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Looking Forward to the Future - Part 2

Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 11:23pm by Scott Summers & Jean Grey

Mission: Episode 5: Days of Fortune Past
Location: Baxter Building
Timeline: October 5, 1990

Now The Continuation...

Once back on the twenty-ninth floor, Jean was finally able to speak freely with Scott.

“Let me look at you. Are you okay?” She doted over him as she began to examine his temples and the sides of his head.

“He burned you with the soldering gun!” Jean gasped at the discovery. It was a small mark and in the heat of the moment it must have been easy for Scott not to notice but upon her comment the sting of the burn became noticeable.

“Of all the half-assed…” Jean huffed in newfound irritation. “I’ll put some salve on it."

“I’ll be fine, Jean,” Scott said, chuckling at her indignation. Once the situation had passed, Scott was ready to move on. “The guy went out of his way to try and make a new visor for me. I can count on one hand who’s done that. Maybe he’s a mad scientist, but he’s a good mad scientist. We should cut them a break.”

~Which is to say I should take it easy on the mean jokes~ The admission was kept quiet between the two of them, where much of his humility was kept.

“Honestly, though, I do shudder at the thought of him teaching any group of scientists. Future Foundation… heh.” Scott bit his cheek while Jean kept fussing over his minor burn. “Ow! Jean, I said I’ll be fine!”

“I know he means well but he can’t be careless, it negates the good intentions.” Jean frowned at his protests and Scott felt the tremor of her ire being redirected towards him. She swiped the card to their condo and pointed at the couch before she spoke with a demanding tone. “Sit!”

The first aid kit from the bathroom came floating down the hall. Its contents unpacked and floated through the air as Jean telekinetically rummaged through it while an ice cold compress delivered itself to her right hand.

“I agree that the idea of Reed supervising any group of impressionable young people is concerning.” Jean remained standing as she held the cold cloth to Scott’s temple. “Hank would be a good addition, he’s at least cautious ever since his own accident. Maybe Connor too, he is always three steps ahead of everyone when he actually focuses on a task.”

Jean sighed and finally began to relax. Scott watched as the tension left her shoulders and he felt her mind begin to still. “I should apologize for yelling.”

“Maybe that computer techie too,” Scott suggested. “The one Hank is obsessed with. What's her name? Mary? Maya? Laura? No, something with an M.”

“Mara.” Jean corrected Scott as she held his head in her hands. “She’s the first girl to ever show an interest in him, it’s easy to be obsessed with your first.” She smirked and winked at him as she delivered the line. “Hank has been so isolated since his accident, it’s a thrill to experience the possibility of a relationship. Even if it feels a little rushed or unfounded, the idea on its own is enough to flip his stomach.”

Scott shook his head as if to clear it. “Sorry, what were you saying? I got a little obsessed there for a second.” A faint smirk teased at his lips while he let his mind wander briefly into admiration of Jean's fine assets. “Oh. Right. Hank and the others. I'm not sure what tomorrow will bring. Just getting different people into the same room is a good start though.”

“Hold still!” Jean reprimanded him for shaking his head with a jovial tone and a smile. “I’m not finished yet.”

~Yes, ma'am~

“Discussions are definitely a good start, but a unified action plan would be even better.” Jean let go of the cold cloth and it marched away to the hamper before the jar of salve appeared in front of her.

“We have to fight it. We all would in our different ways but a consensus would be ideal.” The jar opened itself and a small dab was applied to his burn, the application felt like Jean’s touch without actually being her touch.

“There.” She examined the burn once more, it was only slightly worse than what a curling iron might provide. “I don’t want it to bother you if you have to wear your visor and I don’t want it to leave a mark either.” Satisfied with his care, Jean’s focus extended to examining his face as a whole and not just the burn. She loved him so much that it hurt sometimes. She tenderly ran her thumb across his lips before letting go of his head. “You’re officially released from my medical care, Mr. Summers, you’re free to go about your day.”

But Scott's arms had already wrapped Jean up before she released his head. “What if I don't want to go anywhere though?” He let his smirking lips hover just out of reach of hers while dropping his voice to a dusky tone. “Maybe I'm exactly where I need to be right now.”

“I should be preparing for the conference tomorrow,” she said with an inviting smile, while looking down at him. Scott knew exactly what he was doing by using that tone of voice with her, it always made her pulse quicken. Jean’s own hands reached out for him, and she began running her fingers through his hair. Still composed enough to be affectionate rather than passionate, her caress was tender and loving. “I have to do some research for my last two arguments as well as prepare for any counter-arguments that might be provided.” She had always been skilled in debate, an aspect of public speaking that Xavier had honed in her. The use of their telepathy made them both sharpened blades when it came to making convincing claims, swaying an audience with a valid argument was a skill that had taken years to refine.

“That is of course unless you want to help me with my cross examination?” Jean’s smile turned wicked as she provided him with a few dirty mental pictures of the two of them entwined. “I could use some help with that.”

Scott gasped at her lucid and lurid imagery. What had been teasing was quickly escalating into something more. “You did promise you'd get cross with me earlier,” Scott pointed out. It was taken completely out of context but that was half the fun.

Jean couldn’t help but giggle in response to his comment, a reference to an earlier statement that tickled her. Scott’s dry wit excited her just as much as that bedroom voice he used.

Conversation was what sustained them during their recovery period on Muir Island together. Talking. Teasing. Encouraging. Whatever it took to go deeper, to rekindle their connection and keep it firing. Nobody captivated him like Jean could. Even their playful sparring was satisfying in its own way.

“But I'd hate to put you out...” He let his words trail off like an old record fadeout. Were his eyes visible, they'd be penetrating. But Jean had never needed the benefit of eye contact for his gaze to pierce her very being. The intent alone was stronger than his optic blast.

His embrace, his alluring voice, his repartee, his heated stare. Jean looked away from his intense gaze as she deeply sighed. The heavy exhale was an attempt to release some of the pent-up flustered energy that was building inside of her. Scott was watching her melt right before his eyes. She chewed on her lower lip as she attempted to stifle some of the heady excitement that was blooming inside of her. Jean’s green eyes returned to him only after she managed to cool down a little. “I suppose I could rearrange my schedule for you, pencil you in for a quick meeting.”

“Oh, I'd love to,” Scott said, canting his head, “but I just remembered there is somewhere I have to be...”

His face was still. Too still. It was the kind of unmovingness that was forced and unnatural, achieved only through great force of will.

“Might need to schedule that out…” Scott’s lips pursed ever so slightly. He wasn't a machine. “...just a little bit.” Then he leaned in and whisper in her ear, “Does that work for you, my love?”

“I understand.” Jean grabbed a fist full of his hair and pulled his head back with it until he was peering straight up at her. She leaned forward and roughly kissed him, a possessive and claiming gesture that was loaded with all the pent-up sexual energy that Scott had created inside of her.

Jean continued with her filthy fantasies from earlier, sharing a mental picture of her naked body splayed out across the conference room table as all the neatly stacked documents laid out atop it were carelessly pushed onto the floor from Scott’s ravaging advances. The lust filled thought caused her to softly moan into their hungry kiss.

But before the tension building between them could become anything more, Jean broke their kiss and let go of her hold on his head. Standing up straight and taking a few steps away from Scott, she wiped the corners of her mouth with her thumb as she gazed down at him with wanton desire.

“You know where to find me when you’re free.” Jean’s tone was cool and collected, a sharp contrast to the passion she had just lavished upon him. Making her way to the door, she exited their condo and headed to the conference room.

Scott just sat there and chuckled in his mounting frustration. That was a hell of a thing to backfire. And just what was it about going to that strange family's home that made them both want to hump like minx the moment they were behind closed doors? It was all enough to leave Scott nostalgic for all the boring days he resented growing up at the X-Mansion.

To Be Continued...


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