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Alone Again

Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 11:01am by Aurora Summers
Edited on on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 8:53pm

Mission: Episode 4: The Savage ConneXion
Location: Various
Timeline: September 20th 1990

Aurora had waited for Scott & Jean to depart the Mansion grounds not wanting Jean to pick up on her departure. Taking a long look back at the Mansion she stood for a moment, turning she headed on her way she wasn’t even sure where she was going, or what she was going to do.

It was a long walk into town but Aurora didn’t care, it gave her her time to mull things over in her head about where she was going to go. She paused deciding to pay a visit to her old orphanage, but she wasn’t going to walk it all the way there. She’d learned to fly, maybe she could make it most of the way there if her flight ability was still stable enough for low level flight...

~ Orphanage grounds ~

Aurora landed in the grounds of the now abandoned orphanage, having stopped a few times to rest she’d finally run out of energy for anymore flying exploits, at least for the time being. The building itself was run down, covered in graffiti and obscene comments, opening the door with a wave of her hand she stepped inside remembering it as it was back during her childhood in all honesty not much had changed. It was dirtier and the glass windows were smashed, graffiti was everywhere but she couldn’t sense anyone else in the large building.

She walked the stairs to her old dorm, the metal bunk beds still stood to this day. Walking across to her old bunk she closed her eyes as so many memories both good and bad flashed through her mind, making friends who’d depart leaving her alone. Being punished for not being the perfect little girl that every prospective parent came looking for until she was shelled out to foster home after foster home.

Anger bubbled at the memories, added to by her feelings for Scott & Jean, before she knew it the area around her was in flames, the old torn curtains, the dirty mattresses left lying on the bunks, all aflame. She tried to put it out, but the fire had taken on a life of its own, she had no choice but to run, to get out and to watch from afar as the fire spread. The sound of sirens meant she had to go, putting her all into a quick, quiet flight away from the scene.

Arriving back in town she headed for old haunts, she had a place where she used to hide out and right now she needed to change out of her smokey clothes. Creeping inside the back door of a run down motel she checked the nearest room, with no one there she took a mere few minutes to swap clothing she’d had ways to dispose of her old clothing leaving no trace she was ever at the orphanage or the motel. Besides she had money, money she intended to use on a room in a descent motel in the area instead of a rundown dive.

~ A while later ~

Aurora lay on the bed staring at the ceiling, she wasn’t sure what she wanted anymore except for the pizza that sat in the box beside her. Sitting up she ate it up knowing she needed to keep her strength up for her son, he was all she had now and no matter what she would dedicate her life and soul to his care and welfare. If it meant she had to share parental responsibility with Scott, then that’s what she would do, but she wasn’t sure how she felt about Jean being part of the mix. Maybe it would all fall into place as time went by, she didn’t really know, right now she was tired and needed some worthwhile rest. Finishing off the pizza she gave it an hour then decided to get some sleep. Tomorrow was a new day, who knew what it would hold for her.


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