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Talking with Hank

Posted on Thu Mar 7th, 2024 @ 12:22am by Aurora Summers & Hank McCoy

Mission: Episode 4: The Savage ConneXion
Location: Mansion Grounds
Timeline: August 27th 12.30pm

Aurora was on her lunch, as usual she was heading outdoors to sit in the peaceful expanse of gardens. Walking in the direction of the lake she just happened to see Hank McCoy. She quickened her pace wanting to catch up to property introduce herself.

“Excuse me Doctor McCoy...” She smiled warmly as she walked alongside Hank. “I hope I’m not intruding on your peace and quiet, I’m Enigma, better known as...” She paused for a moment. “Aurora Summers.”

Hank blinked at her. His initial reaction was that Jean had been located, but he immediately realized that this was not Jean. And then she had spoken her name. “Oh,” he said, somewhat disoriented. “It is a pleasure to meet you. I would ask how you knew it was me, but a giant blue teddy bear is rather difficult to mistake for anyone else, right?” He grinned wryly. “Are you a relative of Scott and Alex’s?” he asked.

Aurora couldn’t help but smile at the teddy bear comment. “Erm, no not exactly. Scott and I...are married, and expecting our first child.” She waited for the news to sink in.

Perhaps it was the fact that his brain was still disoriented from the control collar he had been forced to wear for months or perhaps it was the shock of seeing someone who closely resembles Jean and yet was not, in fact, Jean, but whatever the reason, Hank blurted out before he could stop himself, “married? But you’re not Jean!”

Just the mention of Jean’s name made Aurora flinch. “No, I’m not, but I am the woman who loves Scott with all her heart.” She sighed. “I just wish I knew where he was right now, he said he’d call when he found us a home.” She looked around. “In the meantime he wants us to be safe here.”

She might love Scott, but Hank had serious doubts about whether or not he loved her. But he wouldn’t say that. Never in a million years would he think to say that. At least not to the girl’s face. “I’m sure he’s fine,” he said fairly. “Scott has a way of always landing on his feet.”

Aurora nodded. “You’ve been friends with Scott a long time haven’t you?” She gave Hank a curious look. “I know others have their doubts about Scott and I, you do too don’t you?” She gave Hank a knowing look. “Before you ask I haven’t been looking into your mind, I have my own worries knowing how much they love each other. I felt that when Jean reached out to me.” She sighed. “Anyway...Scott promised he’d be there for me, and our son I’m not going to doubt him.”

It was, of course, totally possible for Scott to be there for her and their son without remaining married to her. But that was another thing his nature would not allow him to say to her face. “I don’t doubt him in that, either,” replied Hank. Scott was a good man and he would definitely see that she and the child were taken care of. And that was likely the best outcome of the situation.

Aurora nodded. “So how are you settling back in? This place has become my home in a very short space of time.” She smiled. “The Professor has been teaching me to better control my abilities, both mental and physical..” she held out her hand a small ball of flame appeared and hovered above her palm, before she extinguished it.

Hank smiled at the little ball of flame. He did not know why, but he found it cheerful and friendly. “The professor is good at that,” he agreed. “I’m… adapting. Which I suppose is the best I could hope for. I was just walking around the grounds in an attempt to reorient myself.”

“I spend a lot of time out here” Aurora smiled warmly. “I like the lake, and it’s more peaceful out here than inside the Mansion. It gives me a break from blocking out all the minds. It doesn’t help that my pregnancy is messing with my abilities.”

“I wonder if that means your child will be telepathic,” Hank mused. “Or if it’s just a matter of the changed hormones affecting your abilities. Curious.”

“You think it could be that my son is, or will be telepathic, like me?” Aurora gave Hank a curious look. “When I asked Jade she wasn’t sure one way or the other, mainly due to the nature of being mutants. She wasn’t sure just what abilities my son might have. I’m curious to say the least!”

“Anything is possible,” replied Hank. “There have been so few pregnant mutants so far, we don’t have any rules yet. I suppose we’ll all find out.”

Aurora nodded. “Pot luck it is then.” She offered a smile. “The way it’s going my son will be born in around six months time anyway.”

“Six months?” replied Hank. How long had he been gone again? Either she was pregnant before they all went missing or the child was growing much more quickly than normal. Of course Hank knew which it was. “How remarkable. Such rapid growth could indicate accelerated healing. Are you keeping copious notes? They could come in handy in future.”

“It’s only been a matter of days, but I plan to. I just hope rapid growth doesn’t mean a rapid lifespan too.” She offered a brief smile. “I’d much prefer rapid healing. Anyway, less about me what about you? Are you staying with us? You’re not planning to leave anytime soon I hope?”

“Where else would I go?” he replied. “Oh, sure, I could go back to my parents’ place in Indiana, but I don’t really belong there any more. No, this is home. I will stay as long as The Professor allows me to.” He paused for a moment. “I used to teach Biology once upon a time. I suppose I could do that again.”

“I think that would be lovely Hank, we can learn a lot from you.” Aurora smiled warmly.

“I certainly hope so,” replied Hank. “Sometimes I feel like an imposter. How can I possibly teach people who are barely younger than I am? And then I manage to teach them something and my whole mind collapses on itself in disbelief.”

“The plus point being you’re near the age of your students, so you can relate to them better.” Aurora smiled warmly.

“One would hope,” he replied. And then he didn’t know what else to say. He seemed to have that problem a lot, but at least this time, he wasn’t attempting to impress anyone.

"I, for one, am looking forward to learning from you." Aurora smiled warmly. "I've already learned so much here, it can only get better, right?"

“Thank you, Aurora,” Hank replied with a relieved sort of smile. He was so used to Jean always saying the right thing, he didn’t even question it from her look-alike. “And yes; learning is always preferable. For when we learn, we grow. If we stop learning, we stop growing. And if we stop growing, what is the point of life anymore? I apologize; that took a rather grim turn,” he added. “I don’t think that came out quite the way I meant it to. I’m still a bit out of sorts.”

“That’s alright, it takes time to get over events like that.” Aurora offered a gentle smile. “I used to live in the sewers, do what I had to do to survive. I’m glad the Professor has given me this chance to learn.”

“The sewers!” exclaimed Hank. “Stars and garters. And here I am complaining about a little disorientation!”

Aurora shrugged her shoulders. “It was a place where I could be me, where I didn’t have to worry about mutant haters. I did what I had to do to survive.” She offered a smile. “This place is the lap of luxury compare to that!”

“This place is the lap of luxury compared to almost anywhere,” laughed Hank. “A friend of mine once told me she could never get over how big this place is. I told her I’d been living here for several years and even I have a hard time believing it’s real.”

Aurora couldn’t help but grin at that. “I guess I’d best be getting back inside, don’t want to be late for class! It’s been nice talking to you Hank.”

“It was nice meeting you, Aurora,” Hank replied. “I’m sure I will see you in class eventually.” He would go back to teaching, he knew that. For today, though, he planned on just walking around the grounds and attempting to clear his head.


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