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On Histories and Egality

Posted on Wed Nov 22nd, 2023 @ 3:31am by Cameron Hood & Aurora Summers

Mission: Episode 3: X-Tra Ecclesiam
Location: School grounds
Timeline: August 17th, 1990

With the gathering & excitement of getting suits over, Aurora stood outside the school looking over the grounds. She had one favourite place to study, but was looking for another spot where she wouldn’t be forever daydreaming about Scott in the process.

Seeing Armoury standing looking out himself she couldn’t help but notice he appeared to be lost in thought himself, so she made her way across to him. “Excuse me Cameron” She offered a polite smile. “I hope I’m not intruding, but is everything alright?”

"Hmm?" Cameron asked the gentle voice next to him. His mind had been cast back home. Being offered a different uniform had felt wrong. It brought a number of conflicting emotions that had been stirring within him to the forefront. And like any man in his early twenties, he wasn't exactly sure how to process them well.

"Oh, sorry." He gave her the hint of a sheepish smile. "I was 4000 miles away. What was it you asked?"

Aurora offered a smile. “I was just asking if you were alright?”

"I suppose so." Cameron shrugged, gazing out for a heartbeat. "Just some conflicted feelings about the costumes. I've some commitments back home with regards to a uniform. It makes me reluctant to accept this one."

“Ohh? Want to talk about it?” Aurora offered a friendly smile.

A sigh allowed Cameron to release some of the pressure he had built up. His shoulders straightened, correcting the bowing of his posture. "Well, the long and short of it is that I'm a soldier in the British Army. They're quite particular about the uniform you can wear." Cameron cracked a little smile at his own little joke. "And they drill that into you firmly, and deeply."

Aurora nodded. “A soldier, that explains it. Isn’t your being a mutant a problem to them? Or do they see it as something they can exploit?”

"I don't think they knew, or even know now." Cameron answered, shrugging a little. "My mutations don't express externally. Except I'm really good at ballet." He grinned a little at his own joke. "But I sure know that if they had figured out what I am, they'd encourage me to use it more. They're useful gifts for my line of work."

Aurora nodded. “I guess they’d see you as some kind of super soldier, they’d put you through heavens knows what kind of tests.”

"Maybe they'd make me an actual real life Union Jack. Or kept me in a lab and poked needles in me. Who knows." Cameron glanced at the sky. "But I didn't come to the School because I'm a mutant. I am, or actually was, a deserter."

“A deserter? Really?” Aurora gave Cameron a curious look. “May I ask what made you decide to do that?”

"My lads and I were in Hong Kong on a job. It was then my lads, well, I guess they're not my lads anymore. They shot the person we were charged with, and when I objected they threatened to shoot my family and I if I spoke up about it. Instead of risking that, I disappeared." Cameron's tone was mild, and matter of fact about it all. "My disappearing from Her Majesty's armed forces has been excused and cleared up though. But it makes my wearing a different uniform uncomfortable."

Aurora nodded. “It must be quite a conflict of interest really. Do you cover your face when you’re out in the field with the rest of the x-men so your identity stays anonymous?”

"What I've been doing with the X-Men has been covert so far. But I've been ensured my family is safe now, so I don't need to hide anymore. They can come after me if they want.”

Aurora nodded. “You have this team to back you up now Cameron, we’re all here for each other. I maybe new here but I’ve found the family here that I’ve never had before.”

"Don't worry kid." Cameron gave her a smile as he decided to button it all up again. "I'll make sure it won't have to come to that."

“Well if it does...” Aurora let it trail off. “How long have you been here at the Mansion? As a member of the faculty! and team leader I take it you’ve been here a while?”

"Five months now, give or take. I was here when Scott came back without the rest of his team." Cameron's mind wandered back to the memory of carrying a beaten and unconscious boy off the Blackbird. "That made me realise that I couldn't hide behind the Professor's skirt anymore. Not when I can use what I know to help."

Aurora nodded. “This is my first real home, my foster parents treated me like I was some freak when my abilities manifested. That’s why I ran away and lived in the sewers, until I was kidnapped by the people who had Bobby. I’m glad I’m here now, I can help mutants like me from here.”

"It saddens me knowing just how many of you kids have had such hateful parents." Cameron's tone was solemn. "It's good that the Professor has a place like this, but sad it's necessary."

“It’s a good job he does, the world isn’t ready for mutants, there’s just too much fear out there.” Aurora offered a brief smile thinking about the future her baby would have to face. “I’m just glad the X-Men are such an inspiration to all lost mutants out there.”

"The world is ready for mutants. If we allow the fear of others to deny us our place in this world, we will never be able to claim it." Cameron looked at his own hands for a moment before continuing. "Minorities are often feared, be they black, Jewish, Roma, Muslim, or mutant. We still deserve our place in this world."

Aurora nodded. “That’s true. The world is going to have to get used to mutants eventually, and there are those who actually don’t see us as a threat.”

"It'll take time, but we'll get to the point where few will see a threat at all." Cameron said with hope. "Until then we'll just need to keep fighting."

Aurora nodded. “Exactly. We can hope for a brighter future, but whether it’ll happen is another thing!”


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