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The Hard Truth

Posted on Sun Jun 4th, 2023 @ 10:50am by Charles Xavier & Moira MacTaggert

Mission: Episode 2: Northern X-Posure
Location: First Subbasement | X-Mansion
Timeline: August 6th, 1990

The Blackbird was undergoing post-flight protocols. The students who weren't undergoing critical care in the automated medical suites had dispersed from the hangar to their whims. Those who did require care were under Xavier's critical eye.

Connor had taken a stab to the shoulder that required reattachment of significant connective tissue, but fortunately had missed anything vital. He was kept unconscious while the autodocs worked to stitch his shoulder from the inside out.

Aurora had her field dressing changed and the wound stitched properly. Mostly she was just resting from her ordeal.

Cameron suffered from a contusion and mild concussion to the head. Nothing but rest for him.


For Charles, therein lied the mystery. Jade had given Bobby a thorough examination on top of the medical computer's assessment. Physically there was nothing wrong with him. Mentally, however, Bobby was like a hibernating bear. Lights were on but no one was home. Catatonia, Jade had said. Xavier knew it to be something deeper.

There were now two students whose minds were locked away from them. While the Mansion's medical suite could treat the injuries to their bodies, a school was not the environment they needed in order to recover. It was with great reluctance that Charles contacted Muir Island.

"Moira," he began over his telescreen, "it would seem I have some new guests for you."

"Oh, Charles..." Moira said. "Ae'm soo sorrae to hearre thot..."

"Not as sorry as I am," Charles replied.

"Whot aes tha naetaure of their aelmints?" Moira asked. "Soo Ae cin hove their rrhooms rrheadae fore their arrhival."

Charles took a calming breath. "Bliss and Bobby are in some kind of fugue state, ranging from general confusion to full catatonia. Not even the Quist scanners can elucidate the reason. I suspect trauma to be the case."

"Whould not ye bae a baettar ooptiun fore their caere?" Moira asked. "Ae'm a raesearcher, Charles, noot a psychiaetreest."

"You did wonders for Connor, for Sean, and so many others," Charles argued. "And for me. With the Brotherhood attack, I believe Muir Island to be a sanctuary that I fear the Mansion might never be."

"Vaery waell." Moira gave an acquiescent nod. "Oond the oethers?"

"There is a young lady named Elizabeth, though she prefers the name Myfanwy." Charles smirked as he still stumbled over the correct Welsh pronunciation.

Moira smiled. "Ooh, hoow glooriouss! Doos Myfanwy raequoire spaecial ahccoomadaetions?"

"No," Charles said, "just space to roam. Her mutation is that she creates a secondary physical form for herself while she sleeps that is not unlock an astral body, though it can become more solid. In time, there's no telling what could happen should she be able to control her power, but for now she is best kept under your watchful care."

"Ae see..." Moira looked concerned. "Ae mae hove mae honds fhull haere, Charles."

"I know." Charles nodded with understanding. "That's why I'm sending one more person who needs sanctuary of a different sort. Levi was rescued from an awful experiment conducted by Roxxon Corporation. From what I have learned of his past, that is not necessarily the worst thing that has happened to him. He wanted to join the team, but he got caught up in legal trouble. I could stop him from leaving the country, but I won't. If you give him sanctuary, he has agreed to help keep an eye on everything for you."

"Thaenk ye, Charles..." Moira did not appear to be as grateful as she expressed, but she didn't argue. "Ae suppoose Ae'd baettaer maeke thoose praeparrhations."

"Indeed..." Charles wanted to apologize, but he refused. He dared not. This was what needed to be done. He would not make the proper care of the students under his tutelage something which needed apology. "We should be headed your way in a few days."

"Wae'll bae waeteeng." A wan smile returned to Moira's face. "Ghud-bae, Charles."


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