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With You - Part 1

Posted on Tue Jul 9th, 2024 @ 10:45pm by Jean Grey & Scott Summers
Edited on on Tue Jul 9th, 2024 @ 10:53pm

Mission: Episode 4: The Savage ConneXion
Location: Baxter Building
Timeline: September 25, 1990

[Warning: This Post Contains Adult Content. Reader discretion is strongly advised.]

Scott and Jean had just departed from the incredibly awkward introduction to the Fantastic Four. Only once they were alone in the elevator did Jean dare to speak.

“Oh my god. What was that? What just happened?” She covered her mouth with her hand, attempting to cover the smile that she was embarrassed for having. “That was the craziest dinner I have ever been to.”

“That, dear,” Scott said, still using Reed's tone, “was sweet justice for how they treated us in the beginning. Part of me wonders whether those security measures are to keep people out or really to keep them in.” He laughed at his own joke without shame. “Technically we didn't even have dinner though. That means you still owe me.” He flashed a taunting grin that heralded his victory.

Jean gave him the side-eye for his technicality as they exited the elevator and returned to their condo. At least the trip home was short. “I owe you?” She returned his cocky smile with a grin of her own. “I wasn’t the one who said ‘yes’ to staying for dinner, explained telepathy as mind fucking, and then almost asked for popcorn while they had a fight.”

Scott didn't immediately reply. He waited until they were safely in their private space and then sank into the nearest chair. His laughter hit so hard and deep that he clutched his ribs. “Well, I gave Reed a good mind-fucking if you didn't!” And then he howled with even more laughter.

Jean leaned against the closed door and placed a hand over her mouth as she listened to Scott’s laughter, still attempting to fight her own desire to laugh because she knew they really shouldn’t be. Sue had attempted to be hospitable and Reed showed interest in the only way that he could, so it felt wrong to laugh at their challenges, especially when they had their fair share as X-Men.

“At least we don’t have any alien parasites,” she quipped. The sound of his laughter was infectious and Jean soon found herself laughing along with him at how absolutely absurd their evening had been.

“I don't know if I trust their scanners,” Scott said between deep breaths. “They didn't detect any explosives but I know for a fact your butt is the bomb!” It was a stupid joke but Scott was well past the point where that mattered. If anything, the stupidity only fueled his sudden juvenile streak. “That stupid blue light probably isn't good for anything but giving us eye cancer.” Scott's laughter was dying down, mostly due to oxygen deprivation.

“Have you been hanging out with Bobby?” Jean managed to control her laughter and curbed it to a giggle. “Because that was a pickup line that only Iceman would deem as worthwhile.”

“Damn, that was cold!” Scott snickered.

She stood up straight, and inhaled deeply, recovering from the crippling fit of laughter that Scott had created. She looked over at Scott and her smile softened to something a little sweeter. Jean liked seeing him so happy. Most would consider him stoic and stern, but they didn’t get to see this side of him. In all honesty, it had been a long time since she had seen him this happy. Leaving the mansion, no longer being X-Men, they had been hard choices to make and the circumstances surrounding them were desolate. But in this moment, it felt like it had been the right choice. Feeling how happy Scott was, it lightened her own mood and made her want to indulge in those joyful feelings.

Jean pushed off the door and made her way over to him. The mood shifted a little as she approached, that ever present flirtatious tension between them became palpable. “So, I owe you?” She straddled his thighs and sat down in his lap, looking him in the eyes as she moved in closer to him.

“Seems that way,” Scott said, liking the new tone the situation had taken. His hands came to rest on her thighs above the knee and slid up and around to grab a handful of her posterior. “So how are you going to square up?” Still a little breathless from the laughter, Scott leaned in for a short kiss. “I've got some ideas if you're short on any.”

“I’m more than aware of your ideas.” Jean’s smile became coy as the space between them lessened and his hands began to roam across her backside. His thoughts were jocose and it had the same sort of effect on her as champagne did, making her head fuzzy and bubbly. She moved over him and for a heartbeat there was only the warmth of Jean’s mouth and the press of her body against him as she lowered her lips to his for a kiss. She eagerly tasted him, allowing herself to get drunk off of his good mood. “I like you like this,” she murmured against his lips.

“I can't help it,” he said between kisses. “You bring it out of me.” A certain pressure rose up between them in the pelvic region. ~I didn't mean it that way~ Scott chuckled while still kissing. ~But I'm not taking it back either~

His hands slid up from her hips to her back where his fingers went to work unfastening her dress. Anticipation began growing more and more between them in every way.

Jean laughed through her nose at his unabashed arousal. The speed at which they fell for one another, how quickly the space between them heated, it was always a thrill that made her tremble for what was to come. She brushed a kiss to the side of his neck, the warm skin of his neck just below his ear. Another kiss, a little lower as she tugged down his high collar before she kissed the hard knot at the center of his throat, then licked it. He swallowed and the knot of his Adam’s apple moved against her mouth. The response made her smile, before she moved to the other side of his neck. Reaching that same spot below his ear she kissed him once more as she placed a hand on his chest and felt his heart beating against her palm. Jean stood up and slipped out of her dress, letting the dark fabric pool on the floor at her feet. She was adorned in sweet pale pink satin under her dress, Jean gave him a moment to take her in before she dropped to her knees before him.

The way Jean kissed him and all of his sweet spots sent a sensuous shiver through Scott's body. Nobody had ever loved him like Jean. Nobody ever could. The weight of her palm on his chest while she kissed him below the ear actually made him shudder in thrilled delight. As the dress slid from her shoulders to the floor, Scott felt a dumb grin spread across his face. The contrast between her cream skin and the pink satin that showcased her curves made for a sight he couldn't look away from even to blink. She was drop dead gorgeous and she knew it. And she was offering herself to him. When she went to her knees, Scott couldn't help but smile wider. Teasing banter about her owing him was one thing. Seeing her about to make good was another.

She reached for the top of his pants, his bulge already pressing against her hand, begging her to release him. Jean obliged his body’s silent request, her fingers steady and sure as she unfastened the button and fly, relieving him of the uncomfortable restrictions the clothing created. Jean took a second to savor the anticipation building inside of him before she returned to her work, the muscles in his thighs shifted and tensed as she pulled him free.

Jean always had a moment of absolute delight when she observed Scott in his proud and glorious state of arousal. Her whole body turned molten and wetness slicked between her thighs upon seeing him, she shared her own excitement with Scott, making him perfectly aware of what his body did to hers. She stroked him down his long, thick shaft. His skin was soft under her fingertips, softer than silk or velvet, it was an inviting sensation that made her want to linger and take her time with him. He was already rock hard from her kisses and state of undress, the desire that now thrummed through him awoke her own ache of wanting.

Scott shuttered from her touch and she lifted her eyes to look up at him. His gaze fixed on her hand. Her fingers wrapped around him and she made a feather-soft pass over him, squeezing lightly. The breath Scott has been holding came out in a huff. With all the buildup, even the gentle stroke made his shaft lurch inside Jean's light grasp. All the psychic feedback he was receiving from her about her own burgeoning desires only made him want her more.

Looking down at her slowly manipulating him with a lusty smirk, Scott couldn't help but give one in return. ~God! You tease!~ But he loved her for it. He raised his chin and gasped with the next pass of her hand.

“Tease? I thought I owed you?” Jean’s voice was breathy as need washed through her. She stroked him again, slightly harder this time. “Or do I owe you something like this?” Jean smiled and when she pumped him a third time, she squeezed hard, letting her nails graze the sensitive underside of his shaft. Scott’s hips arched in response, but before he could move any further, he felt himself pinned to the chair. “I see,” she murmured and did it again, twisting her fist as she reached the round head. He tried to arch into her hand but found him still pinned to his seat. “What about this?” Jean purred as she lowered her head. ~* ‘Do I owe you something like this?’ *~

Scott's entire body made a long, sustained shiver in agonizing delight. It was useless to resist the psychokinetic pin but that didn't stop him. That was part of the thrill. “F-...f-...fu-...” went his mouth. ~Fuck!!!~ screamed his mind in pleasure.

The muscles in his arms rippled as his reflexes fought to grab Jean by the hair but he was briefly restrained in place. He moaned in the strain, as it only enhanced the sensation of the moment. With only just beginning, Jean already had his tach in top gear. Part of Scott wanted to beg for more, for Jean to finally take him in and turn his physical longing into joy. The rest of him grinned and held out with gritted teeth. Whenever he thought his desire for her couldn't be any stronger, Jean proved him wrong. ~I want you so bad~ he confessed between them. The admission came with the faintest of whimpers.

~* ‘You will have me, once I’m done owing you.’ *~ Jean’s wicked tone promised a lot of things that made his body both tense and weaken at the same time. Jean looked up at him through long dark lashes as she made another pass at him, pulling him out nearly all the way before swallowing him again, letting her throat relax. Jean was desperate for as much of him in her mouth that she could fit.

The hard lick primed him for passing through her pouty lips. Scott yelped as he did so. The head of his glans rubbing against the roof of her mouth turned his breathing hoarse and shallow. And then she pulled back to just the tip, leaving the rest of him exposed to open air. The sensory shock stole his breath. And then Jean dove deeper. Scott felt himself move past her palate toward her throat. At last she released his arms, allowing his hands to cradle her head while his fingers curled about in her wavy red locks. The press of her lips and the hiss of air at the back of her throat as she somehow managed to breathe around him created a suction that overwhelmed his other senses. He could scarcely make eye contact, his lids forcing themselves shut. And so he imagined her emerald eyes, green as spring and just as full of life. He imagined himself without glasses and the crimson tint they put on the world. But he didn't have to imagine them together. Not anymore.

“Oh! Fuck! Jean!” Scott cried out as his legs splayed apart while his hips rocked without warning. She had hit the good spot again.

Jean could be soft and gentle, a place where he could take shelter from any storm, a source of comfort and love. But she could also be this fierce and seductive force that heated and burned him like wildfire, a wicked succubus that took pleasure in his undoing. It was in that duality that he was capable of losing himself in her, over and over again. She wanted him unfettered, fucking her as hard as he wished so she could revel in his ecstasy. So when Jean took him into her mouth again, she dragged her teeth, just enough to create that pleasure that bordered on pain. Scott bucked from the sensation and she swallowed him down greedily. She moaned in response to his jerky movement, the deep sound resonating up her throat and through him.

“Jean!” Her name on his lips was like a war cry, a shout of passion from deep within. The hum of her moan vibrated his entire groin and sent shockwaves beyond. Scott couldn't help the faint tug his tangled fingers gave to her hair.

In their shared space of the mind, Scott felt himself disappear inside Jean. Their love was like a Jacuzzi and he let himself slip away to be enveloped by the turgid passion. When they made love, they often found a timeless mental peak where all stood still and took stock of their love without end.

She moaned once more, a small sound of encouragement, as she devoured him stroke after stroke, her mouth and hand working in unison, the slippery heat of her and the teeth that sometimes grazed him, it all pushed him closer and closer to the edge. He continued to gasp and call out her name and Jean knew that if she kept this up, Scott would pop like a bottle of warm champagne. And while that result had its appeal, she had her own selfish wants and needs to fulfill.

~* ‘I want you to finish inside of me.’ *~ The first request she had made since dropping to knees in front of him, Jean let him feel that pang of longing for him that had turned into a painful lonely ache as her pace slowed and she withdrew.

She moved with a quickness after that, stripping them both bare. She was beyond the thrill that slowly disrobing provided, Jean needed her skin against his skin. Returning to her position above him. Jean straddled his thighs once more, but remained standing on her knees, deliberately avoiding the union she craved. Instead, she paused for a moment as her hands moved to hold his head still, their gaze heated and fixated on one another.

~* ‘The power you have over me.’ *~ Jean confessed as she savored the feelings that flooded their thoughts, a rush of lust and love that made her heart race and her breath catch.

~The power we have over each other~ Scott corrected with his thoughts. ~We’ve saved each other countless times because this is meant to be. Forever.~

Pulled free of their clothes and inhibitions, Scott would do anything she asked. He buried his face in her breasts, kissing her mounds while encircling her hardening nipples with his thumbs. His lips were drawn to them, so he took them in, one after another, in a quick repeat performance of her earlier one. Jean wasn't the only one who could stoke the flames of desire into an inferno. Not that Scott's nipple play was solely for her benefit. The taste of her on his tongue evoked a pulse between his legs. Looking up at Jean's fully aroused face, Scott brought their lips together. This was his favorite moment, right before the insertion, where they kissed with lips trembling in anticipation.

He left her breathless as his lips found hers, Jean opened her mouth and his tongue swept in, the kiss made her head spin and her heart race. One moment she had him groaning and calling her name as she teased and pleasured him, the next she found herself so hopelessly enraptured by him that his kisses left her undone and wanting. It was a perfect balance of give and take between them.

Jean slowly lowered herself into his lap and with a thorough push of the hardness of him into the throbbing ache of her, she lost all sense of control. She found herself wanting to hand it all over to him, to let him touch her, taste her, to lick, and suckle, and fill her. “Scott…” She gasped his name in a voice so soft that it was almost a whisper as her body and mind practically screamed for him.

Scott didn't hold back the whimper that came when Jean finally took his erection inside her. There was no hiding their utter need for one another nor the relief he felt from the throbbing. He returned his hands to her posterior and set an opening rhythm that let him focus on her face while she breathed his name. Once they got going, the rocking motion intensified until Jean threw her head up in rapture, her hair coming fully loose and tickling her back. Every undulation drive Scott just a little deeper. With Jean fully arrayed before him, Scott ran his open mouth from her chest to her neck, nuzzling her shoulder while his lips traced her collar bone back down to her chest. His grip on her hips intensified in keeping with her internal grip on his shaft. Every inch of her was a splendor to see and even more so to caress with his mouth. It drove him crazy that he couldn't love each part of her body at once but that wouldn't stop him from trying.

His affection was meticulous, as he found every line and hollow of her throat and his mouth lingered on her pert nipples and the curve of her breast. Jean closed her eyes, letting herself savor his lips on her over-hot skin, each breath was a gentle caress mixed in with kiss after kiss. Her hips moved in time with him, at a thorough and unhurried pace, allowing both of them to savor the liquid slide of him moving so deep into her that he stroked her innermost walls, Jean couldn’t help but moan from the sheer bliss of it.

This was all she ever needed. He was all she ever needed. The world ceased to exist when she was in his arms and he sheathed himself inside of her. Jean found herself yielding to him as he made her body sing. “Scott…” He heard the strain in her voice as she tightened around him.

The way she said his name was always music to his ears and now was no different. Scott took in the passion she lavished upon him with her riding and gave it right back with synchronous thrusts. “Jean…” he whispered in a grimace of pleasure. “Oh… Jean, I love you...”

Familiar sensations told him the end was nearing. Scott wrapped his arms around her body and held her close while he hastened his thrusts. The sudden spike made him moan all the more against the side of her head, right near her ear.

~I feel you!~ The thought combined with the feeling of her grip tightening like a vice made Scott's body tremble but he didn't slow a bit. His pelvis began tingling in pre-release tension. “Jean…” With another shout, wordless but no less emotive for it, Scott released so deep inside her body that it took a series of even more rapid fire thrusts for him to empty out. All the while he pressed his lips against hers and nearly bit for the intensity. His arms went slack but he still didn't let go. ~Don’t stop~ he begged her, falling back into her rhythm. ~Please never stop!~

Jean writhed and tensed against him as her whole body shook and jerked from release. Strong waves of pleasure gripped and tugged at him as she sobbed and gasped against his lips and her excruciatingly beautiful climax took hold of her. Jean wrapped her arms around his neck and held onto him tightly as she surrendered to her ecstasy. He begged her to continue, to never stop their blissful union and Jean wholeheartedly agreed. Entwined with him, feeling every tremor of his happiness, there was only this moment, this thing shared between them, and it lasted for an eternity, time stood still for them.

~* ‘I’ll never stop. I love you.’ *~
The words echoed in their every breath, every pounding of their beating hearts, so in sync that they seemed to beat as one. Her hips continued the heated pace he had set in order for them to achieve their apogee. One kiss led to another and then another, hunger like the tide, began to rise inside of Jean and then between them. Scott was moving inside of her again, faster and harder, and time seemed to cease to exist once more.

Every wrack of Jean's body against him took Scott higher in ecstasy. His physical orgasm had come and gone, but his climax was being extended by their psychic bond. Passion kept him in full form and in peak pleasure while they fervently kissed like their lives depended on it. Before they knew it, another climax came. Scott couldn't track when or how or anything other than the starburst exploding inside his brain and pressing out his eyes greater than any optic blast.

“Jean!!!” Scott screamed her name into her neck while his own body shook with phantom jerks and motions that weren't entirely in his control. Their mixed passions had him overloaded and still he couldn't stop. His hands found her hips again seemingly of their own accord and fell into place, assisting her in the flying push and release motions she was sustaining. Fatigue began to pull somewhere from the back of his mind but at the moment they were slaves to the passion.

Jean arched and stiffened as another little death took hold of her. He felt the thrill of her gratification, how her body and mind joyfully celebrated him and their coupling. Her efforts began to slow as the last ripples of bliss moved through her and Jean cooled and calmed against him. Content and exhausted, she slumped against him using his solid form to support her. Resting her head on his shoulder, Jean caught her breath and basked in their shared euphoria. ~* ‘Rank? Number three, easily’ *~

Scott’s breathing was labored even though Jean had done most of the work. A gasp of air came out that might have originated as a word before his mouth failed to give it form. His agreement came then in the form of a light kiss. ~Yeah~ Scott rubbed his palms slowly but firmly across her back, allowing her to melt into him while they both came down from the experience. ~Wait… I thought we weren't supposed to rank each time~ His breathing turned to chuckling.

She giggled, a sound and movement that resonated through him as she continued to lean against him. “That’s because I don’t want you to get a complex. I was warned that you could get too big of an ego.” A cheeky response, which was a side of Jean that only appeared when he was around. “But sometimes it’s so good, it’s worthy of being ranked.”

Jean wasn’t the only one who could get cheeky. “Too big,” Scott said, biting back a laugh at his innuendo. “Sounds about right.” He kissed the top of her head and let out a sigh of satisfaction. “But when you’re right, you’re right. Top three for sure.”

They rested together for another moment. “And, to think, you were embarrassed with me not an hour ago.” His rubbing turned to a brief tickle against her rib. “Glad I could make up for it.”

She squirmed a little from his touch, he managed to get a smile out of her. “Oh, I’m still embarrassed by you. Your choice in words was deplorable. But I feel worse for Sue. In the battle of who embarrassed who the most, they definitely won.”

Jean sat up and looked at him, her cheeks were still flushed and pink from their exertions. “Now I have to deal with them thinking about me, like that, anytime I see them. Not forever, but at least for the immediate future.”

He chuckled again at the memory of how catastrophic that dinner went. “The only thing any of them will remember is their broken diner table and the bickering that led to it…” A thought occurred to him that made him frown. “Though Reed might want to make good on running scans on me.”

Seeing and internally sensing Jean was slightly amused but still not appreciative of his smarmy rationalization, Scott relented. “I'm sorry, Jean. I made you the butt of a joke that was supposed to be at their expense. Forgive me?”

While Scott certainly enjoyed the benefits of telepathy, he didn’t have to live with it. The ever present drone of thoughts that invaded her mind. Personal thoughts that most never wanted to be heard, all the ugly, graphic, desperate things people said to themselves, Jean experienced them. She had spent most of her life learning how to keep them out. But what he said wasn’t malicious or spiteful, he was trying to get a reaction out of them, make them envious of him. Which was a normal response to have, especially when people were fascinated or fearful of what they were.

“Of course I forgive you.” Jean offered him a genuine smile, the type that reached her eyes. She could never stay mad at him, especially for something like this. “It just affected me a little more than I was expecting it to. I appreciate you listening to me, talking to me about it.” She laughed a little. “Becoming Reed’s lab rat can be your penance and if he gets to be too much, I’ll just mind fuck him into oblivion.”

Scott was about to assure her that he would always listen to anything she had to say, but her last remark brought out a touch of jealousy in him. It was a little silly. He knew what she meant. The feeling was still there, though, and she was sure to sense it one way or another. “Hey, now,” he said, a coy smile forming at the corners of his mouth in contrast to the mock offense in his tone. “We're supposed to be exclusive. If anyone gets mind-fucked by you, it had better be me.” He playfully squeezed her shoulder a couple times for emphasis before resuming the affectionate rub he’d been idly performing.

~No, the irony is not lost on me that I'm now feeling the very jealousy that should have prevented my poor choice of words upstairs~ Scott’s coy smile very nearly turned to a playful pout, though he favored her with a wink that was only visible by the tic of his cheek and eyebrow. ~Probably set me up, you little minx~

“Me?” Jean placed a hand on her chest, feigning disbelief. “I would never!” She tittered from their banter as her eyes found his. Scott could get lost in those beautiful green eyes and he felt that magnetic pull to her.

~* ‘Only you.’ *~ Jean confirmed what he already knew, that she loved him so deeply, with everything that she was. They had grown up together, fought together, learned and healed together, it was impossible for her to define herself without him because he was a part of her. Jean’s heart, her body, her mind they all belonged to him just as he belonged to her.
-* ‘Always.’ *~ She held his chin in her hand as she ran her thumb across his lips and he felt Jean’s pangs of desire for him. That ever present want for him, that slept like embers and burned like fire, how easy it was for him to stoke those flames.

-* ‘Forever and again and again and again.’ *~ Jean leaned in and kissed Scott, slowly and tenderly, until her thoughts whittle down to only him.

The fleeting feeling had only been a petty jealousy that was as much apology and regret as it was actual protectiveness. Scott smiled with contentment at her reassurance anyway. Never again would he take a single day with her for granted. Even each moment was a gift.

~I like that again and again part best~ Scott took in her tender kiss until all the stressful frustration that had bloomed between was deflated and siphoned out, being replaced by a more familiar and desirable form of tension. The romantic variety. It was an easy outcome to reach. Romance and sexual excitement wasn't a cover or bandage for relationship problems. Both were extensions of their profound intimacy. No matter what would happen, they always returned together as completely as drops of water.

Scott returned her kiss with a probe from the tip of his tongue. It was a soft, sweeping touch, a bold but furtive gesture, a gentle request. The natural pout of her full lips was a treat to savor.

Jean parted for him, letting his kiss claim her as the silent words flowed between them and they held onto one another. While they had different ways to connect with each other, sex was the one act that unified them on every level. Becoming a tantric experience, it wove them together and made them stronger, better people outside the bedroom. Any challenges they faced in the world, as long as they could seek out and find each other in bed, they knew everything would work out.

Their kiss broke and Jean found herself panting and flustered from it. She couldn’t get enough of Scott, the taste and feel of him, the strength and warmth he provided, the comfort and pleasure only he could give her. She ran her lips along the side of his neck, a whisper of a touch that forced him to focus in order to feel it, to savor it. Her lips found the shell of his ear, where she softly sighed the same word.

That whisper flowed through Scott like an echo chamber. Its vibrations resonated throughout his body, raising gooseflesh and pulse rate alike. With Jean whispering into his ear, her neck was ripe for the taking. He nipped it until he arrived at the spot that drove her into a frenzy. Settling there, his lips parted just enough to swirl slow tight circles with his tongue.

~Again~ There was agreement between them. The flushing heat of her body primed his own as well. It was beyond anticipation. It was the pure joy of oneness that made everything else secondary. The slow, sensual lick Jean made along his neck nonetheless gave him a delightful and frightful shudder.

Hands came up again, drawn instinctively to her breasts. Subtle scooping, just enough to feel their heft before releasing, magnified their silky soft texture in Scott's hands. His lips dropped down her neck to the hollow of her throat before he reached her breastbone. Laying his cheek against it, Scott slowly increased his manipulation of her mounds while laying soft, lateral kisses against her skin where he nuzzled it.

Jean moaned and sweetly sighed as he kissed his way down the column of her throat to her breasts. His lips created heated paths down her body and he watched as her rosy nipples pebbled from his touch. He often felt the ache of her desire, a heated and gnawing want that soon became unable, but to be able to watch her body as it bloomed for him, as she flushed and awakened, it created a different kind of thrill. She sat up straight and provided more of her lithe figure to him, it was an offering of her flesh, an invitation to greedily palm and cup her breasts, for his mouth to roam across each and every inch of her.

~* ‘Again’ *~ Jean asked for more of his touch, for more of his mouth across her body.

Scott had always loved that word. As Jean presented her breasts for full view, Scott resumed his earlier tasting with the hunger of the first time. The heat of her desire was an accelerant to his own, igniting his desire far greater than the softer, restrained touch he'd had a moment before. The taste of her nipple on his tongue made him grunt with delight. He gave it a swirling lick before bringing his lips with another faint groan.

~You always taste so good~ Even the sight and scent of warm bosom made him smile. Especially after he'd been an insensitive jerk and she just opened back up to him like a spring flower in the first day of summer. The unconditional love and acceptance from Jean made him suckle with all the more heartfelt intensity. ~You mean more to me than I could ever express~

That acknowledgement spurred a fresh burst inside him, leading his mouth briefly northward to kiss and lick along her neckline before descending down to the other breast where he began again.

~Again~ That word kept cropping up. It added a smile to Scott's thirsty kisses and caresses. No matter how many times they came together like this, he would always want her one more time. Hands roving together in time with each other, Scott fondled and kissed every curve as it came, like cruising a highway with sharp corners at high speed.

~Tell me if I'm too rough~ His concern was real. The way she always forgave him for the small things as well as great made his heart leap in his chest and Scott was worried he might get carried away. ~Your love excites me and I can barely contain it~

~* ‘You would never hurt me’ *~ Jean managed to respond even though her internal thoughts were flustered by her excitement. But her heady words struck a chord with Scott and how much she trusted him. She had cooed almost those exact same words to him when she returned his ruby lenses to his face, refusing to let him shy away from her. Jean gave him everything that she was, along with all her conviction that he would cherish it.

She made a small chirp of delight as his mouth returned to worrying her breast. His teeth grazed her and it made her whole body buck and press into him with that rush of electric pleasure. Scott would turn her into a wild thing with foreplay like this. Jean’s hands found his hair and she held him to her, her fingertips firm and her touch urgent as she gasped and writhed against him. The tension building between them was unbridled and exhilarating.

~* ‘Don’t hold back.’ *~ Another sound of delight as he moved across her. ~* ‘I want you.’ *~

At her encouragement, Scott let go. He lurched to his feet, hoisting Jean along with him. With one hand he braced her against his body and encouraged her to hold on with her thoughts. With the other, he took a handful of her hair and pulled her head back. Not a hard, jerking motion but still forceful. With her neck bare, Scott pressed his mouth so firmly against her that his teeth made contact. His breath came hot and lustful, a desire too great to contain demanding to be released. Jean was right. He would never hurt her. She was his treasure and his heart which beat outside his body. But she also drew passion from him like a sump pump. There was now only surrender to the strong nuclear force that made them inseparable.

With his inhibitions released, Scott left love bites along her neck until he reached her chin. He drew his tongue up and over, kissing her chin. Carefully but passionately, he drew her bottom lip out before kissing her deeply. His tongue stormed through her mouth and fished around for her own, seeking to wrestle between them. The sensation was electrifying. His free hand began groping along her body wherever it may like a limb possessed, first her breasts, then her posterior to pair with his other strong hand which easily supported her, and from there went to her back where his fingers splayed open and pressed their tips in a desperate grip that expressed an intent to never let go.

Jean moved with him as he advanced on her, that easy synchronization between them that their bond created. As he stood, her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs encircled around his waist, making it an effortless transition as Scott’s fervor dictated their next moves. His panting caressed her throat as his teeth moved across. Her fair skin angered from his lustful affection, he left a trail of pale pink marks across her body, creating a temporary map of his explorations. Jean moaned softly from his forceful touch, the heated emotion behind his kisses felt salacious and exciting and it caused her own appetite to grow.

When his teeth and lips met hers, Jean gave herself over to his wanting mouth. There was only Scott’s licking, tasting, and biting; only the strength of his body that held her and pressed against him; that exhilarating and potent hunger that gnawed at him. She couldn’t help but whimper in delight as he claimed her.

Jean moved against him, desperately seeking any friction that she could create between them. Scott felt the tensing and shift of her lean muscles against him as she brushed the length of her body across his own, a slinking, agile movement that made him feel every curve of her from hip to collarbone.

The press of their bodies turned to a crush. Heat flowed between them, physically and emotionally. At such peak passion, every grinding motion was sensual and erogenous. Scott felt himself slip away and expand at the same time, becoming both primal and sublime in his expressive desire for Jean.

~Love. Together. FUCK!~ Scott was past the point of personal pronouns, even in his mind. All he could visualize was the two of them as one. Setting her down to the floor, he quickly situated her onto her hands and knees. The intent flowed between them like practiced choreography. Jean’s hips rolled back as she broke open while Scott dropped to his knees and gave her the fullness she had desired. The pace was swift and steady, the rapid waters of their passion already turgid from their recent consummation.

“Jjjeeannn…” Her name fell from his lips like honey over the span of several ragged pants. The ecstasy in his voice made it sound nearly operatic if not for the hoarse timbre.

Despite the heat and sweat of their bodies, the sound of his voice sent a shiver and goosebumps across her. Scott’s adoration for her took on this dissipated and smutty tone, stripped and raw, it embodied the most rudimentary emotion between them and it called to her like an animal song. The friction of his body against her and in her, the course fondling of her breast, his large hand planted on the ground next to her own, it churned and filled her with pleasure. Jean arched and pressed herself into him, a small change in position that caused his thrusts to stroke that perfect spot. She became breathless as the ecstasy came over her, a primal rush of intense sensations that left her silent and still rather than moaning and heaving. He felt that rapture take her, a powerful and forceful presence that choked and strangled them as it started in her core and ignited them.

Nearly wrapped around Jean as he was, Scott couldn't hold back anymore. With his hot release inside her came everything else that he was. Neural fire lit him up from stem to stern and sent tingling to his fingers and toes. A great tension built up in his midsection as a sexual singularity amassed in preparation of a blinding climax. A single outcry was the only warning. Hormonal, emotional, psychic, Scott exploded at every level, his inner self commingling with Jean in reciprocating indulgences of one another. Thrusting continued but began winding down from the intensity that pushed them over the edge. His pelvis moved of its own accord, eking out the last ounce of pleasure while his mind soared.

Utterly spent, Scott toppled to one side, bringing Jean along with him as his little spoon still wrapped in his arms. Together they laid in a breathless cuddle puddle. Scott nuzzled the back of her ear and whispered broken, nearly unintelligible sentences filled with pledges of love and adoration of her in body and spirit. The speech center of his brain was still out to lunch but his heart was full.

Jean hugged his arms, squeezing them tightly against her as they both cooled and collected themselves in a heap on the living room floor. She closed her eyes and smirked as she listened to his incomprehensible but affectionate murmurs. Oxytocin flooded their brains and she was happy to float on its euphoric cloud. Everything was so easy with him, the rhythm that they moved at, in and out of the bedroom. Jean didn’t have to ask or demand, it simply was, it created such deep satisfaction in her and made life without him an impossible notion.

“I love you, Scott Summers.” He could hear the smile in her voice, her choice in using his full name to punctuate that it was him, and only him, that she loved.

“I love you, Jean Grey,” he replied, finally remembering how to structure words. “My Forever.” Those words were emphasized by a tight arm squeeze around her middle. Regardless of missteps in the past, they were more true than ever. There could never be anyone other than Jean in Scott’s heart.



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