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A Stitch Up

Posted on Sat May 11th, 2024 @ 1:41am by Maeve MacKenna & Hank McCoy & Mara Ricci
Edited on on Sat May 11th, 2024 @ 10:28pm

Mission: Episode 4: The Savage ConneXion
Location: Nurse’s station, the Mansion
Timeline: September 1st 1990

Perhaps it was because of his knowledge of biology, or perhaps it was simply because he had the biggest heart, but whatever the reason, Hank had been appointed chief medic while in the field and while at the mansion. He didn’t mind, though. Well, if he was completely honest, he enjoyed the task of healing. It felt like caring, and he surmised that it probably WAS caring, in a sense.

Because Maeve was still a minor, Mara sat unobtrusively in the corner. It was always a good idea to have another person in the room, just in case. In fact, it was school policy- for the protection of the students as well as the faculty.

Since her injuries seemed mostly superficial, Mara had brought Maeve to the small nurse’s station on the first floor of the mention rather than the larger medical bay in the basements. If it turned out they needed anything else, they could always move.

Hank had first checked the large cut across her stomach. It had mostly scabbed over, but there was a significant section that seemed to want to stay open, so he had declared stitches were in order. After carefully numbing the area, he had her lie down and got to work. “How did all this happen?” he asked in an effort to keep her mind off the procedure.

The shower had been amazing. Maeve hadn't expected it to feel as good as it did but when the hot water hit her skin she felt like it was washing away months or grime and dirt that had sat on her. Some of it stung as it hit the cuts on her body but it was worth it simply to feel clean again. The fact that her hair now resembled hair and not a knotted old wig was a godsend. She wore it up in a high ponytail for the first time in a long time, and it actually looked nice.

As she left the bathroom she saw clothes lying out on the bed. A pair of jeans that just about fit her, if not loose around the waist and a t-shirt with some kind of spaceship on it. Lifting it up Maeve cocked her head, "What's the Enterprise?" She asked out loud but to herself.

Mara had met her outside and explained they would make way to the nurses station within the mansion for a look over of her wounds. There wasn't much chat on the way but before they knew it they had arrived and Maeve was in front of Hank again.

The numbing agent felt cold and it was odd to not feel someone poking you with a finger or a needle and thread. Hank put her at ease, which was strange given the appearance of the person, but he did. "I don't think you'd believe me if I told you how I got them... I mean some are from earlier but this big one, you'd throw me out of here for being crazy!"

“You would be surprised at what we would believe,” Hank told her with a grin. “We’ve been through some fairly unbelievable events ourselves.”

"I'm sorry, I've not seen a lot of stuff around the world. I heard some smaller ones around here mention X-men and that's only something I've heard in passing a few times." Maeve shrugged and watched as Hank flinched a little as she jerked her stomach. She said sorry with her eyes and continued.

"The cut you're workin on. Big old ugly lookin machine man did that to me." Maeve gestured with her arms to mimic the size of it once again throwing Hank of his stitching duties. "Kept calling me a 'target' and shouting 'Surrender. Mutant.' at me like I'm some form of experiment that needs to be destroyed. Three of those big fuc-- feckers." she changed it know it wasn't much better. "Second one gave my the shiner (blackeye) and cut on my head when I put up a rock wall to protect me."

She paused and looked as Hank and Mara shared a concerned look.

Maeve sighed. "You think I'm nuts, don't ya?" She stated more than asked. Her Irish accent always got stronger the more emotional she got.

Sentinels! thought Hank. They had thought that threat was neutralized, but what Maeve described sure sounded like the mutant hunting robots. Not for the first time, he wished he was a telepath and could have a silent conversation with someone else in the room- this time Mara. “As I said,” he replied. “We have been through some rather unbelievable events.”

Maeve just nodded as if to agree with him but she'd seen how he looked when she mentioned the machine men. "I can imagine." she said. The thought of once being a normal looking human to turning into a big muscle bound blue man with fur must be one of those unbelievable events. "Second time I was attacked since being here and I've only been here a couple of days. Makes me wonder if I should have just stayed in Ireland." she sighed.

They could worry about sentinels later. For now, he had to concentrate on stitches. “There was obviously a reason for coming,” he commented. “Hopefully it was not in vain.”

"So far I've gotten a shower and a t-shirt with a spaceship on it." Maeve said indicating the pulled up item of clothing. "Been okay so far."

Hank chuckled as he tied off the stitches. “Those are two good things, for sure,” he agreed. “With more to come. All right, that’s all sewn up. Just don’t do too many sit ups or lift anything over five pounds for a few days.”

"I don't have any money anyway." Maeve said in reference to lifting over 5 pounds but it was clear she misunderstood that it was weight he was talking about and not money. "Will this scar?" she asked looking at it intensely, worrying about if it was a permanent mark on her body.

“There is always that possibility,” Hank replied sadly. “However, you are young and it’s not deep. Any scarring should be minimal. Now let’s take a look at the rest of your wounds, just in case.”

"It felt pretty deep." Maeve mumbled before looking up at Hank. "Thanks blue." she placed a hand on his rather large blue forearm. There was a shared smile between them before he started poking around a little more.

Maeve had always been 'strong' and she'd never broken a bone. She put it down to good genes and all that milk she drank when she was younger but when Hank looked over her some more he touched a rib and she flinched. As she did so there was a small rumble from the ground. It wasn't anything serious but it was enough to get attention. Maeve felt embarrassed and instantly tried to change the subject. "I think I've got a little bruised rib. It's fine."

“It could be broken,” put in Hank worriedly. “Can you take a deep breath without pain?”

"Yeah, see." Maeve took a breath in with a slight wince but nothing too bad. A slight twinge and catch of her breath.

“Probably just bruised, then,” he agreed. “Still, I’d like to get X-rays, just in case. Let’s have a look at the other wounds first, though.”

Maeve nodded. "I've got a cut on my head." she pointed to just above her hairline by her forehead. "Rest are just cuts and bruises. I'm a tough girl you know. Been livin on my own for 2 years." she said putting up a 'wall' but this one made of words and not stone.

Head wounds tended to bleed worse than others, so Hank wasn’t concerned to see a freshly formed scab on that cut. “Avoid washing your hair for a few days,” he advised. “It should heal up fairly well on its own. Any muscle or joint issues?”

Maeve nodded. She'd just washed her hair so it should be fine for a couple of days but she liked to keep it clean. It being so long and a vibrant colour she was often on the lookout for tugs and knots. Washing it always made her feel 100 times better. However, she would survive.

"Not really." Maeve replied. "I'm a little bruised from the fight I had but I'm good otherwise."

“Very well, then let’s head to the basements,” he said. ‘There are further facilities down there.”

Mara stood and offered a hand to help Maeve off the exam table, should she need it. “Don’t worry,” she told the younger girl. “He says basements, but… well, you’ll see.”

Maeve arched an eyebrow. Her mind flashed to dungeons, rooms of torment from the books she'd read as a younger girl. She'd always had an overactive imagination but she felt these were good people. She'd follow, and if need be she'd use the gift she had to escape. "What other kind of things are down there?" she asked.

“A full hospital,” answered Mara as they made the short walk to the elevator. “Well, sort of. It’s very small. And private. But, it can function as a hospital.” She purposely did not mention the gigantic computer because, well, her mind still shied away from it. But, also, it wasn’t as if Maeve could ever hope to use it.

They made it to the elevator and once they were all inside, Hank input a code, making sure to block the keypad from view. Mara automatically looked away as she always did when anybody was inputting a password or code. It was just polite, she thought.

"Wow." Maeve exclaimed. "Wonder what else you've got down there." she joked.

The doors opened to a long white hallway. “The X-ray isn’t far,” Hank told them. “Follow me.” And he lead them down the hall.

"Okay." Maeve replied. "I mean I'm pretty sure I don't need one, got pretty strong bones." she flexed her arm jokingly once again. She did that when she was a touch nervous. "But you're the doctor, if you think I need it. Do I need to wear a funny gown?"

“Not for a quick X-ray,” replied Hank as he stopped to open a door. The light switched on automatically to reveal the large X-ray machine. “Are you wearing any metal jewelry?” he asked as he readied the machine.

"Size of that thing!" Maeve was amazed at what she saw she didn't even realise she'd not answered Hank. It was smooth to touch and she ran her hand over the casing of it before realising she actually had to respond to him. "I have a locket my mother gave me. That's all." she said now playing with it.

“Hm, probably best to take it off, just in case,” he replied.

“I’ll look after it for you,” promised Mara.

Taking the locket off she hesitantly hovered it over Mara's hand before placing it down. "Please be careful with it. It's all I have left of her..." Maeve said as she stared at it for a moment. Turning to face Hank she lost the sad puppy dog look on her face and smiled. "So, I just what? Hop in?" she asked.

“In a manner of speaking, yes,” he replied. “Just stand right here.” He gestured to what looked like a large post with a torso-sized box that slid up and down; Hank moved this part to match Maeve’s rib cage. “Your hands go here,” he explained, showing her the hand holds on either side of the box, “and you’ll keep your elbows out slightly.”

“Perfect,” said Hank, checking her form one last time. “Mara, come with me.” X-rays were fairly innocuous, but if a person did not have to be exposed to them, it was better to keep them well away. They left the room where Hank pressed the button to activate the X-ray machine. Mere seconds later, they returned. “You can step away now,” he informed her.

Mara handed Maeve the locket back with an encouraging smile.

Maeve watched the locket with total concentration. So much so she didn't blink. "Thank you." she replied as she accepted its return.

“It will take awhile for the X-ray to develop,” Hank told them. “In the meantime, why do you show Maeve around the mansion, Mara?”

“Sure,” agreed Mara. “Are you hungry?” she asked Maeve.

For a moment Maeve traced the engraving on it. A Celtic take on Gaia with a little of her own heritage mixed with it. Hearing Mara speak she turned to her and put the locket back on before replying. "I am a little yeah. Maybe its my x-rayed bones." she joked. "Plus my mam always said I had hollow legs."

“Most teenagers do,” replied Mara with a grin. “Come on; I’ll make us some lunch.”


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