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Only Light Can Do That

Posted on Sun Sep 1st, 2024 @ 1:07pm by Jean Grey & Scott Summers

Mission: Episode 5: Days of Fortune Past
Location: Washington, D.C.
Timeline: October 21st, 1990

Scott gathered a few side glances and stares of disapproval as he made his way through the lobby of The Jefferson Hotel. Considered one of the more luxurious hotels in DC, a post-combat Cyclops did little to fit their usual clientele. Ignoring the wayward glares he made his way to the elevator and with a simple push of a button, Scott was delivered to the top floor of the hotel and its First Lady Suite. The door to the spacious room opened before Scott had a moment to fetch his key, almost as if someone was expecting him.

“You finally made it,” Jean greeted him with a mixture of anxiety and relief. She stepped out of his way and left him into the suite’s sitting room. “I’m sorry we left you at the park without a ride back. I wanted to get him out of there as soon as possible, all things considered.” Her voice was a soft murmur as she attempted to keep the hotel room quiet while the Professor slept in the main bedroom. “He’s resting comfortably right now and will most likely sleep until tomorrow. I think he’ll be just fine, but these first couple days are a bit of a doozy.”

Jean turned her attention to Scott, she had felt his pain from the injuries that he sustained while defending the X-Men. Jean’s mission was different than his so she had to separate her personal interests in those harrowing moments. An act that was no small feat and had taken years for both of them to develop.

“Are you alright? Let me look at you.” She reached out and began to look at his injured arm before he could even answer.

“One of the new kids took the worst of it,” Scott said, wincing at Jean’s gentle enthusiasm. “Felt like some kind of a chemical burn. At least it burned like fire at the time.”

Once Jean had his shirt peeled off, Scott finally took a good look at the wound thanks to the mirror in the hallway. His tricep had been sliced pretty deeply, enough it should’ve bled profusely. The burn looked pretty awful, too, probably at least second-degree. He hated to think what it might’ve been had Kayleigh not somehow reached him.

Jean sucked in a sharp breath as she gasped at the sight of his injury. The whole thing was hot and angry to the touch. “You’re going to need stitches.” Jean grabbed an old leather bag from their things and Scott knew it was their more mundane looking medical bag. Years of this lifestyle left them prepared for anything. “Come on, I’ll do it in our bathroom. The lighting is better there. "

“It happened so fast,” Scott said. “One minute we got your update, the next minute I was fighting Warren for my life. After he took Bobby down so quickly at the Alchemax Tower, I didn’t think the others stood a chance.” Glancing at his arm again, he frowned. “I nearly bought the big one myself.”

“Don’t say that.” Jean paused their trek to the bathroom and looked up at him with a worrisome glance. “You’re fine because you have to be.” Scott felt her stomach drop at the very idea of losing him. They had been through so much together that Jean had never even considered life without him. Scott’s presence wasn’t optional, she needed him like she needed oxygen. “Besides, I’ve already put down the deposit for the caterer. It’s non refundable, so you have to be available for our wedding.” Jean attempted some humor to help pull her out of the dark idea of him being taken from her.

“Nothing could stop either of us from being there.” Scott fully believed that. Certain death would have to take a backseat to true love. Destiny wouldn’t allow it, or so the latent poet in him maintained.

She escorted him down the hall of the grande suite to the opposite side where their bedroom and bathroom were. Two queen beds and a full bathroom all decorated in navy and cream. It was an inviting little space with a picturesque view of the Capitol.

“Sit.” Jean demanded as the lid to the toilet lowered itself. Her authoritative tone told him that she meant business, then again she always took her role of field medic very seriously. “Unless you hurt one of your legs too?

“I might’ve pulled something with all the jumping around,” Scott said, rubbing his thigh. He focused for a moment on the low-level gymnastics he had pulled off with blast-assisted pushes off the ground. Dodging what amounted to two giant buzz saws for several minutes straight had been exhausting. “But no, no other wounds.”

“Just checking,” Jean asked as she began to unpack the medical bag. “You have a large bruise on your side that’s going to turn three shades of purple before it heals.”

The way Jean always fussed over him brought a smile to his weary face. As composed as she could be, there was a hint of desperation in the way she methodically tended to his injury. Nimble telekinetic fingers passed over the skin as she scrupulously examined him.

“Does it really need suturing?” Scott asked. The angle was hard for him to get a good look for himself. It wouldn’t be the first time Jean had stitched him up.

“Yes, it needs sutures.” Jean replied with a touch of playful irritation. If Scott had it his way everything just needed a single shot of Bactine spray and it would be fine.

Jean washed and dried her hands despite her lack of actually touching the laceration and chemical burn. All of them had been trained in basic triage and field first aid but Jean was definitely the best at it. She was meticulous and methodical, she never skipped a step and was always so gentle as she worked. Combined with the advantage of her telekinesis, she was the preferred person to dress an injury away from the school’s medical bay.

Sitting down on the edge of the bathtub, Jean used her hands to hold his arm still and in better light while her telekinesis aided her in drawing up a small syringe of lidocaine.

“A few pinches and then it will get better.” Jean warned him as the needle and syringe of lidocaine traveled around the length of his laceration, injecting small doses of the numbing agent as it passed.

She found his eyes as they waited for the lidocaine to take proper effect. “And you’re sure it was Warren?” It was a double edged question. Jean hoped it was Warren because that meant they had found him but at the same time she dreaded that something so horrible had happened to him. “Part of me wishes it wasn’t true.”

“It’s his body,” Scott said. “I don’t know if anything left of him is still in there though. He didn’t hesitate, not for a second. It was like fighting any other Sentinel… except that I couldn’t bring myself to hurt him.”

After a minor flinch from the penetrating syringe, Scott relaxed himself while Jean went to work. “I just don’t get it, Jean. We were a team for a long time. The Professor taught us well. We fought against Sentinels, mutant terrorists, science experiments gone wrong, and even aliens from outer space that one time. Despite all of that experience, it was like somebody systematically took us apart in ways that hurt us the most.”

“I never really considered that,” Jean said with some thoughtful hesitation. “But it does feel like the paths we’ve traveled were meant to hurt the most.” She cleaned and flushed the laceration, the act made the chemical burns surrounding it sting.

He paused for a moment and grimaced, though not from anything Jean was doing. “After seeing what was done to Warren, I dread to even think about what might’ve happened to Alex. I had it the easiest out of all of us. Each time we find one of our friends, it pushes the horror to the next level. I couldn’t imagine a worse violation than what you received, but… what they did to Warren just might meet that threshold.” He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. “Alex might be dead and I’m starting to think he might be better off if he were.”

“Scott!” Jean tisked and chided him for the comment, “Don’t talk like that. We have to stay optimistic. I’m hoping Warren can come back from this and Alex is still alive.” She summoned the suture with a needle and opened the sterile packaging before she leaned in close to his arm with her brow knitted in concentration. “If you had hoped I was dead or Hank was turned into a mindless machine, if anyone had given up on us, we might not be here today.”

Jean began to carefully suture his skin back together, the thread, needle drivers, and forceps all working together in unison to neatly loop and knot together into a row of stitches. Her telekinesis was an amazing extension of her body and mind, allowing her to move buildings, lovingly touch him, and thread needles in one fluid moment to the next. “We have to find something about how Warren was made. Alchemax was a good lead but we have to find more. I have to believe we can undo this, that he isn’t a lost cause.”

“You’re right…” Scott hung his head and allowed his despair to drain out of his face and chest to the bathroom floor. “I just don’t know if I’m strong enough…” What was he saying? Giving up wasn’t an option. He didn’t have any quit in him. “... but I felt that way before you reached out to me from Krakoa. You touched me and that gave me the strength to find you.”

Jean reached out and caressed the length of his forearm, a comforting touch as his mood dropped.

Scott pushed his tongue against his cheek in thought. “We survived today. That gets us to tomorrow. I guess that’s all we can do. We’ll keep going.” Jean’s last thought gave him a bit of hope. “Hank got a piece of whatever tech they stuck in Warren. Maybe he can find something.”

“What!? That’s great.” Once they had fled from the scene, Jean had stopped paying attention to the X-Men and focused more on the Professor so it was news to her. “I mean that could turn into a huge lead.”

The mention of Hank soured Scott’s demeanor even more. He fell silent as that additional sidewind blew against him. As much as he wanted to keep faith in their old friend, he just wasn’t sure if Hank was up to the task.

“You doubt that he’ll be able to figure it out.” Jean said with a small frown in response to Scott’s gloomy outlook. She finished the final suture and cut the thread leaving him with a uniform row of stitches across the length of his bicep. “You have to trust him, Scott.” Jean applied a salve over the burned skin surrounding his laceration. It smelled of antiseptic and was cooling to the hot and angry flesh. “If we stop trusting one another, that will be our true demise.”

“It’s not that I think he can’t…” Scott elaborated, “but more that I’m not sure he will. He’s been all over the place. Usually he comes off pleasant enough. I just haven’t had more than two conversations with him since he’s come back, it seems. We both know how chatty he normally is. It’s so unlike him to put up this, this front and then have nothing to show for it.” He sighed in frustration. “Maybe I’m being unfair, but I feel like if he was going to figure it out, he would’ve done so by now. The old Hank would have, or at least have some kind of theory or answer he’s working toward.”

As unfair as it was, Scott couldn’t bring himself to stop once he started confessing his frustrations. “You should’ve seen him fighting Warren… or fighting me in the Danger Room before that. He’s like a man possessed now, like the kindly, brilliant person we knew is just a mask.” Deep down, Scott’s words were being fueled by an all too familiar feeling. Guilt. He didn’t know how to help Hank, and that frustrated him enough that he struggled not to take it out on his friend.

“Admittedly I haven’t been searching his thoughts and pushing him to see more.” Jean confessed her own shortcoming over the situation. “Hank can be shy at times, especially with personal things. I think I kind of trusted him to come around on his own and figure it out. He’s always gotten there, I assume he will with this too.”

Jean dressed Scott’s arm in a snug clean bandage. When she was finished the treated injury looked just as professional as anything that would have been provided at the hospital.

“You want to help him but you don’t know how.” Jean reached out and held his hand as the medical supplies cleaned themselves up around them. “So let’s change that. How can we help Hank?”

After scanning his eyes back and forth across the wall, not really looking at anything but still searching nonetheless, Scott came back with an empty shrug. “I don’t know that we can. At least not me. When I broke the news to the Professor about Warren and Bobby, I wound up exchanging harsh words with Hank. It was like he didn’t even hear anything about them. All he cared about was that Mara was taken. You saw them at the house meeting when we invited the students to help out at the Beat Street Club. It was like nobody else was in the room but her. There’s being in love and then there’s that... hiding from your problems.”

Scott heard how harsh his tone was getting and forced himself to stop until he could calm it. “So, yeah, I provoked him a little, said some hard truths that he didn’t want to hear. He attacked me. Now we’re not even speaking.” None of it was news to Jean. Nothing was kept secret between the two of them. This was just Scott recapping the situation from his perspective in answer to Jean’s question of how to help. Scott had already tried and hit a proverbial brick wall. In deflection of his big feelings, one side of Scott’s mouth ticked up in a half-smirk. “Maybe you should remind him he has to be at the wedding too.”

“Oh sure I can talk to him…” Jean stood up and untucked her blouse from her skirt. She had removed her blazer and ditched her high heels but still wore the rest of her suit from today’s event. “But I’m not the one he’s mad at, I’m not the one who needs to repair our friendship.”

Jean began to unbutton her blouse as she made her way back to the bedroom. “And you know the easiest way to figure out what Hank needs? Ask him.”

Despite the subject matter, there was nothing like Jean's subtle disrobing to cut through the tension. It often served to punctuate her point by way of distraction, whether intentionally or otherwise, as Scott's attention and energy were redirected elsewhere. So unfair.

“You're right,” Scott agreed, unwilling to contest the point that he already knew was true. “I guess I just need to look for the right opening.”

The innuendo was blatant enough without the subtle pur that overlayed his voice. He stood up and shed his undershirt as he followed along. His belt buckle was unfastened and left to hang loose as he entered the bedroom.

“Not bad,” he said, looking around the suite until his eyes circled around to Jean again. “Love the view.”

She looked over her shoulder at him and flashed Scott a coy smile as she continued to undress. The formal attire had become stiff and uncomfortable now that her worrying and anxiety were alleviated. His lingering gaze didn’t hurt when it came to easing their troubles.

Exhausted as he was, the playful flirting was impossible to resist. Force of habit and their many years made for a powerful combination. In pain and in weariness, he still adored her and loved to let her know it.

Stripped down to her underwear, Jean pulled the half a dozen bobby pins from her hair, releasing it from the bun she had worn it in for the day. The freed hair was voluminous and curly, almost in an act of rebellion from the restrictive updo.

“How’s your hamstring?” Jean asked as she turned to face him. “You said you pulled it. Is it getting worse?”

“Hard to say,” Scott said as he unfastened his pants and let them drop. “Everything's feeling a little tight. Maybe if I stretched it out some.”

He walked toward the bed and peeled off his undershirt. Tossing it aside, he raised his foot to the bedside and started rubbing from hip to calf. In truth, the worst part was just the cramp he'd felt in the Blackbird, but he'd already walked that off. This dramatic display was entirely for Jean's benefit.

“Scott Summers.” She giggled but attempted to suppress it, Jean always became so demure with overt sexuality, that is until her own wanton needs became too much and her inhibitions dropped. It made for a fun little game as far as Scott was concerned, tempting her until she pounced. “You are in no condition to behave so provocatively, you need rest.”

Despite her chastising, Jean made her way over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She pulled him in for a single kiss and Scott could feel her struggling with suppressing her want for him. She had wanted to do this from the moment he walked through the door.

“It’s bad enough that you come home injured after performing such a valiant and noble act of defending everyone from abhorrent danger. Then I take one look at your naked body and the shape of your lips and I just can’t help myself.” Scott didn’t need the assistance of their psychic rapport to sense her burgeoning arousal. Jean had managed to cause her own breath to quicken and her heart to race at just the very idea of him. “So don’t tempt me.”

“Seems like I already have.” Scott’s grin turned wide and fully mischievous. “I can’t help it if you can’t resist me…” He leaned in and kissed one side of her neck. “... or my body…” And then the other side. “... or my lips...” With a gentle pull on the back of her head, Scott tilted her head back, giving him access to kiss from the bottom of her chin to the hollow of her throat. “... which are drawn to every inch of your body.”

He planted a kiss on her lips with a surprise but not forceful press of his tongue into her mouth. The bold, sensual gesture was withdrawn as quickly as he’d made it, but the die had been cast. There was no taking it back, even if his tongue retreated back behind his own lips.

Tapering back to a soft, sweet kiss that he savored for a long, exhilarating moment before parting, Scott nevertheless found himself turning breathless with desire. “It’s okay…” Scott said. “I won’t hold your temptations against you.”

Jean’s day had been nowhere near as rigorous as Scott’s had been but at this moment, she was weak in the knees over him. The smoldering kisses he delivered and the husky tone his voice took on both created even more of a yearning need inside of her. Scott could play her like a Stradivarius, his deft and skillful touch made her whole body sing. So despite her halfhearted proclamations that he needed rest, she leaned into every affectionate touch he provided.

There was something about these quiet moments after such dangerous and high stakes. It made them cling to one another in an attempt to reconnect and ultimately celebrate their lives together. It was one of the most potent aphrodisiacs the couple experienced.

Leaning forward, Jean pressed her lips into the bare skin of his chest. Her soft and warm kisses lingered across Scott’s body as she savored the simplest of contact with him.

“This isn’t rest…” Jean stated the obvious as she continued to kiss his chest, “I should let you rest.”

“If I need rest,” Scott whispered into her ear as he nibbled along its shell, “then maybe you should put me to bed.”

Taking his own advice and even reversing it, he swept Jean off her feet. His tricep rippled with the effort and tugged at the fresh stitches, but he was already committed. Laying her down and letting nature take its course, Scott stopped to admire the beautiful sight before him. Jean always played the line between bold and demure so finely that he never knew what to expect. Usually it wound up being a blend of both, a combination that drove him wild with seductive changeups.

Scott’s sweeping romantic gesture caused Jean to swoon with a head over heels level of adoration. The ease in which he claimed her and the strength in his arms just added to her pining for more of him.

Jean gazed up at him with alluring bedroom eyes as she found a serene and relaxed position across the bed. Her scarlet hair spread around her like a silken halo as she rested a hand above her head and another across her stomach. Her fair skin was radiant in the soft ambient light of the bedroom accentuating the gentle curves of her figure.

“You’re beautiful,” he said plainly, his breath catching as if he’d seen Jean in her delicates for the first time. There was nothing like a brush with death to summon appreciation for the finer things. He ran his hands up her knees and gave each thigh a squeeze.

“And you’re mine.” Though there was a possessive aspect to the statement, it was mostly celebratory and a little incredulous. Even after all these years, sometimes Scott still had to pinch himself that his best friend, the knockout redhead, had chosen him. “You should let me take you. I’ll rest safe and sound afterward.”

A fluster of coy giggles came over her as Jean’s body quivered in response to his open want for her. Scott felt the wave of butterflies that passed through her and caused her to fall madly in love with him all over again. But Jean’s flitter of girlish delight quickly faded and that heated and lust filled desire took over.

“If it will help you rest…” Jean sat up and took him by the forearms before returning to her position of repose. The press of his body against her own made everything better as it created aching anticipation between them. “Then I guess we must.”

This post contains mild adult content. Reader discretion is advised.

She lifted her head from the pillow and claimed his lips with that same possessive need that Jean had felt in him. They belonged to one another, body and mind, heart and soul, all of who they were was given to the other to cherish and worship. So Jean kissed him with that perfect balance of give and take that they found with one another.

As flirtatious as it was on the surface, Jean wasn’t exaggerating. Coming together like this was a must for them. It was required even before their ill-fated mission to Krakoa, back when life was simpler and made more sense. Their mutual shelter for one another brought out their truest selves that could only be revealed when they were alone. Now that the world was falling apart in every which way, big and small, their need for one another became paramount. Every stolen moment together was a priceless treasure.

And so when Scott felt Jean’s perfectly balanced kiss, he returned it with all he had in him. He kissed her like it was both the first and last time, a total indulgence of hope and longing with nothing left out. Each press of their lips drew out, pulling one up and then down before merging together in one warm kiss after another. Passion rose up from embers into flames, engulfing them both in a blaze. Fatigue was gone. So were fear and dread and regret, all consumed in the fiery bonfire of their love.

Cradling Jean’s head in his hand while his arm embraced her from below, Scott pulled back just long enough to look into her stunning green eyes again, an glowing amber color for him due to his ruby lenses. What he found there made his heart skip a beat and drove his lungs into overtime. He saw eternity.

“Forever…” he whispered as his free hand slid down her waist toward her pelvis, feeling every inch in glorious delight of what he felt. All too soon, his fingertips turned slick as their journey found their end. He let them linger with pressure for an agonizingly pleasurable instant before they began to move again in a slow and firm motion, no longer roaming but never stationary. “... and again.”

Scott’s touch was electric and Jean couldn’t help but moan and stiffen in response to the thrilling sensation. She had worried about him in those moments of danger and then longed for him when he returned home to her, causing her to want every one of her senses to be filled with him until all Jean knew was the touch and feel of Scott.

Desperately wanting more, Jean craned her neck up to him as she sought out another perfect kiss. As their lips met, Scott’s fingers brushed against her in a way that made her quiver. The combined sensation of lips and caresses was enough to make her gasp and whimper.

While there were far more rigorous ways that they could experience one another there was something simplistically intimate about his gentle, exploratory touch. Every hitched breath or hard swallow was shared between them and Scott felt the small tremors of her thighs when his fingers stroked her. It was tender and vulnerable intimacy that allowed them to savor the subtle changes in their bodies rather than rush past them.

Guiding Jean to writhe and squirm fanned Scott’s own flame as much as it did hers. Scott was in no hurry to bring Jean to climax. Instead he took carnal delight in feeling her inside and out and every which way in deliberate teasing that pushed her to the threshold without sending her over. Anticipation could only build so much though.

They became so heated that their kisses were sloppy and broken due to gasping and moaning. Jean’s thoughts became singular and focused as they stood on that edge of pleasure. A haze of lust was what she had wanted from him, a perfect moment in time where he became everything to her. The heavy petting turned to urgent demands as Jean arched and pressed against his hand.

Scott’s ambitious fingers felt Jean’s sex begin to coil around them, practically pleading for him to fill her as loudly as her vocal cries did. Unable to hold himself back any longer, Scott pulled forward, propped over Jean’s face. His normally stoic expression had given way to a passionate exuberance that was a look only Jean had seen.

Jean forced herself to pause so that she could savor the moment, it was when they fell into place together and everything felt right. Scott had risked his life today, he had placed himself in the forefront of danger so that others could live. It was that selfless vanguard behavior that Jean adored but also fretted over. So when he came home to her battered and troubled, burdened and brooding from the weight he carried, Jean always tried to alleviate his distress. Watching that look of sheer bliss and passion as it brightened his handsome features, it was the relief and joy she had hoped to create in him.

Jean reached out and caressed his cheek in response to that impending feeling of being filled and completed by him. A splash of love and gratitude that briefly entered their rapport before the fires took hold. She kissed him as the burning need took over and the white hot passion between them grew.

It took an extra moment for Scott to finally enter her without assistance, but the slippery sliding was worth the hassle for the both of them. Edging in their foreplay made the eventual penetration so much stronger.

“Oh, Jean!” The sensation almost made Scott drop his full weight, nearly paralyzed by the shock of pleasure that coursed through him. As much as he had enjoyed teasing Jean clear to the edge, the tables were nearly turned. Her pleasure had been his, her excitement induced into his own body and soul. Now that they were finally joined in blissful coupling, it was all he could do not to lose himself in the act.

~* ‘Scott’ *~ She whispered his name in response to that overwhelming sense of pleasure their union created. It always humbled and silenced her at first, it was a powerful force that made her feel small when faced with its vast depth.

~God, I missed you~ Even though it had only been a few days, recent events had made it feel like an eternity. Coming together now felt like a reunion that was a long-time coming. Each thrust twisted Scott’s face with the strain of overwhelming desire to feel more of her. He felt his throbbing member surge with full arousal as it pushed against Jean’s inner wall. Head back and jaw slack, Scott rested his weight on his hands and let his hips drop as he let out a cry of sweet, ecstatic agony.

Jean wrapped her arms and legs around Scott as things quickly escalated between them. That aching want for more turned into something tangible as they entwined and toppled into one another. She felt him thicken as Scott submitted to the pleasure they provided for one another and it made her succumb alongside him.

Scott felt her whole body clench and tighten around him. From the curling of her toes, to the squeezing of her thighs, the clenching of her core, the press of her nails into his skin, along with the knotted look of ecstasy on her face, Jean’s body seized and shuttered in response to his demise.

And then he felt the pull of her psyche upon his own as she tugged at him and took hold of him. The sea of pleasure flooded their minds adding to the supreme delight they took in one another. When Scott claimed Jean and they lost themselves in one another, it was divine and perfect.

After he caught his breath but before the euphoria faded, Scott pushed himself into another round. The adrenaline hangover from dodging the jaws of death turned his rattled nerves and sore body into conduits of unbridled passion. Letting the deep connection they had achieved diminish felt criminal.

Still slightly short of breath, Scott rocked back to his heels, then gathered Jean's legs, resting them on his shoulders.

~Not done~ Though it was half a thought, it carried on the turgid current of passion. ~Need more~

A fresh wave of aching want flushed and moved through Jean as Scott mentally muttered his desire for more. His appetite for her remained unsatisfied and that primal need for her renewed everything between them.

When Scott claimed Jean again, he took her in full. Between the way she was bent backward and the way Scott sprawled his knees forward, each stroke was high and tight. Near total removal on the downstroke with no clearance between them at the apex seized Scott with a piercing pleasure that drowned out everything else. There was space only for one thing in his mind.

“Jean…” Her name was a sigh and a moan more than anything, but there was awareness of nothing else. Scott held his head straight up to the ceiling and surrendered to the entwined need and romance of the moment.

~* ‘Scott’ *~ Even her thoughts turned to lengthy moans of approval as he delivered delicious stroke after stroke. There were moments when she simply indulged in the act of making love. Moments when she wasn’t reaching for her apex but merely reveled in the feel of Scott. ~* ‘You feel so good, give me more.’ *~

Increasing the cadence and rhythm ever faster, Scott's hips became a blur. There was no specific feeling. It all blended together as his mind became engulfed in an overriding joy and pleasure that filled his mind and stretched across his entire body. Groans normally reserved for the heat of battle gurgled from his mouth. As the passionate pressure built up, Scott leaned forward again and wrapped himself around Jean's bent body, kissing her long and fiercely as he gave her everything he had.

Jean whimpered in delight as Scott came crashing down on her. The ferocity of his love and the passionate way in which he showed it brought her to her figurative knees. He often claimed that he felt small in comparison to Jean’s mental presence. But in these moments, when Scott’s steadfast focus and valiant determination fixed on her, Jean felt how powerful he was.

Deep and frantic thrusts filled her as his lips were ravenous in their quest for more. And Jean felt as Scott became her steadfast and unwavering champion, her guiding light and her way home. She achingly moaned and her whole body jerked and quivered in response to the absolute ecstasy he provided.

Each moan added fuel to the fire, amping Scott’s every move with furiously desperate stimulation. Time seemed to pause and stretch out forever, its passage blurred in supreme rapture that erupted between them. In moments like these, highlight reels flashed through his mind in vivid clarity as his mind pulled them forward to be relived again in simultaneous experience with the present. Years of making passionate love came washing over him in one crushing tidal wave. It was just too much to contain. Scott screamed again as release finally came a second time, though far more powerful and explosive than before.

~Jean!~ Upon crying her name, his thoughts unraveled into total ruin. Scott became lost in nothing but the palpable feeling of the loving ecstasy which overflowed from their psychic bond. There was simply nothing else but her, him, and their union.

Scott’s flurry dropped to slower but heavier thrusts where his undulating hips threw his weight behind each movement. Winding down from peak, raging lovemaking was a rapid descent back through multiple layers of joy and bliss. In Scott’s case, he enjoyed that return back to Earth with a spasm in his leg.

“Ow! Damn it!” He rolled off Jean onto one side and began punching his thigh. After a few seconds, it began to relent with micro-spasms continuing to make him quiver. He started laughing at the irony of his leg giving out after tempting Jean by stretching the muscle out. “So worth it but damn!”

“Oh no!” Jean exclaimed with a lilt of laughter, “I knew I should have given you a massage earlier.” She sat up and kneeled over him as he struggled with his tense and tight quad. There was something comical about his agony, a miserable moment after such a beautiful high. “Stop punching your leg, let me.”

Jean shooed his hands away and she began to massage the cramped and painfully tight muscle. While her touch could be magic on its own, when it was combined with her telekinesis it was sublime. Jean’s knowledge of anatomy and her bond with Scott made it easy for her to locate the source of his pain and within a few short minutes the cramping ceased.

“Better?” Jean looked up at his visor hidden eyes as her hands continued to perform their deft work. “How’s your arm?”

“Much better…” Scott laid back and moaned at the intoxicating cocktail of pain and pleasure and the wake from each passing. Looking at his arm, he still couldn’t quite see where Jean had stitched it even without the bandage over it. “I think it’s okay. Didn’t bust, at least, or I would’ve felt it.”

Pulling Jean down on top of him, Scott stole a kiss that may have rekindled their passions if not for the chuckling amusement passing between them. “Even if it did, I’d do it all over again. I regret nothing.”

“It was pretty good,” Jean bashfully giggled between kisses. “After that, I don’t think I’d mind redoing them either.”

She reached out for his hands and laced her fingers with his as Jean settled into a comfortable position on top of him. The weight of her body against his own accentuated every curve of her body as it pressed into him. Jean was practically beaming with radiant and effervescent love for him. The type of love that made her heart hurt because of how full it was.

“Now you should rest…” She leaned forward and kissed with every ounce of heated afterglow that remained between them. “What do you need to get comfortable?” Jean kissed him once more and she dared to nip at his lower lip. “Should I fluff your pillow?”

~After that massage, I got something else you could fluff~ With anybody else, it would have been an idle dirty thought, a passing joke born from manly depravity. But with Jean who had a constant insider peek inside his mind, there was no private thought she didn’t notice.

Jean’s cheeks turned a bright pink as she realized how terribly she stepped into that innuendo. She laughed at the absurdity of it before sitting up right and gazing down at him. They could be playful and tease one another, so Scott felt a telekinetic brush across him as Jean failed to stifle her grin.

Knowing full well that she had caught it, Scott just beamed a mischievous grin. There was no shame in it between them. Sharing everything, even their very thoughts, meant that what might be taken wrong between others was perfectly understood and received between the two of them. Scott ran his hands up Jean’s thighs which sprawled on either side of him and passed along her midsection to her breasts where they lingered.

“Just like this is good,” he finally said in reply. “For now.” After a few loving caresses, Scott let his hands drop to Jean’s hips where they laid to rest. “You know me. I never like to waste a good view.”

“No, you don’t.” Jean cocked her head slightly to the side as she wistfully looked down at him in appreciation. He wasn’t the only one who’s eyes lingered across their partner's body. “You promised to keep an eye out for me one day...” She affectionately caressed the length of his forearms as they drank each other in. “And then you never stopped.”

“How could I?” Scott’s grin melted into a smirk. “I haven’t taken my eyes off you since the first day we met. There’s nothing and no one more beautiful or… captivating and mysterious and loving in all the world.” He gave her hips a squeeze before sliding his palms up her stomach again. “Everything I could ever want… I have right here.”

Jean leaned into his touch with a gentle roll of her hips. Scott’s hands were strong and supportive, they lavished her with love and made her feel every bewitching and beguiling emotion.

“Everything I could ever want.” She repeated his words as her gaze turned fanciful. Jean telepathically shared a carousel of possible futures for them, her daydreams of a beautiful life together. “You are my first and my last, Scott. You will always be my forever.”

The montage of perfect futures rolled through his mind like coming attractions at the movie theater. Scott closed his eyes and let them play through one at a time, even adding to some with a few of his own additions. Big family in a big house on a big property. Corner office in a glassed-in high rise. A thousand sunsets shared together through an open window.

Scott pulled Jean down and held her at his side. “That sounds incredible,” he whispered, looking at her nose to nose. “I’ll take all of it. Just as long as it’s with you.”

When he kissed her again, it was softer than before, but just as heartfelt. His breathing was deeper as well. They were at a precipice. As tightly as he held her, their kisses could still lead toward romance or a doze depending which way she pushed.

“I love you, Scott.” Jean softly whispered between tender kisses. She pressed herself against him as his arm wrapped around her to cradle her close to him. The warmth of his body was inviting and the solid presence of his frame made her feel safe.

Scott had faced clear and present danger today but as the moments ticked by and they held each other the fear and hopelessness they both had felt became a distant memory. They were here together with as much promise for a brilliant future as two people could have.

“You said you would rest…” Jean kissed him again with a subtle, playful brush of her tongue across his lips “So you should definitely get some sleep.”

“Probably,” Scott said with a sleepy tone. “There’s just one problem…” He paused for a moment to build up the moment, then said in a normal voice, “I know you want to ride me. You want it so bad that your chest aches.” His smirk returned. “How am I supposed to go to sleep knowing that?”

Jean tilted her head back as she erupted into a fit of laughter. Her body jiggled against his as the room was filled with the sound of her happy giggles.

“I can’t help myself,” she replied once her laughter had finally subsided. “I’m crazy about you and I don’t know how to turn it off,” Jean kissed the line of his jaw and his chin. “I’ll keep myself under control so you can get some rest.”

Jean turned off the lights and fussed with the sheets on the bed in a halfhearted attempt to go to sleep. All the while she provided Scott with positively filthy mental pictures of all the lurid things she considered doing with him.

“Good night, my love.” Jean kissed him sweetly on the lips before she nuzzled into the space under his chin. In the dark, still room her racy thoughts became even more vivid.

After a moment of stillness, Scott's voice cut through the silence like a knife.

“You know I can still fuck you in the dark, right? No different than with my eyes closed, so it wouldn't even be hard.” Scott had to chuckle as his erection stabbed Jean somewhere in her middle. Betrayed by an unintentional pun. “I stand corrected.”

There was another moment of laughter from Jean. In the dark he could pick up on her little sighs that helped her catch her breath along with the slight scrunch of her posture as she giggled.

Already embraced as they were, it was no trouble finding her lips again. The trail of her honeyed breath led straight to her luscious lips. Scott kissed her again with passion anew. Tiredness was fleeting. Love was forever.

~Leave them off~ No lights. The cover of darkness made for an even more uninhibited environment than usual. Scott felt a whole new thrill come over him. ~Keep showing me what you want in here. Be my eyes~

Jean’s playful attitude dropped with Scott’s request, the heated way in which he kissed her and his want for her to guide him created an erotic tone to what had been flirtatious banter. He was the source of all her desires, the one person whose touch made her quiver and moan. Guiding him from plane to plane of her body created a thrill inside of her.

Jean thought about his lips and that subtle curve of his Cupid’s bow that drove her wild before she recalled the press of his lips against her neck. Kisses that shifted from tender to hungry as he moved across her body.

~* ‘Here.’ *~ She offered him her throat in the darkness, a length of delicate skin that held some of her most sensitive spots.

Eyes open in the pitch black, Scott was led only by Jean's psychic prompting and his own carnal instincts. A veritable hunger filled him as his lips took purchase of her soft flesh. The taste was amplified by the darkness even before the top of his tongue found her artery, which it traced along the small section in his narrowly open mouth.

~Somehow you taste even better this way~ Scott let out a happy sigh of contentment as he pursed his lips for greater pressure. Now that his tongue has mapped his path, he let his lips follow the trail again down to Jean's collar bone and back up again. When he slowly made his way back up, he didn't stop until he reached the hinge of her jaw.

Jean softly moaned from his kisses, she had asked for them and bared her throat for it. Yet, the actual act of his lips against her was still a pulse quickening thrill.

“I love you,” he whispered directly into the shell of her ear. ~Where now?~~

~* ‘Touch me’ *~ The request was vague at first but her thoughts provided him with more details. Jean recalled his hands across the length of her back, his fingers through her hair, greedy palms that kneaded her backside, gentle fingertips that traced the dip of her navel. All of it was sensual and erogenous without touching her more titillating areas.
~* ‘I love the feel of your hands across my body.’ *~

Still following her guided imagery, Scott’s hands made her thoughts become reality. Each curve and contour was cherished all the greater by the enhanced tactile sensation that blindness brought. Scott felt himself grow more excited with every passing moment.

~That makes two of us~ In his excitement, Scott’s fingers entwined in Jean’s hair enough to pull her head back, exposing her entire jawline for his ravenous enjoyment. While his fingers continued to weave through Jean’s hair, his alternate hand slid down her back with fingertips groping the pressure centers around each vertebrae all the way. The press of his fingers against her flesh and bone flared a spectrum of feelings throughout his own body that ebbed between passion and serenity. Reaching her tailbone, Scott allowed his hand to drift to one side where the halm cupped the soft but firm cushion of her backside.

The firm grasp was tentative as he quickly released it, shifting for a full rub across the both. He savored each warm compression as he kneaded her glutes in the way she had shown him. From there, Scott leaned Jean’s shoulders back to rest against the hand which had been playing with her hair. Scott’s other hand made the slow journey from her backside around to her navel, gripping each curve of her hip and abdominal wall along the way. He shifted from his fingers to his palm, moving it in a light caress and massage combined into one with small clockwise circles.

Knowing what was splayed out in front of him in the dark was somehow even more thrilling than if he was able to see it, but that was what this sensual exploration into darkness was pursuing. Being able to enjoy the connection of raw physical touch without the domination of visual aids was a delayed gratification that pulled them both into a trance of self-abandonment where only thoughts of the other mattered.

Jean’s thoughts drifted back to their youth when exploratory touch and caressing bare skin was the pinnacle of their evening. Night skies hidden from view under the willow tree, stolen moments in darkened hallways, lunches in the garage under the hood of his Jeep. The way he touched her in the dark reminded her of how Scott slowly worked up the nerve to fondle more and more of her.

~You feel amazing~ Scott felt a happy hum escape his lips. ~Inside and out, the feel of you fills me up to overflowing~

“Scott,” her voice was barely audible as she whispered his name in a breathy gasp. The sound of his name in that hushed and longing way, it created goosebumps across his skin. “I love you.”

Jean’s mental requests turned racy as that flushed and heated want for him swelled and bloomed inside of her. She reached out and brought his hand up to her breasts, her need for more of his touch caused her to momentarily break the rules of their little game. But the thoughts that followed made up for her minor offense.

Moments of hot and heavy petting filled Scott’s mind. When his inhibitions dissolved and he indulged every crass and fevered impulse that passed through his the primal part of brain. Just the idea of that state of mind caused Jean’s heart to race.

The trigger was pulled. The leash was off. Scott pulled his face toward the breast in his hand, guided only by the luscious grasp that Jean had prompted in mind and body. Rote feeling guided Scott across Jean’s breasts, pressing them together for a firmer sensation only to release. The blind feel of the jostling jiggle made Scott burn with desire, his need to feel her consuming him as compensation for not seeing what he could feel was there.

“I love you,” Scott whispered back just before he set the cusp of Jean’s breast between his lips. His open-mouthed kisses encircled her nipple, teasing the outer edges in waiting for it to firm up. Once it did, Scott slathered his tongue around its protruding tip until he took it all behind his lips in a gently fervent suckling kiss. All the while, his other hand scooped and rolled her other breast in deft, delicate motions, priming it for the attention he soon intended to give it.

~I’ll give you whatever you want~ Scott’s mind pledge as he cocked his head, raised his chin, and continued to pet her breasts in the vivacious way she had wanted. ~I’ll give you everything~

Jean always had such brilliant plans for Scott when their lovemaking started. She would be collected and coy as Jean undid him stitch by meticulous stitch. Calculated and devised foreplay that would bring him to his knees in blissful release.

And then they actually started touching one another and the world disappeared until only their lust and desire for one another existed. With that heated demise all her preparations vanished, Jean could no longer play games nor did she seek the exotic. Because in the end, all she wanted was Scott in that complete and satisfying manner.

~* ‘You.’ *~ Jean gasped the word as her thoughts grew hazy and love drunk. Her own hands became fervid in their exploratory touch as if she wanted to experience all of him at once. ~* ‘I only want you.’ *~

Her touch finally reached his arousal and with that first caress Jean’s thoughts became positively pornographic. Scott was bombarded with her lewd and hungry desire for his body and his physicality. The cut of his muscles, the strength in his arms, the lines of his jaw, and the hardened length of his manhood. Her love for him was vast and deep but she also relished the superficial. Scott was beautiful and Jean felt no guilt over enjoying that part of him too.

Scott threw his head back and gasped at the unexpected maneuver. Without any visual forewarning and being intoxicated by their love drunk psychic rapport, he was completely unprepared for Jean’s most intimate of gestures.

~* ‘Give me all of you’ *~ There was a touch of demand in her tone as anticipation made her desperate. Jean draped her top leg across his hip and with a welcome crush of their bodies against one another he felt them align. Her hand guided him into the heaven that resided between her thighs and there was a momentary gasp from both of them as they returned to one another.

“Oh, fuck!” Scott was being completely undone by the blind initiation into what was normally their daily goal. The touch sense was amplified to eleven.

Jean’s arms wrapped around him and snaked upwards until her hands found the back of his head. She buried her fingers in his hair and Jean hugged him close to her. Cradled and close in the darkness, the tight hold and press of their bodies created a tactile sense of intimacy that otherwise would have been diminished.

~* ‘Slow’ *~ She requested as she gently bucked and rolled her hips into his ~*‘I want to savor every inch of you’*~

~Yes, please~ Scott was in full agreement. He practically whimpered as they finally began moving as one. Giving Jean the erotic foreplay she had asked for only attenuated his remaining senses. The sound of each breath she took and the moan she gave only thickened him between her thighs. Her wandering hands, the pulsating telekinetic charge she put into his body elevated him to new heights of pleasure.

Nobody knew him, his body, or his mind like Jean did. Each slow and measured rolling buck of her hips triggered a new peak in Scott. She knew each button, pressing them all in turn like programming a calculator or playing an accordion. ~Have your way with me. Just don't stop. For the love of God, please don't stop!~

~* ‘I won’t stop’ *~ Jean’s languid rhythm caused her whole body to grind against him. In the darkness, the movement of hips created gentle waves that rolled and pressed her against him, while her thigh brushed across his side and her mouth rose then fell in time with each lazy stroke. Jean was the siren he would crash upon the rocks for, Scott’s salvation and his demise.

~* ‘I don’t ever want to stop’ *~ She deepened their kiss and Scott felt the swirl of her tongue across his own, another tactile layer of temptation to mix with everything else.

~*‘Because you’re mine so I’ll take all my pleasure from you.’*~ Jean’s final request was provided to Scott, the touch of his fingers against her in a caress that would push her over the edge.

Scott burrowed his fingers into the slick crevice between their bodies, blindly groping for her blooming flower with every intention of moving her to the finish line and beyond. His other hand clutched her breast for balance and leverage as much as for the pleasure of it. As hard as Jean’s grinding was, Scott just held her and let his counterweight press their bodies together in the ways that amplified their rhythmic movements into peak ecstasy. bowed

~Yes! I’m all yours!~ Scott opened his heart and gave himself fully over to Jean’s heartfelt desire for him. His mind paused the feeling of the moment, letting it imprint into his consciousness with an everlasting core memory that he could carry forever like a brand on his soul.

~And you’re all mine~ That sentiment was punctuated with stronger and more rapid finger strokes that bowed and spiraled in double time with Jean’s riding. The greater tempo had the desired effect on Jean, which Scott could feel as her intimate grip coiled even tighter around his erection.

“Jean…” he whispered, “Jean, I… I…” He was only a man. Holding on at that point was impossible. His lips broke from hers as he cried out in sweet release, feeling himself overtaken by the surrender he had given her. Despite his crash, Scott kept his fingers in motion without missing a beat until Jean followed him into her own demise.

Jean’s whole body grew tense and tight, she arched and stiffened as the glorious release filled her. Her toes curled and her fists clenched as Jean threw back her head and she cried and moaned in ecstasy. Scott felt every inch of her perfect and glorious little death in his arms.

His psyche was swallowed whole in that moment, consumed and devoured by her pleasure; the mental release that came with the physical one was like fireworks in his mind. Amidst the darkness of their lovemaking, Scott saw radiant, explosive colors that were long missing from his life. He had asked her to be his eyes, to give him the ability to see without sight and what Jean provided was awe inspiring.

End of Adult Content

“Wow…” Scott said between huffs for air. Even though the lights were off, there was no darkness between them. Sparks still shot between their minds, lighting up their shared psychic space with tactile illumination and mutual climaxes. “I’m tempted to do it that way more often.”

“And people wonder why this is all we ever do.” Jean’s voice was breathy and labored, all of her was spent in that oh so satisfying way.

Scott rolled onto his side and took Jean along for the ride with him. The little squeal she let out in the sudden motion brought a smile to his face that she could sense even if she couldn’t see. She really was the light of his life.

“This was what I needed,” he said, kissing her softly between each phrase. “Not rest. Just you. Just us. Always us.”

“You really are my everything.” Jean returned each of his kisses with a lingering bit of excitement and enthusiasm. The press of her lips just a touch too hard thanks to her zeal for Scott. “If you are going to run off and put yourself in harm's way, I have to make sure you know what you need to survive for.” She chuckled a little at her own remark, a joke to make light of her concerns over him.

“Hey, you were there too.” Scott gave a teasing pinch to her backside. “You were standing next to the most likely target even. I was incognito, hiding in the crowd, behaving myself and not putting a target on my pretty little back like some people.” He kissed her again. Despite his teasing, Scott couldn’t have been more proud of his bride, a feeling that came through his lips loud and clear.

“I was shielding both of us and listening to the crowd the entire time, that’s why I couldn’t help on the bridge as much as I would have liked to.” Jean scoffed in a playful tone as she squirmed from his pinch. “And you weren’t incognito, at least not at the end when you jumped right into the front and held the line. Anyone who knows the X-Men will know who that crimson light and zark sound belong to.” Scott felt teeth on his shoulder in the dark flowed by a bite, her counter to his unfair pinching. “And you just like it when I wear a suit.”

Scott was startled at the unexpected counter stroke, though he didn't shrug it off. There was always an erotic touch to Jean's bites, even when she was being playful. Coming down from intense passion only made that more pronounced.

“Suit, no suit, dress, no dress, I just like you,” he said, deflecting her greater point for the moment. “All eyes were on you anyway. I know mine would've been.” His finger poked her under the fifth rib where her ribcage ended. Not hard, it was just for the joy of making her flinch again.

“Your eyes are always on me.” Jean squirmed once more as she reached out and snatched the finger that poked her. She held onto it in order to prevent Scott from prodding her again.

“Good job bringing him home.” The memory of Jean’s bloodied nose and the crippling, nearly seizure-inducing migraine that resulted from her attempt to read Warren’s mind shot through Scott’s mind. He didn’t let himself panic at the time, but it was still devastating to watch. Even recalling it filled him with dread. “I know that couldn’t have been easy,” he said. “It wasn’t for me when I saw you… like that. But we both made it home.” Biting his lip for a moment, Scott added, “Had I not stalled… Warren…” It was hard to call him that. “... then I don’t think everyone else would have.”

“I know why you did it and I commend you for it.” Jean’s voice became sincere as Scott thought about the events from the past few weeks. She let go of his finger that she was holding before she reached out to run her fingers through his hair. Jean’s touch was comforting in the dark, passion turned to love and Scott felt her desire to soothe him. “It’s been hard seeing Warren, hasn’t it?”

Scott had to sort through his thoughts and feelings for a moment, conflicted as he was. Not knowing where Warren was or what had happened to him was bad enough. Seeing him turned into the living embodiment of the worst enemy mutants had ever known was even worse. In the end, his inner turmoil only came out as one word. “Yes,” he affirmed.

Putting his forehead against Jean’s in an affectionate gesture, Scott opened his heart and let his deeper feelings ooze outward. They had already discussed Hank and their general concerns for him. Putting Hank and Warren together, particularly in the awful memory of Hank saving Scott and then unleashing fury on their former friend, filled Scott with a terrible sense of foreboding.

~I don’t ever want to think about what I became without you~ Scott held Jean all the tighter with that thought. ~But watching Hank almost get killed trying to beat the Omega Sentinel out of Warren? Now I know what everyone else was thinking about me when you were missing~

The admission came with a sniffle as Scott tried to keep from letting the darker feelings overtake the most positive concerns he’d drawn from introspection. It was just so hard to keep it together sometimes, to be the bulwark that everyone counted on him to be. Only in Jean’s arms did he feel free to break apart and air himself out, but even then he wanted to be measured. The truth, though, always wanted to be revealed. ~That’s the real reason why I’m afraid. I can’t help Hank any more than I could help Warren because I couldn’t even help myself~

~* ‘You helped me’ *~ Jean caressed his cheek as if she expected to find tears there. ~* ‘You saved me and then helped me get better. And everyday you help me face challenges and find happiness.’ *~

She ran her hand down the length of his chest and rested it on his heart. ~* ‘You helped the X-Men today and hundreds of civilians.’ *~

Finally she leaned forward and kissed him, her soft lips were a balm for him.
~* ‘Acknowledge your successes too. They deserve even more of your attention. Besides, you don’t have to do it alone. We can figure things out and help them together.’ *~

Scott accepted her kiss before returning it with one of his own, then tucked his face into her shoulder. ~I know you’re right. I’m not faulting myself. It’s just that… I’m scared, Jean. Professor Xavier told me that he let me fall flat on my face because he knew it was inevitable and that he had faith in me to pick up the pieces. If he felt anything like I do now, then… well, I just wish I had his strength~ The tears finally began to come, though only a soft misting rather than the torrent he felt. He turned and kissed her neckline with a single peck. ~But then I have you. I’m ahead of the game when I count that~

~* ‘Yes, you have me’ *~ Jean kissed the top of his. ~* ‘You have to remember that Xavier told you he had faith in you picking up the pieces. That you had to fall so you could rise past it. What is happening with Hank and Warren, it is just more of the same. Sometimes the journey has perils but the destination is reached. I believe in you… I believe in us.’ *~

~You were my biggest piece of all~ As far as sentiments go, it was as honest as could be. The warmth from it radiated from Scott’s mind into Jean’s thoughts. ~Everything else will just have to sort itself out~

And then he kissed her again. Not a quick, stolen peck, but a madcap, prolonged kiss that poured the feelings that were difficult to express even in thought into their shared space. Physical sensation spoke louder than words. Sheltered in the dark, Scott converted the fretful tears he’d held back into desperate affection, choosing to invest his feelings where they would be safest, in the light that was Jean.



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