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First Class Reunion

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 10:25pm by Scott Summers & Bobby Drake & Jean Grey & Hank McCoy

Mission: Episode 4: The Savage ConneXion
Location: X-Mansion Driveway
Timeline: September 20th, 1990

Jean leaned forward in the passenger seat of Scott’s Jeep so she could get a better view of the mansion as they waited for its front gates to open. Today was going to be a challenging day but she still allowed herself a moment of joy upon seeing the school, that effervescent feeling of coming home that filled her heart. There were times when she worried she might never see it again so finally coming back, it almost made her giddy. As they continued their wait for the slow gate, a silvery bridge and an ice made figure skated through the sky. He landed on the roof and despite the distance and his obstructed frozen features, Jean could tell that Bobby had seen and recognized her inside the car.

~* ‘Bobby!’ *~ She called to him as a wide grin took over her face. A smile so big that it almost hurt. Scott drove onto the grounds and stopped short of the center of the driveway as Jean jumped out of the car and met Bobby halfway as he approached, her feet swift and hurried as she ran towards him.

“Bobby!” she called out loud as she opened her arms to embrace him.

“Jean!” Bobby ran to her without bothering to wipe his eyes. There were so many complicated feelings he had held for her over the years that he wouldn’t even know which words to put them. Unrequited crush. Classmate. Friend. Sister. Confidant. Advocate. She was all these things and more, though Bobby’s vocabulary wouldn’t allow for such expression. He had lost so much these past several months, to finally have someone return to him, it created a swell of emotion inside of him.

All he could do was cling to her. “I can’t believe it’s you.” Bobby’s voice choked up while his eyes turned to faucets. “But it is. It’s really you...” He squeezed her all the tighter, gently rocking her side to side ever so slightly. “How?” It wasn’t really a question, just his suspension of disbelief given verbal form.

Jean held him close to her, matching the tight hold he had on her. She wouldn’t let go until he wanted her to, a greeting filled with as much love as Bobby needed. Her own tears ran down her face, a reunion with someone she loved and had missed, someone she feared was gone forever.

“It’s really me, Bobby.” He felt her telepathic presence, that warm and endearing feeling that always made him feel welcomed and wanted. Jean had been a part of what Bobby identified as home and to feel it again after it had been so sorely missed, it had a greater impact on him than seeing her.

“Scott found me, he rescued me.” Jean said his name like it was a prayer. “I wasn’t well when I was rescued, I’ve been on Muir the entire time you were gone. Scott stayed with me and took care of me.”

Bobby was only half listening. It took him years to recognize the familiar brush of Jean against his mind. For the longest time, he’d just taken it as his own feelings toward her, but eventually he realized it was really just the force of her essence in close proximity. There was past jealousy that she’d chosen Scott instead of him, but it was easily set aside once Bobby saw how tightly they meshed together. He wasn’t able to love anybody like that, or so his inner demons told him. He was happiest in being happy for them and in cherishing the familiar bond they’d formed together.

It was a bond that had withered into near death. Now, suddenly, without surprise, it was awakened with a new vigor. Jean! After Lorna…

Bobby shook his head. He didn’t want to think about that. “Scott…” He pulled away enough to look past Jean to the Jeep. Scott was still in the driver’s seat, his belt even still buckled like the dweeb he was, patiently waiting for their moment to last as long as it may.

“But…” Scott. Aurora. Baby. There was zero chance that she didn’t know. Jean was nobody’s whipping girl. This was going to get really complicated fast and in a hurry. “Oh, shit.” So many feelings, so many competing thoughts all fighting for first place inside Bobby’s head. “Uh. So… what are you going to do, Jean?”

“I know.” Jean confirmed all the panicked feelings and thoughts that passed through Bobby’s mind. “He has shared everything with me, like it’s always been between us.”

She glanced back at Scott and smiled at him and without having to explain it, Bobby knew what choices had been made. He knew that Scott and Jean were reunited.

“Scott and I, we’ve found a place in New York. We’ll be working and living in the city, not here at the mansion.” Jean paused for a moment “But there is room, room for any one else who wants to stay there. They would have their own apartment rather than just a room.”

At first Bobby didn't catch her meaning and frowned. “Oh…” But then realization took hold. “Oh!” He gave an uncertain smile. “That…that would be something.” He turned a wandering glance towards the mansion. It had finally started feeling like home again. “Can I think about it?”

“Of course.” Jean nodded her head in agreement “Take all the time you need, it’s an offer that doesn’t expire.” She placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned back a bit to look at him better. It had only been a few months since she had seen Bobby but all of them had changed so dramatically in that time.

There was something different in both of their eyes, that fractured pain that came from truly knowing death. Of experiencing what happens when the body and mind are separated and destroyed. Bobby felt that same horrible pain inside of Jean but she lacked the broken and splintered pieces it had created in him. “I think there are some other topics you and I could talk about. I’m so sorry that happened to you.”

Though Bobby wanted to deny it, there was no way he could. He didn't understand so many things about what had happened. How could Jean know?

“I don't … I don't remember,” Bobby said slowly. Emotion threatened to overtake him again but this time it was far from joyous. “I'm not right, Jean. I'm broken and I don't know if I'll ever not be again.”

She focused on him and felt the cracks and breaks that had caused him to act so erratic as of late. “You can be restored but it will take some work and some time. It may hurt and moments may be difficult, but in the end, you’ll feel complete again.”

Bobby had always run from the moments that created discomfort inside of him, by running away from them he had given them so much more power over him until they became an entity in and of themselves.

“You’re going to have to put in the effort though Bobby, deflecting and repressing only gets you so far. I think we can work together and help get you through all of this but I can’t help if you’re not willing to participate.” Jean offered him a small comforting smile. She had always been able to see inside of them, to reach out and offer the support they secretly asked for. While Xavier had strict standards when it came to intervention, Jean did not. She would seek out and help anyone who suffered.

“It’s a lot to consider, take some time to think about it, Bobby. We’ll always be here for you.” That promise of unconditional love, of a family that couldn’t be forgotten or abandoned.

She was right. Bobby couldn’t deny any of it. He just nodded and knuckled his eyes dry. “I’ll let you know… soon.” His smile was strained but hopeful. “Thanks, Jean.”

After wiping his arm across his face, Bobby was finally ready to face Scott. His first steps were unsure and tentative but soon fell into swift strides. That was Scott’s cue.

Once it was clear that the moment between Bobby and Jean had reached a natural conclusion, Scott unbuckled himself and stepped out of the Jeep. It had been a long drive, so he took measured steps around the front. Bobby’s march reached him just as he leaned against the bumper.

“Scott…” Bobby said his name but faltered at anything else.

“Bobby.” Scott returned the neutral greeting of speaking the other’s name without any feeling. They had parted on bad terms. While Scott had made bad choices, Bobby had chosen hostility instead of friendship. The ball was in Bobby’s court.

“Just…” Bobby shook his head, scarcely believing the sight before him. “Just how in the hell did you find Jean? Did you do it by yourself? Why didn’t you ask me for help? I know why you didn’t but damn it! Where was she? Have you really been at Moira’s all this time? What are gonna do now? Jean said something about a place in the City. What’s that all about? Are you really done with the X-Men? What about Aurora and the baby? I know that’s none of my business but FUCK!”

The flood of questions couldn’t stop once the cork popped. Scott waited patiently until Bobby was finished. When Bobby finally stopped for air, Scott gave him a wan smile, placed a hand on his shoulder, and said, “Yes.”

Bobby was floored. “Yes? Yes to what?”

“All of it,” Scott said. “I found Jean myself but I had help. You know why I couldn’t come to you or anyone here. I stayed with Jean while she recovered on Muir Island. We’re starting up something new in Manhattan. This place will always be home but our time with the X-Men has passed. It’s time for a new chapter, one that will allow me to be the man, husband, and father I’m supposed to be.”

All of that made sense until the end. “Wait, what? Husband? But… Jean…” He looked back at her and then back to Scott. “I don’t get it.”

“You will, Bobby.” Scott clapped his shoulder again before withdrawing his hand. “You will.”

Jean shook her head and smirked from their banter, they quibbled like brothers no matter how much time passed or how much misfortune they had endured. “I hate to admit it but I missed listening to the two of you talk like that.”

Jean’s eyes turned towards the school’s front door as the presence of a fellow classmate drew closer.

“Hank!” She said with a smile as the door opened.

“Oh yeah!” Bobby was excited to tell the news. “We found him! He, uh, was with some bad people…”

“I heard,” Scott said. The Niagara Falls incident had made international news. Although key details like names were left out of the final news reports, it wasn’t hard to read between the lines. “You did well, being the ranking X-Man on mission.”

Bobby rolled his eyes away from Scott but darted them away from Jean after a quick glance. ~About that…~ he pondered to himself. Maybe he wasn’t fated to be part of the X-Men anymore himself.

“Thanks…” Bobby couldn’t remember the last time Scott had given him a real compliment. “But, uh, yeah, Hank might be weird.”

The shared glance between Jean and Scott expressed more than words could. Bobby talking about someone else being weird was peak irony. It was all they could do to keep their faces straight.

“I’m not a telepath but you both can shut up already,” Bobby groused.

“Didn’t say a word,” Scott quipped, his lips pursing a little.

“Uh huh…” Bobby turned to Hank who had finally reached them. “Look who’s back.”

“Hank.” Jean stepped forward and wrapped her arms around his large furry frame. Hank had been part of her rescue but they hadn’t had a chance to connect while on Muir, which was understandable considering everything that had happened. She looked much better today than she had during her rescue, the color was back in her cheeks and the life had returned to her eyes. “Thank you for coming with the Professor to save us from Krakoa.”

“You know I would travel to the deepest depths of hell and tarnation for any one of you,” he told her.

"You did," Scott said plainly. "Krakoa was hell for all of us at one point." There were still three of their number missing, but with the odds finally back in their favor, the world felt a little more right for the first time in months.

Bobby shuddered at the very mention of the name despite the fact it meant nothing, at least not to his conscious mind. "Fuck that, whatever it is." His toe kicked the ground at his feet. ~Fuck the Savage Land, too~ Lorna... she had been so close...

"It's where I found Jean," Scott said. "Krakoa was our last mission as a team before... the end. Jean was still there, after all that time." He looked at his friends. "But we came full circle, didn't we? Professor Xavier and I found Bobby. Bobby rescued Hank and the Professor. I found Jean. Hank rescued us along with the Professor. And we'll do it again, whatever it takes."

Though he still looked down at his feet with waves of terror that defied his understanding, Bobby nodded his agreement. "Hell yeah we will," he said, the weakness of his voice belying the strength of his conviction.

“Of course we will,” said Hank more forcefully. “It’s what we do. Because we’re friends. No, family. We’re family.”

Jean placed a delicate hand on her chest as a surge of emotion came over her. Loss of this, of these people, was her greatest fear and there were times during her capture that she believed that fear was going to become her reality. Everlasting hope and love was what brought them back together and it was what would keep them together.

“Again and again, until we no longer can," Jean said as she reached out for Scott, taking his hand in hers. He had lost this drive, this rallying call that unified and inspired the team he led, but she heard it in him now. Scott sounded like his old self in this moment.

“What happened to me while I was captured, it was cruel and brutal.” There was strain in her voice, like it was still challenging to vocalize her trauma. “I worry that our fellow classmates are being subjected to something similar or worse. We have to find them and we have to stop whoever did this to all of us.”

“We’ll find them,” agreed Hank. He remembered exactly none of his captivity, but knew it couldn’t have been good. “All of them—our friends and their captors. And when we do, we’ll make sure they all get what they deserve- good or bad.”

Scott nodded. It was as strong of a covenant between friends as could be agreed. "Jean and I are setting up operations in New York City. There's a place for both of you there."

"Yeah, Jean mentioned that..." Bobby scratched his neck. "I said maybe."

Several images flashed through Hank’s mind: the Professor, the mansion, the students. But foremost of them all was Mara. “I… don’t know,” he said. He wanted to be with his friends, but Mara was here now. And how could he leave the students?

"Open invitation," Scott said. "No hurry, no expiration." He took a deep breath and looked toward the willow tree. "I've got some unpleasant business of my own. As good as it's been catching up, I need to quit avoiding what I need to do next."

"What's that?" Bobby asked.

Scott held up his left hand and let the fingers spread open. The absence of a ring was pronounced. "What do you think, Bobby?"

"Oh, shit!" Bobby's eyes went wide. He'd gotten to know Aurora fairly well by now. They'd been held captive together when Scott rescued them and she'd never failed to check in on him after his amnesia ended. "Thanks for the warning!"

“Scott…” Jean chastised his decorum but not the news he delivered. A few more pieces of the puzzle were falling into place. Scott and Jean were together again with a home and a new team in New York City. While not far away it was strange to think about them not being X-Men. “I should go too, the Professor is expecting me. We have a lot to discuss.”

“Oh, Hank!” Jean suddenly remembered something as her thoughts left their joyous reunion and back towards the work they needed to do. “I was wondering if you could help us with some research. The facility I was being held at, they were performing a large amount of cloning experiments.” She didn’t have the strength to say that they were clones of herself, her own face repeated over and over again. “An operation of that size, they would need a lot of special reagents and equipment. It’s not a lot to go on but do you think you could look into what someone would need for that type of lab work? Maybe if we find a similar facility, it would be worth investigating.”

“Absolutely,” Hank replied. “It may take some time, but I think we can manage it.” He would, of course, ask Mara to help him search the internet for any pertinent information. Any excuse to work with her… “First I need to figure out exactly what they would need. And then find out where to get it. And then find out who procured those things… Yes, this will probably take awhile.”

As Hank was lost in thought, Jean looked over to Bobby. “We’ll be back in a couple weeks. You don’t need to have your mind made up then but if you do, you can drive back with us.”

Jean gazed up at Scott as she took a few short steps towards him. She placed a hand on his chest before kissing him, a reassuring and affectionate gesture meant to instill support for what he was about to do. “I love you and I’m here if you need me.” She brushed her thumb across his lips, removing the touch of pink lipstick she left with her kiss.

Patting the still muttering Hank on the shoulder, Jean went up the stairs into the mansion to speak with Xavier.

Almost absentmindedly, Hank also turned to head towards the mansion. He needed to make plans for this search and talk to Mara.

Before they parted, Scott offered Bobby and Hank fist bumps. This wasn't goodbye. This was barely a hello. Each one of them had some tasks ahead of them and no small amount of soul-searching, but the gang was back together. Scott favored them all with a smile over that.


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