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Throw Another Logi on the Fire

Posted on Tue Sep 24th, 2024 @ 6:10am by Meja Vikström & Charles Xavier & Connor Bruin & Bliss Hawkins & Hayden Davis & Jean Grey & Meilin Jiang

Mission: Episode 5: Days of Fortune Past
Location: X-Mansion
Timeline: November 1st, 1990

The town car pulled into the driveway for the X-Mansion. It didn't stop for the wrought iron gates, as they opened at Xavier's remote command. Free of the obstructing fence and tree line, a full view of Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters presented itself in a wide panorama.

"There it is," the Professor said to Meja with quiet pride. "Home."

Meja shifted in her seat, smiling as she took in the incredible vista and buildings as they came into view. "Oh wow... it's just as impressive as I thought it'd be." Her tone was of reverence and happiness. The Institute felt safe and welcoming by appearance alone.

As the town car came to a stop at the front door, a small crowd gathered to greet them. Connor assisted the Professor in exiting the vehicle, presenting his customary hover chair as opposed to the wheelchair he had used in his travels.

"WELCOME HOME, PROFESSOR," Connor's speech-generating device proclaimed once his hands were free to hand-sign. "DID YOU BRING HER?"

Professor Xavier smiled at Connor's directness. "Yes, Connor, I did. Allow me to introduce Meja Vikström. She has accepted my offer to join us."

Meja stepped out of the town car after the Professor, already smiling as she took her bags from the driver. Head turned slightly to the semi-mechanical voice almost addressed to her then the Professor's que as she straightened, sunlight catching her deep orange orbs, "Hi... You can call me Meja, good to finally be here."


Meja's smile remained as she nodded, "I'm the same, last person who surprised me ended up with 4th degree burns." She shrugged and chuckled. There was a part of her that had accepted the introduction of her powers, and made light of the fact that it'd been under duress. She was a fighter at heart, like her father, and she'd done what she had to, to keep herself from being horribly beaten, or worse.

“There you are!” Jean said with a smile as she exited the mansion and greeted the Professor. A Chinese woman followed her outside to the car, another new face at the school. Xavier had been scheduled to meet Jean and the new woman when Meja’s call had been received. While unexpected, it wasn’t uncommon for student needs to change plans. It was an adjustment that had been taken in good stride.

“May I please introduce you to Meilin Jiang.” Jean offered the introduction to Xavier along with the rest of the group. “Meilin is an attorney at Hodge & Associates and a former Fallen Angel. She has been helping us with the class action lawsuit against the Beat Street sentinel attack.”

Meilin greeted them with a demure dip of her head. "That's correct. Mr. Hodge has assigned me as regional liaison to mutant affairs." While perhaps meaning nothing to the average person, it was a statement that made Meilin glow with pride.

"That is quite an accolade for a new attorney," said the Professor, picking up on her nonverbal cues.

"Yes, I am approaching my second year, so I am rather pleased." Meilin's smile was flat and cordial but her eyes twinkled. After their exchange, Meilin and the Professor turned their attention back to Meja who was being addressed by Jean.

“And you must be Meja,” Jean offered a hand to the latest arrival at the school. The woman was a captivating redhead, with verdant green eyes and a confident smile. She carried herself with poise but there was a welcoming air about her that created an ease to their meeting. “My name is Jean Grey. Welcome to Xavier’s.” She had been absent for the Professor’s initial introduction but Jean seemed to already know who Meja was, “You have beautiful eyes, I’ve never seen that color before.”


Meja's smile didn't fade as she quietly soaked in the interactions of the others who'd slowly surrounded the town car. Clasping Jean's offered hand, a curt nod preceded her words, "Nice to meet you. Yeah, they where a light grey before but after the accident they changed. I'd like to think they resemble something like that, Connor... I breathe fire, so it kinda fits."

“Connor has a way with words, it adds to his charm,” Jean said with a chuckle. “Regardless of how they came to be, they are lovely, Meja.”

Hayden was at the back of the group when the car pulled up and stayed there while Connor and Jean made introductions. But after hearing mention of the girl's eyes, she walked up. "Hi, I'm Hayden. Welcome to the school." She could remember what it was like being the new girl on campus and was glad that the others allowed her to join them.

“How fun, we have fire, water, and earth based powers at the school now. I look forward to seeing what everyone can do together in the Danger Room.” Jean looked over at Meilin before she continued, “You might want to try a session in our training room. It can be adjusted to your abilities and skill level. It can be a great place to learn new abilities or push your limits.”

Meilin's mouth ticked up in a smirk. She very much enjoyed surprising people with her powers, so she was amused by Jean's suggestion. In the end, she said nothing.

“Is there anything you need right now, Meja?” Always the house mother, Jean checked in with the new student before the meet and greet became too hectic.

A young blonde woman pushing a cart piled high with pizza boxes approached the cluster of arrivals.
"Fresh pizza, direct from the city! Come get some!"

She pulled to a stop.
"Best pizza in New York City! Plenty of choices, just name it and I'll find it in here somewhere."

She saw there were new arrivals so she extended her hand.
"Hi, I'm Bliss, damn glad to meet you!"

Meja shook her head a little at Jean's question, shifting the duffel bag that was slung over her shoulder so it could more comfortably fit across her torso. Before she could speak there was a break in the small group and the nostalgic smell of Pete's Pizzeria wafted up into her face, "Heck yeah! Pete's is where my family have gone for years!" She immediately offered the blonde a high five while responding to the greeting, "Meja, nice too meet you too."

Bliss gave the new arrival the best smile along with the high five. It was refreshing to have a new arrival that wasn't weighed down with the harsh challenges of a young mutant existence.

"Connor, would you be so kind as to help Meja with her suitcase?" asked the Professor. "You will find it in the trunk."

Nodding, Connor quickly accessed the trunk and retrieved the suitcase. He lugged it over his shoulder without a huff, leaving one hand free to snatch a slice of pizza from Bliss which chomped with a gleeful grin in her direction.

Her amused call out was not tinged with anger. Nothing pleased her more than things between the former lovers had become less painful with time. She watched his departure with fondness.

"There is an empty room second from the end of the hall," the Professor said. He pointed up to the second floor. "That window, in fact."

Meja folded two slices, biting one and nodding in thanks to Bliss before looking to where the Professor pointed. "Oh awesome, that's gonna have such a beautiful morning view!" Smiling as she finished her bite, she waved at the group as she followed Connor, "I'm gonna go get unpacked. Thanks... See you all soon."

Hayden waved again. It was good to have new people showing up. This big house was starting to feel even bigger to her. She looked at Jean and smiled, "Earth, water, and fire...we could start a band. Or a singing group."

“If it works for Alison Blaire, why not?” Jean said with a shrug and a smile to Hayden, “I’m sure you three could come up with a much flashier show.”

Jean took a moment to watch the interactions between Connor and Bliss, the two seemed amicable enough despite the friction in their once romantic relationship.

“No thank you,” Jean waved a hand at the pizza Bliss offered to the group. “Ever since Bobby moved in with us, I have become sick of pizza. It’s the only thing he ever eats.” Jean took a step to the side, allowing Meilin to grab a slice if she wanted. Both of the women were dressed in casual business attire, making the act of eating pizza in the driveway of a mansion less than desirable but there was hospitality in the gesture.

“How are you feeling, Bliss?” It was a generic enough question without alluding to her mental health concerns. Jean had offered her assistance but Bliss hadn’t reached out to her. Like most things at Xavier’s, no one was forced to act; they had to make choices for themselves.

Bliss gave Jean a fresh smile.
"Still a work in progress, but honest feeling better than I have in years. Whenever you're up to it, I'm open to a long talk over a real meal. I promise, happy talk. Scout's honor."

Meja quietly ascended the front steps, tailing a few paces behind Connor. As the doors opened and she entered the foyer of the main building, she whistled in reverence to her new surroundings. She stopped a moment, looking around slowly, a gleam in her eye as she took in the décor and the extensive halls leading off to each side of the foyer. "Oh wow, it's as beautiful here as I thought it'd be," she mused quietly aloud, unaware that she'd done so.

"DO NOT SWING FROM THE CHANDALIER," Connor said, signing with one hand for his speech-generating device. "I LEARNED THAT RULE ON MY FIRST DAY." He carried her luggage up the grand staircase with ease and cut left down the second story hallway to the girls' dormitory. "NORMALLY I AM NOT ALLOWED IN THIS WING BUT FOR SOME REASON PROFESSOR X ALWAYS HAS ME CARRY EVERY GIRL'S SUITCASE."

Meja chuckled at Connor's comment as she followed him up the stairs and off to the left, "I don't think I could if I tried... but as far as you being the school's bell boy, it might be those rippling muscles." The playful smirk plastered on her face as she made an equally playful jab at Connor as they made their way down the hall.

"I AM THE SECOND STRONGEST AFTER BLISS." Connor walked along with his free hand signing away in the air. "WE HAD A CONTEST. BUT PROFESSOR X IS A GENTLEMAN. I AM TOO. BLISS SAYS I AM PROOF THAT CHIVALRY IS NOT DEAD, ALTHOUGH I AM NOT A KNIGHT." He made it to the end of the hall and set the suitcase inside the open door. "HERE IT IS," Connor continued signing. "WE SHOULD GET MORE OF THAT PIZZA FROM BLISS."

When Connor set her suitcase down, Meja nodded as she opened the door to reveal a tidy room devoid of character. Scrunching her nose for a moment before sighing a little, "Man, I'm glad I bought some of my posters and sheets." She said quietly before smiling across at Connor. "Oh I'm down for that!"

"I WILL RACE YOU DOWN THERE." Connor was already sprinting down the hall back toward the grand staircase.

Meja had dropped her duffel bag, closing her door as she rounded and yelled out, "OI! No fair!” Her strong legs springing into a sprint as she attempted to catch Connor.

"Connor, the finial!" Jean winced in anticipatory dread as she watch the burly teenage use the wooden ornament on the top of the staircase as an anchor while he made the sharp turn to head down the stairs before Meja. The mansion was old and made with a level of craftsmanship that no longer existed. So when a decorative piece was at risk of being snapped off and broken, Jean couldn't help but gasp over it.

The group that had greeted Xavier outside had made their way into the grand foyer of the school just in time to see Connor and Meja running towards and down stairs that led from the girl's dormitory. "You already broke half a dozen crystals on the chandelier," Jean scolded a boisterous Connor. "You're just as bad as Bobby and his freezing of everything - he's ruined the pool twice now."

"I CANNOT FREEZE THINGS LIKE BOBBY," Connor corrected Jean before turning back to Meja. He stuck out his tongue. "I WIN!"

Meja laughed loudly and shook her head as she slowed before leaping down the small stretch of stairs before her. Smile firmly planted as her landing before she responded to Connor's jab, "Yeah cuz you cheated."

"BE FASTER NEXT TIME." Connor patted Meja on the head before he turned to Bliss. "CAN I HAVE SOME MORE PIZZA?" It was always customary for her to make him use his manners, especially when serving food. Even they weren't intimate anymore, old fun and games died as hard as old habits.

Bliss folded her arms over her chest with a raised eyebrow. She might have seemed steamed, but Connor knew her well enough to know that she was not upset.
"And what's the magic word, Connor?"

"PLEASE IS NOT MAGIC," Connor protested, although he rubbed his hand in circles over his chest in the sign of please anyhow. "PLEASE CAN I HAVE SOME MORE?"

Scoffing and swatting at the hand, she stepped forward, "Hold up, just cuz you won, doesn't mean you get to scoff the rest buddy." Stepping forward again to come up right beside him, Meja smiled at Bliss, "I'll make you breakfast tomorrow morning if I can have a few more slices."

Bliss gave the new arrival a grin and nodded towards the stack of pizza boxes.
"I definitely can't pass that deal up. Be my guest. This is all that's left I've already made the rounds. I did save a pizza back for the professor, but no one ever wants anchovies and pineapple like him."

Bliss took a piece from a nearly empty box. Pepperoni, jalapeno, and mushrooms adorned her slice.
"If you need a guide into town let me know, I know where all the best places are located if you need stuff for decorating your room or other necessities of life."

Meja offered Bliss another high five as she moved over to the second box, picking out a pepperoni slice and a mushroom and ham. Nodding as she ate a bite and swallowed quickly, "Sounds great. I'm gonna have to check the kitchen has what I need for breakfast... May as well cook for a lot of you, it's what momma taught me to do, when we Swedes cook, it's for the whole village." She chuckled and closed the box.

Bliss was curious about the idea of Meja cooking for the whole school.
"Trust me if you enjoy cooking, you're going to love the kitchen. I can barely boil water, but if you've got the skills we'll put them into good use."

Connor frowned at that. How many times had Bliss fed him? Why was she shortchanging herself?

Even as she spoke to the new arrival, Bliss-handed a special box to Connor that had his favorites flavors inside.
"You really didn't think I'd keep your favorites from you, did you?"

"HAWAIIAN!" Connor took a slice in each hand and put them together like a sandwich. He tore into each bite like a jackal with a sickly wildebeest. As he positively devoured the tasty morsels, he thought back to everything Bliss had made for him. Even though he was still chomping, his hands were free, so he asked, "YOU MAKE DELICIOUS BACON SANDWICHES, HAMBURGERS, AND MILKSHAKES. REMEMBER WHEN I HAD THE ICE CREAM HEADACHE AND YOU MADE IT GO AWAY WITH KISSES?"

Bliss's smile faded a little in the moment of bittersweet remembrance. They have not really talked outside of tactical exercises and similar necessities in the time since the pair had broken up with near surgical severance of that special bond between them. But a lot of things had happened between that moment and now.

She fondly ran her fingers through his shock of red hair with tenderness.
"I remember, Connor. I remember."

Bliss took a moment to reset and grin back to the new arrival.
"She's talking about swedish food! That's like, swedish meatballs and swedish fish candy and.. that's all I got. But anything has to be better than that porridge that they make Tuesday mornings. I can't stand that stuff. It makes me think this place is more like something out of a Charles Dickens novel. "

Professor Xavier arched his brow on his way to the antechamber to his office. Did Bliss not realize he had followed her inside?

She reached out to the new girl with a pouty face and her hands cupped like a bowl.
"You have to go to the Professor and plead, please sir could I have some more?"

“Scottish oatmeal isn’t orphanage level gruel,” Jean commented from her position near the Professor’s office. Meilin, Xavier, and Jean had started to head in that direction for their conversation. “With all the junk food you guys eat, at least one healthy meal won’t kill you. Besides, Moira would be so sad to hear her family recipe called that.”

"MOIRA MADE THAT EVERY MORNING FOR BREAKFAST." Connor's eyes grew as big as saucers beneath his troubled brow. His lip gave a small quiver until he bit it still. "IT WAS MY FAVORITE."

Bliss rolled her eyes and patted Connor on the shoulder reassuringly.
"Don't you worry, you can have my share. I'll stick to a bowl of Captain crunch with crunch berries mixed with cinnamon toast crunch. And of course you got to use chocolate milk."

Meilin arched her brow from the Professor's side. This was a prep school for mutants? It felt more like the Beat Street Club with old money polish.

Bliss just shook her head at the comments from the telepathic peanut gallery.
"One thing I've noticed since I've been here, telepaths have no sense of humor. Why is that? Is it because they know everything inside a person's head? There's no mystery to life or what?"

"That will be quite enough, Bliss," the Professor said. "I would prefer to cherish your observations on the mystery of life and humor in written form. 500 words on empathy will be due on my desk by the end of next week."

"....thus proving my point," Bliss said with a smug wave of her hand as the evidence of her assertion was laid bare for all to observe.

"Make it the end of this week," the Professor amended. "I look forward to reading it."

Connor caught Meilin's sparkling eyes and she favored him with a tight smirk before resuming her professional taciturn bearing. He giggled at her unspoken approval.

"I WILL HELP YOU IF YOU WANT," Connor offered.

"You will do no such thing," Xavier said. "You will submit a thousand words on leadership in the same timespan."

"YES, PROFESSOR." Connor dipped his head.

Bliss was undeterred, unlike Connor. She would never allow anyone, even the professor, to stifle her right to self expression. She put a reassuring hand upon his shoulder.
"Thanks anyway, boss, but you should know better by now. The Seventh Law of Bliss states that no good deed goes unpunished. You walked right into that one."

“I’ve graded some of your papers, your writing styles are incredibly different. Even if you tried to be subtle about your assistance your voice would shine through, Connor.” Jean smiled at his sweet desire to help even when he didn’t have to. While Xavier had gifted him with his device to help him speak, Connor’s true self didn’t need it in order to show everyone who he was.

Bliss took a moment to grab hold of her temper and cool her response to the idea she would cheat on any way. "My grades may not be predicting a future at Columbia or empire State, but I've worked hard for every one of them. I've never asked for inappropriate help. I have my own style, and I stand on my own. No offense."

"雪上加霜," Meilin mused aloud, "搬起石头砸自己的脚."

The Professor chuckled at that, having caught her meaning. "This is a place of learning, Miss Jiang. Mistakes are to be expected just as they are to be corrected. That is how we learn. This school is a safe place for such learning opportunities."

Meilin gave a deferent bow of her head. "As you say, sir. May we proceed with the business at hand?" She clutched the folder of affidavits against her side.

"Of course," the Professor said. "Right this way."

Jean bit her tongue in response to Meilin’s barbs. The woman was quiet but she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind when she wanted to. All of these interactions allowed Xavier to show them he was a patient man who mentored his students on many levels, usually at the same time. But his goal was always the same, to help them be the best versions of themselves.

Before she turned away, Meilin made a deeper bow toward the group of students. "It was a pleasure to meet you, Meja, and to see the rest of you again. 珍重!"

Bliss offered a bow of her own.

At first Meilin gave Bliss a look of utter confusion. Bliss had said something about a pig oiling her younger sister's field. After taking a moment to correct Bliss's gwailo accent, Meilin figured it out. Fourth tone to first tone, second tone to third tone, fourth tone to third tone, second tone to first tone. Bliss had wished her a beautiful day. "Xièxie," Meilin said in thanks. "You need to practice your tones but I appreciate your attempt." Looking at Jean, she nodded her head to the side in a not-so-subtle silent gesture.

“Yes, we should get to work since we have to drive back into the city afterwards.” Jean nodded her head in agreement to Meilin’s bow and departing words. “Meja, it was very nice to meet you. My fiancé and I live in the city but we make frequent trips out here. If you would ever like to visit your family, please let me know, we can take you.”

Meja had silently finished her slices and gone for another two, equally silent as she took in the interactions around her. It was something she felt comfortable in, the silence, being the only child with more mature parents, she'd found countless things to do with her free time but people watching was one of her favourites. As Jean addressed her, she'd a mouth full of food and simply nodded in response.

Hayden had grabbed a slice of pizza and kept her distance. She wished she had a bucket of popcorn to go along with the pizza. The introduction to the new girl had taken an interesting turn.

Jean’s green eyes surveyed the observant Hayden, she was more than aware that the tone of the conversation had taken a more serious one and subsequently a more awkward one for everyone else in the room. Hoping to ease the mood back into a friendly tone she decided to give them an activity to do.

“Connor, in the top of the hall closet behind you is a wrapped gift.” Jean nodded to the door behind him. “It’s our Christmas present to the school. Open it now and enjoy.”

"FOLLOW ME!" Connor shouted as he ran down the hall. The closet door was open before his device had finished generating his speech. "I FOUND IT. I WONDER WHAT IT IS."

It was a moderately sized big that was far taller than it was wide. The snowflakes on the wrapping paper indicated it had clearly been intended for Christmas, but that didn't stop Connor. He carried it into the main hall where everyone had gathered.

"I THINK THE NEW GIRL SHOULD OPEN IT," Connor said after setting the Christmas gift down at Meja's feet. "WELCOME TO XAVIER'S, MEJA."

Christmas in November, not much could be better. "Yeah," said Hayden, "Go ahead." Christmas was one of her favorite holidays. Eh, who was she kidding, she liked them all because it meant more family time.

Dropping to a knee, she picked the box up one handed, smiling a little and looking around at the others as she peeled the wrapping paper off and revealed the sealed box of a Sega Genesis console. Her mouth dropped open and she grinned immediately after, "Oh heck yeah! I've always wanted to play one of these!"


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