxed pace as they exited the massive law office. Their gleeful state of mind would be unappreciated by the overworked employees who milled about around them.

Once in the elevator, Jean finally smiled. It was one of those smiles that lit up her face and made her eyes sparkle. “Should we go there right now? To our new place. I guess we should, because it’s ours.” Her statements came out as rushed, excited words while her heart began to sing. “We could even stay there tonight! It might be a little sparse but I don’t care. What do you think?”

“I'm not sleeping in another rat trap motel,” Scott said. “Or under someone else's roof. I don't care if there’s no heat or electricity. It's ours. I'm long past ready for that.”

Within his mind, he thought, ~Either way, it needs to be christened~ The thought was racy but not entirely lewd, maintaining just enough mystery to pass for innuendo between the two of them. This annulment was the final thing they had needed to accomplish before they moved forward and picked up the final piece of their broken relationship. Their return to that next level of intimacy was a want that had been tugging at both of them for a long time now.

Her smile turned sinful as Scott’s thoughts shifted to a more amorous form of celebration. The two had denied their more primal desires since their reunion, but as more time had passed and they both returned to the people they once were, it was getting harder and harder to deny what biology begged them to do. With his marriage annulled and a home to call their own, waiting was no longer necessary.

It was in these shared glances and lustful thoughts that both of them knew what was to come.

~* ‘I’ll make sure to call out to God at least one time.’ *~ He could almost hear her moans of pleasure as Jean joked with him ~* ‘You know, just to ensure it’s a proper christening.’ *~

[Warning: This section contains mild adult content - Reader discretion is advised]

They departed from the Flatiron District and returned to the hotel where they had been staying. With celebratory flair, they checked out for the last time and drove Scott’s Jeep to the Baxter Building.

Thirty-five stories tall and covered in reflective glass, The Baxter Building contained both office and apartment space in the middle of Manhattan. The top five floors of the building were reserved for another adventuring group known as the Fantastic Four, making Scott and Jean’s mutant presence less of an issue. The presence of superheroes was surprisingly welcomed by the property owner along with all the free press their shenanigans provided. Scott and Jean would surprisingly blend in just fine.

An assigned parking space in the basement of the building was welcomed amenity. Meter feeding and street parking had already proven to be tedious in this city. It was just one more thing that made the Baxter Building an improvement to their life in New York.

Jean swiped the key card in the basement elevator and the button to floor twenty-nine lit up and began to take them skyward. Once they had reached their floor, the doors opened to a small lobby with a long hallway behind it.

Half of the floor was dedicated to condos while the other half was unfinished office space. A conference room with a table and chairs, a few personal offices with desks, and then a large unfinished shell of a room was available for construction and design.

Jean walked through the furnished office space to the large unfinished area at the back of the twenty-ninth floor. The clicking of her high heels echoed through the cement shell. “What do you think?” she asked him while walking further into the empty space “It certainly has a lot of potential.”

The remodeling beneath the vaulted 35 foot ceilings did little to hide the original design meant for industrial paper production. Now there was a conference room. The sight of it gave him pause. They would conduct business in these offices that required conferring together. It wasn't a step up from the ostentatious War Room in the X-Mansion’s subbasement by any means, but somehow that made it seem even more real.

“It's perfect,” Scott said, looking past the dusty drop cloths and tarnished fixtures.

This could be a place to build a movement, not one where they tracked down terrorists and prevented acts of destruction, but conducted lawfare against anti-mutant demagogues like William Stryker or the Friends of Humanity. They could give aid and assistance to groups like the Fallen Angels without conscripting them into the infrastructure of a movement beyond their ability or desire to advance. Cerebro’s reports could be fed to them and allow for a global net if they so desired. The more he thought it over, the more he realized the sky was the limit.

His eyes swept across the open space toward the residential portion. A few condos were further back, spanning the far wall of the entire floor.

“Just needs a woman's touch.” A smirk touched his mouth while he stared at the door to the condos, unable to hold back entirely now that they were alone. “I think we're going to be very happy here.”

Jean liked seeing him like this, motivated and determined to be a force of change, to do good and help others. That drive and conviction were two of the reasons she had fallen in love with Scott. To see him looking towards the future, building something of his own, it made Jean smile in a different way.

“I think so too.” Her voice was softer now, not as bubbly and full of excitement. There was a touch of adoration in her words. It had taken a lot to get here, but Jean was happy to be here, with Scott.

“Let’s take a look at our place.” She gestured to the corner condo. It was bigger than the others and offered a few more windows. They considered claiming this larger space as their ‘finder’s fee’.

With a swipe of her badge, the door opened to reveal the kitchen and living space. The landlord must have known that the biggest condo would be the first to be claimed because a fruit basket and a bottle of champagne were placed in the kitchen island. A generic welcome letter tucked in between the apples and oranges.

Each condo had basic furniture but no frills or décor provided. Jean’s thoughts immediately went to color swatches and curtains as she surveyed the space, the sort of things that someone who only saw varying shades of red didn’t particularly care about. That wasn’t completely true. She would turn a house into a home with all of her planning and design, and a home with Jean was definitely something that he wanted.

A bathroom and bedrooms were down the hall and they too contained only the basic furnishings. Jean made her way back to the front of the condo where Scott had been waiting for her.

“It’s nice.” Jean continued to smile as she returned. “I appreciate the privacy.” While the mansion would always feel like home, the communal dinners and shared television room made it hard for a couple to make time for one another. Both spaces, the open office and the intimate condo, held such potential for them. “Should we open the champagne? I feel like if there was ever a time to have a glass of champagne, this would be it.”

Scott had already winked the cork off with a string-thin blast. He cast Jean a guilty smile while the foam fizzled over his hand. Apparently his excitement ran away with him.

“I agree,” he said, his smile turning into a grin. He filled the glasses quickly to prevent a total loss. Once the champagne was halfway to the rim of each flute, he set the bottle aside and offered one to Jean.

“To us.” Glass held up, he waited for her to reciprocate. Her striking smile, the shimmer of her eyes, the wave of her incandescent happiness all made him giddy enough that even waiting for a toast felt like a joyous occasion.

“To us.” Jean returned the toast and clinked her glass against his before taking a sip of the sparkling wine. The bubbles tickled her nose and she adored the way champagne went straight to her head. Slipping out of her high heels, she took Scott by the hand and began leading him over to the couch.

“Are you okay?” Jean had felt his excitement along with her own and she eagerly awaited his affection and flirtation as they continued to fall back into pace with one another. But today was still a lot to unpack. A lot of good things but some heavy things as well. Her question was meant to be considerate rather than just plucking the answers from his mind. It was her final attempt to ensure Scott had the time and space he needed before they moved any further. She would slow down and wait for him if that's what Scott need—his mental health and broken self were a higher priority than anything physical between them.

“Okay doesn't tell the half of it.” Scott let Jean guide him to the sofa, but after a few steps, he pulled her back toward him. His waiting hands took her by the waist and hoisted her in the air while he spun around on his heel. Her hair splayed out behind her and came to rest over one shoulder once he set her down. “I can't remember when I've been so happy.”

Scott cupped either side of her face with his hands. Rather than search her eyes for assurance, he let their love flow back and forth in their shared gaze. There was no more guilt between them, no more avalanche of remorse or unworthiness that buried him whenever he dared to feel their love. They had fought for one another for so long and now nothing more needed to be said. Scott knew who he was and what he wanted for himself. He wanted this moment with Jean and every moment that followed. Lips came together in a gentle, fluid motion that banished all daylight between them like an eclipse.

Jean wrapped her arms around him and pressed herself against him as their lips met. She closed her eyes and let herself melt into him and that beautiful warm feeling of their love. The freedom to finally succumb to their desires created a different kind of excitement inside of her, one that made goosebumps rise up on her skin. She deepened their kiss and enjoyed that he tasted faintly of champagne. Jean murmured a small sound of approval as more than just the wine made her feel heady and flustered.

Head and shoulders taller than her, Scott held her behind the back and dipped her just so. The gesture made her neck and jawline stand out, giving her a statuesque likeness that took his breath away. He had dreamed of this, longed for this, and now she was finally back in his arms to have and to hold. His lips slipped from her ruby mouth and traced their way clear down her neck to the hollow of her shoulder. Soft grunts of satisfaction fell out along the way.

Jean’s throat bobbed as she swallowed against his lips. Scott’s mouth had always been her downfall and as he pressed kiss after kiss into her soft skin, she could feel her heart beginning to beat faster. She buried her hands in his hair, holding his head against her as he moved further down the length of her neck. The faint smell of her perfume and a few rebellious red curls tickled his cheek as he nuzzled and kissed his way across her. Each kiss felt more and more familiar as he found his way to all the delicate places across her body that made her squirm and sigh in delight. As he found that patch of skin below her ear that drove her wild, Jean suddenly hated the horrible confines of her clothes, the dress she wore to the attorney's office suddenly felt too hot and too tight. Worst of all it prevented her from feeling his lips across the rest of her body.

“Undress me,” she whispered into his auburn hair that she had already mussed with her hands.

It took all of Scott's self-control not to rip the dress apart. Turning her around, he unfastened the zipper guard and slowly pulled until Jean was freed from the garment. Scott took a moment to look down and behold her gathered breasts, the sight of which made his breath seize even from over her shoulder. His mouth moved along her neck again while his hands helped the dress slink down her body and over her hips. Like riding a bike, Scott's hands remembered the familiar shape and measure of Jean’s body and left her standing in a pile of her clothes with only her bra and panties.

“Suddenly feels a little warm in here,” Scott said coyly. Just the sight of her fair peaches and cream complexion and stark red hair drove him wild.

Jean gave him a moment to take her in, to let his eyes unabashedly roam across the gentle curves of her body. The roundness of her breasts, her narrow waist and the soft sweep of her thighs, the fair skin in stark contrast to the black lace she wore. That heat of lust began to pulse through both of them and the rest of the world began to disappear. “It’s going to get a lot hotter,” she said with a wicked smirk that could have brought him to his knees. Jean turned around in his arms and kissed him as her nimble fingers went to work on his own clothes.

The brush of her fingers against his skin made Scott tingle from head to toe. Her kiss made him gasp from the anticipation of what was to come. Clothes were shed and flung to land where they may.

Scott scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed. Each step felt like slow motion. The heft of Jean in his arms, the slight jiggle of her body with each movement, the look of ecstatic expectation on her face all made for a waking instant replay. He had committed some moments between them to memory, their first time in the Blackbird, the backseat of the Jeep, that night in the hotel after the concert, all moments when he felt such fervent passion and love with this woman. Scott knew right then and there that this reunion would be added to those precious memories. Once he set her down atop the bed, the slow motion effect ended. If anything, Scott went into overdrive. He began kissing Jean around her navel while his hands flowed across her ribs and recalled the familiar feel of her body.

Jean writhed and arched in response to his advances, lithe movements of her hips and thighs that brought more of her body into contact with him. They were brief brushes of her skin against him, tempting little movements that reminded him of how sinfully agile she could be. As Scott delivered heated kiss after heated kiss across the flat plane of her stomach, her whole body became restless for more of him and that demanding ache began between her thighs began to grow.

~* ‘That goddamn mouth of yours.’ *~ Her thoughts were just as flustered and tense as her words would have been. The touch of profanity conveyed her desperate need for him.

Her words were a request, a command, and a plea all rolled together. Scott tugged away her black lace panties with an insatiable hunger growing inside him. He wanted nothing more than to proverbially drink from her fountain but it had been so long that he forced himself to keep a slower pace as his kisses moved in a deliberately slow, southern direction.

Jean savored the kisses in quite anticipation until she sharply gasped when he finally placed his mouth on her. A small shiver of ecstasy passed through her body and mind as his kisses turned into something more lascivious. Scott felt the short lived tremor of her delight; it traveled down the length of his spine and brought his whole body to attention. Pleasuring Jean was an intoxicating sensation, whatever euphoria he lavished upon her body echoed in his own.

Jean’s hands returned to his hair as she hungrily pawed at him, her desire for more was making her touch demanding and impatient. Pausing only to chuckle with delight, Scott then renewed his passionate dive. He folded her legs back to give himself a full spread for the pent-up desire with him. Jean moaned and gasped as he feasted upon her, lewd sounds filled the room and reminded Scott of how good he was at this. She couldn’t help but grind and press herself into him as her body demanded a rhythmic pace to help push her over the edge. Scott felt her thighs and core tighten as her breathing began to hitch and stick in the back of her throat before her body bloomed beneath him. Rolling waves of bliss traveled through her, causing her to tremble and stiffen while Scott felt a small rush of pleasure through their bond.

He couldn’t blame her for climaxing so quickly, they had been wanting this for weeks and there had been times when their desires had been palpable. For him to bury himself between her thighs and to pleasure her like this, Jean didn’t stand a chance. Connected as they were, Scott nearly went over the edge with her. On some deeper level, it felt as though he had. The final bit of space between them was already melting away. The two were becoming one once more.

Thankfully, the vivacious redhead had a healthy appetite and this was merely an appetizer. Jean’s hold on him eased as the last quiver of delight moved through her. Taking his head in her hands she guided him upwards to bring him to her for a passionate kiss, the taste of her still on his lips as she pulled him in close to her.

Scott allowed himself to be pulled up into a passionate kiss. He drank of her mouth more deeply than before, letting their entangled lips express far more than words could. All the while, their minds pressed together so completely they formed a perfect jigsaw puzzle of the heart.

While he felt himself merge mind and soul with Jean, his hands slid around her back and helped her out of her bra. At last, her pert breasts were free and clear. Scott couldn't help himself. The combined sight and feel made his breath hitch for a second. Her beauty was stunning. And she was all his.

Jean moved with him as he shrugged off the last piece of her clothing and another moan of approval resonated through their kiss as his hands found her. His touch was firm and feverish as he palmed and cupped her supple breasts. The urgency that lust created began to flood their thoughts and it made Jean’s heart thunder in her ears. Her own hands began to seek him out, unable to remain idle as he indulged himself. Jean ran her hands down the length of his chest and torso in a slow and exploratory manner letting her fingertips trace and touch every cut line of his form. She knew his body so well and exactly how to touch him as her delicate hands traveled down to his burgeoning arousal.

Jean felt Scott shudder under her hand and that minor thrill made her own breath stop for a moment before she continued to entice him with her delicate caress. The subtle shock waves Jean sent through her fingers while stroking his body resonated all throughout. She was using her telekinesis. She had to be. Nothing else gave him the feeling of being turned outside with pleasure. His spine stiffened, along with the rest of him, which made his head jerk backward on its own. Their moans began to multiply now into a chorus of rapture. The touch of her hand was electrifying. Scott then reciprocated her loving strokes with his own fingers, a deft and delving caress across her delta. She began to squirm and fidget, his touch igniting Jean’s fervent desire. Scott felt her need for more of him, that agonizing sensation of yearning that beckoned and called to him. It created a powerful tug inside of him that always pulled him back to her, that bewitching and carnal hunger that Jean felt only for him.

Men went to war for less than this.

Jean freed him from the confines of his underclothes, a swift and effortless undressing thanks to her telekinesis. An action taken with a passion that matched what her body and mind demanded from him. Her desire was a siren song that demanded he crash and plunge into her. The soft skin of her thighs brushed against his sides as Jean shifted and parted for him, a wanton invitation for him to finally claim her.

At last. Scott could barely believe the time was here. For so long he had dreamed of reconnecting with Jean like they had before. Now that was here, he reveled in the moment. Just brushing against her was a charged motion combined with that aching call that resonated in her mind. Scott eagerly shuffled and aligned with her as their psychic connection amplified to its peak. Scott found both pleasure points in the same instant and let out a grunt that resonated deep within his chest.

~I love you~ The words were simple but the emotive content was explosive, he held still for a moment and indulged in the simple act of returning to her. She was his hopes and his dreams, his safe space and source of strength. Jean embodied that home he had always wanted. He could do anything as long as he had her, as long as he had this.

The weight of his body against her own and that blissful sensation of him filling her caused Jean to also still beneath him. She held her breath and luxuriated in their union, so deeply missed and painfully longed for Jean finally felt that horrible pang of emptiness leave her. Scott’s love was healing and liberating. She could do anything as long as she had him, as long as she had this.

She held his gaze as they both indulged in each other's presence. “I love you,” Jean verbally responded to his internal declaration continuing to unify their bodies with their minds. That perfect entwining of their bodies and minds, that beautiful and powerful hold they had on one another.

Scott began with a slow cadence at first. With each roll of his hips, he quickened the pace as if drawn along by an unseen force. In a way, perhaps he was. There was no boundary where he ended and Jean began. Their desires mingled together as one as intimately as their bodies. The rhythmic rocking of their bodies formed a synergy of passion. Scott clutched her to himself and reveled in the mounting ecstasy.

As they began to move together at a slow and languid pace, she finally remembered to breathe again. The easy cadence they moved at promised her that there was even more to come. She placed a hand on his chest and gently pushed him, a simple request to change their position. Jean seamlessly followed him as he rolled onto his back, until he found her on top of him and straddling his thighs. She looked down at him from the new position, her eyes linger across the length of his body before her hands began to caress him again, that same electric touch as before.

Jean continued the steady rhythm of their union. The length of her thighs, the gentle sway of her breasts, and the waterfall of her brilliant red hair all moved in time with each roll of her hips as she savored the pleasure building between them. She was beautiful and ethereal in her motions over Scott, projecting that indomitable presence that she held in their most intimate moments once again.

Scott gasped at the feeling and returned her caresses with his own. His palms were drawn to every inch of her body while she rode him. She was so perfectly picturesque as she welcomed him home and back into ecstasy. “Jean…” It was a verbal warning that he was shifting into high gear. His breathing heightened as did his audible noises. He wanted to hold on, but it had been so long since they’d been together. Yet the warning shot had already fired, so the finish line wasn’t far off. “Jean, I… Je—” His mouth lost the ability to do anything but grunt. His body tensed beneath her as his words ceased and his thoughts diminished to nothing more than expressing his release. Scott had reached that point where pleasure consumed him.

Jean happily decided to join him as he teetered on the edge. She placed her hands on his thighs and leaned back until she was free to move at an unbridled speed. Jean’s whole body began to undulate from the smooth and fluid strokes of her hips, her pace increasing until she found the cadence that made him grimace and stiffen beneath her. Time and time again she became this force of nature that consumed him whole as passion took over. And with each buck of her hips, he felt that strong and awe-inspiring woman return to him. Jean threw her head back and allowed herself to indulge in their release.

~* ‘Lose yourself in me’ *~ Her voice a soft whisper in his thoughts, an invitation to let go and succumb to the building tension.

It wasn't as if he had any choice at that point. Jean had taken him into her mind as deeply as she had her body. Nothing was held back between them. A sharp moan shot out of his throat in time with his second release. Beyond the physical, there was a psychological reservoir that was breached as well. The dam inside him gave way in deep emotional catharsis. Starbursts clouded his vision as his soul left his body and seemed to enter into Jean's before rebounding like a bungee.

She panted and gasped as the cosmos realigned and their bodies surrendered to the divine euphoria that flooded their senses and made them plummet into each other. The final barriers between them crumbled as the waves of bliss crashed against them. She was his and he was hers, their union confirmed that bond. Jean continued with her lithe and smooth movements until they were spent and emptied.

A sheen of perspiration lit up his body as it came down from the heights of passion, but in his heart he was still on cloud nine. How badly he had missed this this perfect place that only Jean could provide.

~Top ten for sure~ The thought floated into their psychic connection with an air of giddy satisfaction. ~I don't know if I can move yet. Talking is out of the question~

Her breathing was still labored as some of her decorum returned to her. Her arched and elongated body returned to a more composed posture as her hands returned to his chest.

~* ‘You’re already ranking our performance?’*~ A touch of amusement showed in her psychic tone. ~* ‘Do I dare ask what’s number one?’ *~ Jean leaned forward and placed her elbows beside his head so she could look down at him in their afterglow. Her thick red hair fell around them, creating a curtain that hid their faces from the world. ~* ‘Thankfully I don’t need you to talk or move, I’m more than happy to stay just like this.’ *~ She placed a celebratory kiss on his lips, the warmth of their still simmering passion found in the gesture.

In response to her question, Scott brought forward a shared recollection of his favorite intimate moment. It had ended with an epic climax in a psychokinetic-assisted spider position that was more airborne than not.

~* ‘Oh, I remember that.’ *~ Jean sheepishly giggled from memory.

The canopy of her bright hair pressed out the world and everything in it. He accepted her kiss with passive ecstasy at first but soon returned it with the sustained contact. Simmering embers kindled hot between them still.

~Keep kissing me like that and we might have a new contender for the number one spot~ Scott let out a chuckle while his arms, remembering how to work again, wrapped her in a tight embrace.

~* ‘Challenge accepted.’ *~ She playfully nipped as his lower lip before kissing him again ~* ‘I haven’t had you for months, so if you think we’re finished, you’re sorely mistaken.’*~ He could hear the sass in her voice, that fiery touch of attitude that only appeared when she teased him.

“Bring it on,” he said aloud in a dusky tone he reserved only for the battlefield or the bedroom.

Like always, Jean’s toes curled from his words. That hushed and heady tone always made her shiver with delight, it had been her demise since the first time she had heard it and broken all those dishes so many years ago.

Scott may as well have been a calculator for all the right buttons she knew to press. He had rallied before his words were even out of his mouth. Sitting up with Jean still mounting him, he resumed their kissing with the intent to warm back up for more. While the taste of her lips was hard to pull away from, Scott was drawn by her neck and the tremors that came from Jean while kissing her there. He could literally feel her pulse quicken through his lips. It made him flush all the hotter.

Jean shifted with him as he sat up, her body rising until the delicate lines of her throat aligned with his lips. She tilted her head and allowed him more freedom to roam across the sensitive skin of her neck, his lips lingering on her pulse points as he kissed her again and again.

“The next time we’re in a briefing and you catch me gazing at your mouth," she moaned, "I want you to know that this is what I’m thinking about.” He found that spot on the side of her neck that sent a seductive chill down her spine. The sensation made her happily mewl and fidget in his arms.

“This but not the other thing?” he teased.

“I told you where my thoughts started but not where they finished," Jean quipped. The small sounds she made were nearly as erotic to him as her screams. Each one tickled his ears and made him want to excite her more. His kisses trailed upward to her right ear which he nipped with playful aggression.

“Just so you know, I'm going to finish you in a minute,” he said with the same old rasp in his voice that he knew drove her wild, “but first I want another taste…”

~Now that you're ‘seasoned’~ he added inside their shared space.

“Scott Summers, you have a filthy mind.” Jean faked disapproval as her lips curled into a coy smile.
~* ‘And I absolutely love it.’ *~

She giggled a little before her back arched and her body stilled, his fingers finding their mark. The response was a titillating change in her behavior, how her breath quickened and her thighs tensed. Scott could watch and feel her responding to his touch, the fluster of arousal coming over her. Jean rested her head on his shoulder, nuzzling into the side of his neck as she leaned into him, enjoying the warm solid presence he provided as she allowed herself to revel in his touch. Her heavy breathing was hot against his skin and her small sounds of approval took on a salacious tone.

The more excited she got, the more tantalizing her scent became. Scott wanted more of her. With the joy between them multiplying with every rub, kiss, and caress, the last thing Scott wanted was to let it end. His mouth trailed down her body once again. Keeping her propped up on her knees, Scott’s lips slowly descended until he was nearly laying prone. He slid his face between Jean’s open thighs. After being worked over, the taste of her was more exotic than before, overwhelming Scott’s mind into pure primal lust. He feasted on her with unbridled delight, clasping her thighs below the hip to lock her into place lest she move away for just a second. In his mind, he thought of nothing but her name and the pure essence that was her.

~Jean!~ The thought was formed from the wellspring of his being and fueled by the desire to never be apart again.

Jean shuttered and moaned as her whole body began to thrum and sing. His desire and the voracity in which he devoured her, stripped her of every shy and coy thought in her head. Instead, she embraced the wild and hungry passion that began to burn between them. She lowered her hips and sat on him, pressing the full weight of her body into him and his ravenous mouth.

~* ‘God damn it, Scott’ *~ Not one to typically use profanity, her internal dialogue was where he found a vulgar Jean. When he really turned her on and she was lost in the pleasure he provided, that’s when she became dirty.

~There it is~ The thought came to the back of Scott's mind, recalling her earlier joke. ~Now it's a proper christening~

~* ‘Your mouth’ *~ He could hear the strain in her tone and in her thoughts, how undone and enraptured she was with him.

In his mind, Scott felt himself wrapped up in Jean's ecstasy like a warm blanket. He kept hold of her her thighs with a death grip, utterly love drunk on the taste and scent of her. He delved deeper into her, his tongue exploring her in long, wicked strokes as he supped on her.

~Come for me~ Scott pleaded between them. He wanted to feel her climax almost as much as she did. ~Say my name when you come for me~

He begged her to come for him, to say his name as she marveled in him, a simple request for her to grant when she was already captivated by him. She claimed her own pleasure in that moment and dug and pressed herself into him until his nose and his chin added to the grinding satisfaction he provided. Jean flirted with danger as she bucked and rolled into him with no hesitation or remorse.

“Scott…” Jean’s voice was tinged with the beautiful agony that accompanied her pleasure. She placed her hands over his, a small but tender gesture that told him she wanted to hold on to him as she plummeted.

“Scott.” Her moans of his name turned into gasping wails of pleasure as her thighs squeezed the sides of his head and her body jerked and trembled in ecstasy. What little regard she held for his well-being vanished as she smothered him with the weight of her body while pleasure consumed her. Jean's euphoria resonated through him with the pleasure she felt in her bones as she saturated him with her climax.

Scott fell stilled for a moment by the echoing orgasm that rang out through their psychic bond. The sound of his name carried on her moans stirred him more than the sweetest music. All he could do for a moment was bask in the afterglow of her release that had nearly consumed him too.

~That one was big~ Scott still laid beneath her with the best view in the house. ~You’re incredible~ And she simply was. Scott felt like the luckiest man alive. The aftershocks of her orgasm would linger inside his mind for days, quaking his mind with thoughts of her. But he wasn't done yet. Not by a long shot.

~* ‘Yeah’ *~ It was Jean’s simple response as he commented on her zenith. She found it hard to speak, he had left her dumbstruck in a haze of bliss.

Sliding out from beneath her, Scott wiped his face clear and looked at Jean. He beamed at what he saw. “I love you,” he said, kissing her once more. There was a beautiful vulnerability in seeing her like this, it was such a raw, deep physical and emotional response that it stripped her bare. Scott got to experience all of her and his passion left Jean breathless.

As he confessed his love for her, Jean looked up at him with such sweet, soft adoration. That look of hopeless devotion in her green eyes made her heart ache. “I love you.” Jean returned his kiss before she reached out for him, wrapping her arms around him to pull them in close to one another. She placed her head on his chest and listened to the sound of his beating heart. “I love you so much”

“I'm so glad we found each other again,” Scott said, relishing her embrace. He meant it in a number of ways. “I wish we could stay like this forever.” His hands splayed out against the back of her shoulders, rubbing them both affectionately as well as suggestively. “Thank you…for taking me back.”

“You never lost me. You lost your way.” An oversimplified truth to what had been a dark time in his life. “And I will always love you; you’re a part of me.” Jean closed her eyes and drank him in. The sound of his heart, the warmth of his body, the love and gratitude that flowed from his thoughts.

No, she could never turn her back on him, people wasted a lifetime looking for this.

~* ‘Make love to me’ *~ A simple request that held such tender meaning.

After the jungle animal passion he had felt a moment ago in bringing Jean to the heights of pleasure, Scott was more than ready to continue their reunifying sexual congress, yet the moment had calmed even if his physical desire had not. Now he understood why. With that nakedly simple request, Jean had spoken directly to his heart and the shadows of his unconscious mind which felt the need to perform for her, to earn her love and somehow prove himself worthy of it and her.

~Always~ The reply was supplemented with a soft, sweet kiss prompted by the knowledge that he couldn't earn what he already had. She was already his.

Gently laying her down, and even more gently folding her legs back, Scott propped himself up on his elbows and looked deeply into her mesmerizing emerald eyes while he entered her again. She felt warm. She felt perfect. He was home.

The rhythm of his thrusts were slow and timed for maximum clearance. Scott savored the feeling. The sensation made him want to close his eyes and throw back his head, but he kept his gaze locked with hers for each cycle of his piston.

~I will never leave you~

Maximum withdrawal, then thrust.

~I will always come for you~ While there may have been innuendo in the pledge, Scott was firmly solemn. He had risked his life without a thought to rescue her and he would do it again in a heartbeat. As surely as he would fill and thrust.

~I’m yours~ In and out, eyes unblinking through his half-smudged glasses, Scott put all of his love into the action.

Having come full circle, from eager partners desperate to reconnect to fiery lovers swallowed up in the throes of passion so deeply they had fallen madly in lust together all in the span of an afternoon, Scott was ready to bring all the blazing passion and heartfelt romance together.

With Jean mere inches from his face, Scott picked up the pace one cycle at a time into a steady rhythm that let him appreciate every facet of her without losing himself in the action. Each motion was conscientious, laden with focus and intent that made his body bristle with the intensity.

Scott could feel Jean's mind set to boil from the brunt of his measured passion. How that worked was beyond him. She was so mighty that he felt like porcelain in the palm of her mental hand and yet he still moved her with the force of his will alone. The mystery of it compelled him to quicken his speed even more.

Jean reached out for him, holding his head in her hands as Scott both lost and found himself in her. He had once been this skinny, angry boy who had decided that keeping people at arm’s length was the best way to never be hurt again. But as they grew up, Jean had been the one who taught him that loving people wasn’t a detriment, it was an asset, that love may hurt at times but it was worth the pain and the risk because of how beautiful and powerful it could be. As a man, he loved her wholeheartedly, trusting her to hold on to him with the same unconditional devotion. And Jean did.

Her body moved with his, working together to find the ebb and flow that made their hearts race and their blood pound. Finding pleasure in one another was effortless, two pieces that fit together, all they had to do was align and everything else fell into place. Jean wrapped her legs around his waist as his pace quickened and the tension started to build between them, allowing him to push further and find her apex.

Scott watched her face as the pleasure built inside of her. Her serene features began to show signs of exquisite worry as her body tightened and tensed around him. Her hands stopped cradling his head and fell amidst her tousled red hair as her brow knitted in beautiful distress.

When it became too much, she reached out for him, her fingers entwined with his as the thrill of climax threatened her body and mind. Jean kept her eyes focused on him as she finally surrendered to the ecstasy that gripped and pulled on her. Scott was her friend through many dangers, her lover who had healed her broken and weary soul, her soulmate who despite all odds had brought her back home. Her heart sang for him as he watched her slip away, helplessly consumed by the waves of pleasure that moved through her and into him.

The avalanche of ecstasy crashed over Scott and carried him away as well. His release was less forceful than before but somehow even more emotive for it. Scott tried to call Jean’s name but it only came out in a wordless falsetto.

They felt that psychic bond intensify between them, like an unbreakable chain, like an undimmable ray of light, with each tremor of pleasure their bond glowed clearer, brighter, and stronger. It was in this restored and private space that Scott was both unmade and reformed in the blaze of their passion. It was like a transfusion between them, a supernatural dialysis that brought new life where the old had been. Even though his climax had come and gone, Scott couldn’t help the twitching throughout his body. Laying together in the same position as they had finished made the moment stretch into forever. This was what they both had needed.

While unspoken psychic pledges of adoration passed through them, Scott remembered how to use his words enough to say one thing aloud. “I think… this is the new number one,” he said a little breathlessly.

Jean laughed at his comment, a sound that was just as beautiful as her sounds of pleasure.
“I don’t know if we need to rank it each time. One of us will develop a complex.”

She held his head in her hand as she gazed up at him with that look of awe and amazement that the afterglow produced. It was a look of disbelief that he could make her feel this way despite the fact that he did it over and over again. This was the look that Scott had mourned over and wept for, its absence is what had driven him into that awful pit of despair. The eyes were the window to the soul and when she looked at him like this, Scott saw how deeply Jean loved him.

“Your glasses.” Jean finally noticed how smudged they were. “Here. Let me clean them.”

She removed the ruby lenses from his face and Scott instinctively shied away from her as he tightly squeezed his eyes shut.

“No, don’t do that.” Jean softly cooed as she brought his face back towards her. “I know you won’t hurt me.”

She gently kissed his eyelids, causing him to soften and no longer shut them so tightly. That closely guarded part of him that Jean so sweetly touched, an act of trust for both of them. She examined him for a moment, free of the glasses or visor that always obscured his face. Jean knew that his eyes were a beautiful whiskey brown and sometimes she wished she could gaze into them without some sort of barrier or special effort, especially in moments like this. But that wasn't who Scott was, not who he really was. Those ruby lenses were a part of him and because of that she loved them too.

“I love you,” she murmured against his brow, a hidden promise to love him exactly as he was.

He felt her squirm and fuss a little before she finally returned his glasses to his face, now cleaned of their smudge.

“Better?” Jean asked as her hands returned to a position above her head.

“Much.” Scott grinned at being able to see her more clearly, though he wasn’t sorry for the way his lenses had been smudged. “Thank you.”

Coming down from their sexual high, Scott still felt more connected with her than ever before. Past experience told him it could last for hours or even days, but it felt different this time. Maybe he was just romanticizing the feeling. Today had started out as one filled with business. Somehow it had turned into a dream come true.

~Is it because you just rocked my world or is our bond stronger?~ It was a thought that made his shoulders square up a little more. His hormonal hurricane was dissipating enough for the masculine pride of sexual completion to assert itself. Coupled with the renewed passion between them, it made Scott look downright pleased with himself.

~* 'It's because you're my forever, again and again.' *~ Saying those words to him once more, it created a moment of joyful heartache inside of Jean. How close they had come to losing one another and how much of a miracle it had been that they had been reunited. Scott wasn't wrong, there was something greater between them.

Those words felt so right that Scott couldn't help but agree. ~Forever and again, starting now~ He gave her a kiss so tender that it felt like it barely made contact with Jean's lips. Another soft kiss followed by another sealed his heart's pledge before he was ready to ease up.

Jean closed her eyes as she savored the perfect and absolute devotion that flowed between them. Sex had always been the act where they reconnected. The satisfaction it provided went beyond the pleasures of the flesh. It created that bridge between them where their souls and hearts could re-align. It centered them and confirmed everything that was good and right between them. It was where their love renewed itself, where they were reminded of who they were and what they meant to one another. They had needed this so badly, this return to Eden.

"I love you so much," her voice wavered and Scott felt that powerful crash of her emotions upon him along with the unstoppable force that Jean was. "This love is what saved me, it's what brought me back to you. Never forget or doubt how much I love you."

Scott bit his lip for the feelings that came forth from such heartfelt sentiments. "I know," he said at length. "You got through to me. I found you because your love broke through your captivity and showed me the way. All I did was follow. And I'm so glad I did." He wrapped his arms around her in a tight squeeze. "I would do anything and go anywhere if it meant coming back to here and now."

Jean smiled at his words, he had deemed himself unworthy of her love at one point in time. To hear him finally willing and able to accept her love without the grim shadows of self-loathing lightened her heart. Theses moments were healing and Jean was grateful that they had waited until they were both capable of reconnecting with one another in the truest and most complete way possible.

They held each other in this timeless moment of reconciliation. Odysseus had finally returned to Penelope, no longer fated to weeping eyes that caused his life to flow away from him over his foiled journey home. Scott and Jean were together once more, a homecoming that revitalized both of them and reminded them that they had their whole lives to look forward to. That thought of life brought Scott back to today and tomorrow.

“I’m sure there was something else we were supposed to do today,” he whispered into her the top of her head. “I just don’t ever want to leave this bed with you in it.”

“We don’t have anything to eat, we need to get utilities set up and I should talk to Hank and Bobby about what happened to them…” She paused and smiled at him. “But I don’t want to leave this bed with you in it either.”

Jean kissed him until all those busy, buzzing thoughts left both their head.

~* ‘Tomorrow.’ *~ She decided ~* ‘We’ll worry about all those things tomorrow.’ *~ She pressed her body into his, letting him feel all her supple curves. ~* ‘Today is for us.’ *~


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