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Coming Home

Posted on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 1:57pm by Charles Xavier & Aurora Summers

Mission: Episode 4: The Savage ConneXion
Location: Xavier’s Mansion
Timeline: September 23, 1990

After a nice warm shower and a good meal, Aurora made her way to Xavier’s Office. She owed him an explanation for leaving the mansion, and she had no doubt he’d already know that she caused the fire at the old orphanage. Nevertheless she needed to talk. Pausing out by his door she didn’t need to knock...

The door opened without prompting.

"Hello, Aurora."

She was expected. The Professor's tone was cordial but measured. So much had happened and there was much to say. Professor Xavier was away from his desk and near the window. Clearly he had watched her come home and had waited patiently all the while until this very moment.

"Make yourself comfortable."

Aurora nodded offering a brief smile as she walked over to a seat and sat down. “I owe you an apology, I didn’t mean to just disappear from the Mansion without telling you. I just needed time to clear my head.” She sighed. “You most likely already know what’s happened, everyone had their doubts but I was stupid enough to believe that I actually meant something to Scott but anymore!” She gave Xavier a more defiant look. “From now on it’s just me, and my son.”

"The world is a complicated place," Xavier said, "as are the people who live in it. Don't resign yourself to isolation so early in life. Let yourself earn it if that's indeed what you really want. But I know it isn't." His face was strained by compassion and worry lines above his brow. "Life is a never-ending classroom. We must take the best lessons from it or we will be doomed to repeat them." Glancing at her womb, he asked, "Have you been eating?”

Aurora nodded. “I made sure to eat something.” She absentmindedly twirled a strand of her newly coloured hair as she spoke. “I needed to...decide where I wanted to be. I only really realised when Bobby and Connor came looking for me, it made me realise that I had friends here.”

"Yes," the Professor said, noting her hair but not commenting on it. "You have more than that. Aurora, you have a future here. Don't forfeit your future on a temporary setback. I've been in love before, so I don't mean to belittle your suffering. What I want you to know is that it will heal in time. Between now and then, you need to decide what person you want to become. Not just for yourself, but for your child."

Aurora nodded. “I want to become the woman my mother wanted me to be, and I want to be a good mother.” She offered a smile. “I want to learn Professor, speaking of which...I went back to my old orphanage, it’s disused now it has been for years. I err...I accidentally set fire to it, I was angry and I screamed, and next thing I know it’s burning! I tried to put it out but as fast I extinguished one area another flared up! I couldn’t stop it!”

"Yes, the news had reported that recently," Xavier said, unfazed. "It's precisely why you have a place with us here. You can learn to prevent accidents from happening. What's important is that you're safe and unharmed." His face turned grave, though, with another matter. "Speaking of your mother, I do have something to share in that regard. But, Aurora, you aren't going to like it."

Aurora nodded as Xavier spoke, her eyes widening at that revelation. “What is it!? I want to know Professor, please!”

"Unfortunately it is not for me to reveal," the Professor said warily. "If you want to know more, you will have to speak with Jean."

That was an extreme volatile proposition but Xavier was ready. "I understand what you're going through right now, but if you are able to set your heartache aside, you may find the answers you're looking for. If it would be any comfort, I would be willing to sit in the meeting of the minds and help moderate in order to keep it constructive."

Jean? Why did it have to be her? Aurora hated the thought of having to ask Jean for anything right now. “Professor...” She paused knowing how bitter it would sound if she refused. “It’s not ideal, but...” she paused again. “If it’s the only way I’ll find out more about my mother, then so be it! I definitely want you there though.”

"Of course," the Professor said with a nod. "I suspected you would feel that way, so I already took the liberty of setting those terms with Jean and she readily agreed." They were all on the same side and Xavier would not allow any of them to forget it. Easier said than done, though. "Between the three of us, perhaps we can find more answers."

Aurora nodded. “So how soon will we be able to organise a meeting? I’ll need to get a grip on my emotions before Jean gets here.”

"At least a couple of days," the Professor replied. "I'll notify you just as soon as we can schedule it. You should have plenty of notice." He glanced at her hair again, this time with purpose. "Are there any other changes we should look forward to?"

Aurora shook her head as she ran her fingers through her hair. “I felt I needed this change, the person I was seeing in the mirror reminded me too much of what I’ve lost, and who I’ve lost it too. This might change in the future, but not right now.”

Nodding with understanding, the Professor made ready with an admission of his own. "I may owe you an apology myself, Aurora. Upon reflection of all that's happened, I cannot say with certainty that I did not also perhaps regard you as... someone else. If I did in any way, it was truly unintentional and I would beg your pardon for it. My goal is to see every individual become the best version of themselves they can be... rather than someone else."

Aurora nodded offering a smile. “Thank you Professor. As much as I might have wanted to be like...Jean, I need to set my own goals and lead my own life, one separate from what used to be. I have my son to raise, and to understand any abilities he might have, I need to truly understand my own abilities. Any help you can give me with that goal will be gratefully received.”

That was a sobering and mature response. Xavier could only nod. "I think all of those goals may be served through mutual cooperation with Jean and Scott, as difficult as that may be. Think of it like this..."

Before he continued, the Professor created ghostly versions of themselves in the room, a pair of each of them. "Whenever two people interact, it is not just the two of them. In addition to the two actual individuals, you have each individual's perception of themselves as well as the other person." The two versions of Xavier were on either side of him, as were the copies of Aurora on either side of her.

"Nobody has an unfiltered view of reality, including their true self. It is in this way that even people who repel us can provide us with insight and perspective, for their view of us can help inform of our own view of ourselves." Xavier's point was amplified by the fact there appeared to be six individuals in his office instead of just the two of them. "This calculus only expands with each additional person added to the mix."

Suddenly five versions of both Jean and Scott appeared as well. But along with their copies came two more versions of both Aurora and the Professor, being the representations of how Jean and Scott might perceive them, making the office feel rather crowded.

"We all have something to learn from one another," the Professor concluded.

Aurora nodded, it was odd seeing so many duplicates but it was a good way of emphasising the point. “Let’s just say, the part of me that was Aurora Summers, no longer exists. She’s gone, and she won’t be coming back. This me, is the continuation of the Aurora who came before. I know I belong here now, and here is where I want to stay.”

"Well, I for one cannot wait to see who that person turns out to be." Professor Xavier smiled at her with real joy. "Welcome home, Aurora."

Aurora’s smile said it all. “Thank you, Professor.”


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