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With You - Part 2

Posted on Tue Jul 9th, 2024 @ 11:09pm by Scott Summers & Jean Grey

Mission: Episode 4: The Savage ConneXion
Location: Baxter Building
Timeline: September 25, 1990

[Warning: This Post Contain Adult Content. Reader discretion is strongly advised.]

Now The Continuation...

~I’ll climb any mountain you want~ Scott drifted back into the comfort of their psychic bond. ~Just point it out~

~* ‘I don’t need you to climb any mountains for me, I just need you by my side.’ *~
Jean didn’t need any over-the-top acts or grand gestures, why would she when she could actually feel and know the intent behind it? She wanted someone by her side, a partner and confidant, a lover and friend.

She leaned back and kissed him, and was so grateful that she had Scott. Jean found it hard to believe that she could experience the happiest time in her life so soon after the worst. She felt like she had been put back together, the cracks lined with gold, making her completion all the more beautiful. ~* ‘And if you think you’re going to surprise me, you’ve got another thing coming. I can read you like a book and there is no way you can hide that from me.’ *~

“Wanna’ bet?” Scott sprung to his feet with a mischievous chuckle while Jean remained captive in his arms. He carried her off toward the bathroom, imagining the dual rain shower heads it contained. The smirk on his face was all that showed of the smug laughter that he kept back.

Jean shrieked loudly before the sound turned into giggly, playful laughter. She flipped her hair over her shoulder and twisted to look at him. “Suddenly acting crazy doesn’t count!” She squealed while half-heartedly squirming and protesting in his arms.

“Nothing crazy about getting cleaned up,” Scott rebutted. “Especially after what we did, you dirty girl.” He chuckled again and lifted her head as they entered the bathroom where he set her down before turning on the water. As it ran, Scott looked down at Jean and brushed her hair clear from her face. “I think I’m capable of surprising you now and then.”

The water soon soaked her hair, turning it a rich wine color rather than its scarlet hue while a drop of water fell from the tip of her nose. She looked up at him, the water darkening her lashes.

“Yes, you surprise me every day.” Tender sentiment in her words as she offered him a sweet smile.

Scott returned her smile and wiped the next droplet away from her nose while it was still on the ridge.

“Good. Because you're pretty close to perfect. It's good to know I can keep up.” Hot water began cascading over them. Scott put a hand on her shoulder, kneading the warmth of the water into it. There was no insecurity in his words, just supreme happiness. He knew exactly what he meant to her; she'd made sure of that. ~You make me feel like the luckiest man alive~ The water flowed down his body but it didn't touch the heat he soaked in from Jean. Her love was incandescent.

She wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him in close to her, Jean’s grin widened and took on a more Cheshire appearance. ~* ‘We’re both lucky.’ *~ She corrected him, repeating similar words to what he had said earlier. A reminder that they were equal, both worthy of the marvelous person they had fallen in love with. Jean leaned into him and pressed her lips to his, the falling water’s angle changed as she moved, hitting her neck and shoulder and creating the flow of a small river down the front of her body. ~* ‘Don’t place me on a pedestal, you won’t be able to reach me if you do.’ *~

~I’ll try~ Scott loved her humility more than anything else. If there was a geographically local equivalent to a goddess, Jean would be it. The fact she didn't see herself that way made Scott love her all the more. ~I can't admire you any less~

There was also the way she viewed him. Scott was a pragmatist. All he saw in himself was someone who got things done, a trained disaster relief specialist with a knack for troubleshooting in a variety of ways. She saw a person who was as unstoppable as his optic blasts. It…words failed to describe how it inspired him. When her hands slid around his waist, Scott set his other hand to rest on her shoulders to better drink of her lips. That grin had wrecked him. ~Not sure how clean we're going to get at this rate~ Joy bubbled up from his chest into laughter while Scott kept his lips locked with hers. ~I can't keep my hands off of you~

~* ‘Then maybe you should be the one to clean me?’ *~ He felt her smile into the kiss, a coy little smirk that made the corners of her mouth curl. ~* ‘After all, you're the one who called me dirty.’ *~ Jean pressed into him further, leaving no space between them as their kiss deepened. The continuing effect that his mouth had on her, it was impossible for her to resist him.

She remembered the first time that his mouth caught her attention, they had been doing algebra homework together and Jean had made some stupid joke about butterflies and ‘mothematics’. It wasn’t a good joke, but Scott had given her a small crooked smile, probably because it was so bad, and it made her weak in the knees. That was the moment when her obsession started, and Jean devoted herself to actually being able to kiss that mouth.

Jean nipped at his lower lip as their kiss finally broke and that mischievous smile returned to her face.
“You better get to work.”

“Yes, ma’am.” Though Scott's tone was sarcastic, his enthusiasm couldn't be more obvious. Her purple loofah was already lathered in his hands. With his eyes locked on hers, glasses in the shower or no, he began rubbing circles against her arm.

She chuckled from his enthusiasm and how quick he had been to grab the proper tools. Jean placed a hand on his shoulder and leaned back a bit, opening up the space between them and exposing more of her body to the slowly sliding suds. She had every intention of playing coy, of remaining demure and flirtatious, while he lost his cool over her. Then Jean watched him bite his lower lip and it created butterflies in her stomach, she silently cursed him for that. Jean ran her free hand down the front of her body, fingertips and lather traveled down the space between her breasts to the subtle contours of her toned stomach, when she reached her navel she paused for a moment before returning up the same path she had traveled.

Scott's eyes traveled the full length of her body like a man hypnotized. The flow of water marked by soap and Jean's own hand held him in thrall such that he forgot to breathe. Once her hand returned to the space between her breasts, Scott met it with the loofah. Together, with a tingle sparking between them as the touch of their fingers, they made the loofah descend back down Jean's body where she released it and allowed Scott to work his circular motions again. Her grip on his shoulder tightened with the thrill, spurring him onward.

A large sud came to rest on one of her breasts, so Scott wiped it away with his free hand. The slick, frictionless contact against her already soft and smooth breast compelled him to take hold. With every gentle squeeze and lift, more warm water pressed through his fingers and palm. Soon there was the tickle of her protruding nipple against the center of his hand. And with that, Scott knew he had her. His lips found hers again. As he leaned in closer, he guided the loofah around her side, spreading the suds far and wide.

Jean murmured a few sounds of approval as his lips returned to hers. His kisses were gentler now, less of that urgent, wild need and more of that slow, sensual desire that he usually lavished upon her. That planned and strategic approach that always ended with her moaning his name in ecstasy, Scott was always the tactician. She wrapped her arms around his neck but kept a gap between them, giving him the space needed to continue to roam across her soap slicked body. The raising of her arms to the height of his shoulders caused her body to lengthen against his touch, making her figure lissome and sleek.

Scott’s hands roaming across her body always created a naughty sort of thrill inside of Jean, it reminded her of how they would sneak off to some secluded and quiet corner of the mansion to feverishly paw at one another. Stolen moments that always felt impermissible and therefore became all the more exciting. Even now, his hungry, roving hands sparked that coveted thrill inside of her. The foaming lather of soap turned her body slippery and smooth under his hands, allowing him to travel from the curve of her backside to her breast in quick, effortless passes.

That thrill took him back to their first time together, back when they had liberated a small South American country from Magneto and narrowly avoided being blown to smithereens. After all the months of grab-ass and sneaking around into corners, when they finally gave themselves to each other. The first time he had ever been inside her was a shock of pleasure like no other. Scott had known even then he was hooked for life.

Much like Jean was hooking him now. His hands resumed their travels with the strength of memories in their touch.

He had been thinking about their first time together. Jean recalled how nervous and excited they both had been, it made their hands clumsy as they undressed, buttons and hooks had become impassable obstacles. But once the initial nervous energy had subsided and they found each other, the stars aligned from their connection and Jean couldn’t picture a life without him in it. She had become his greatest asset and his greatest vice and Jean couldn’t help but smirk at his momentary lack of composure, she took a bit of devious pleasure in watching him come undone. She considered it to be a badge of honor to be able to turn the steadfast and stoic Scott Summers into a dumbstruck, lovesick fool. It was a testament to how crazy he was about her.

Running a hand down her body, Jean collected a handful of suds in her palm before she reached out and touched Scott. Her lather filled hand stroked him, covering him in slippery soap so her hand could effortlessly caress and glide across him. Jean started out slow but firm, teasing him with that same indulgent and exploratory touch that he had lavished upon her.

Scott’s head went straight back while Jean took him by the root. The slickness did nothing to lessen her grip which was soft but firm. Everything about it was as captivating as Jean herself was. Water poured directly on his upturned face from the rain shower head but he was too frozen in a rictus of paralyzing pleasure to move. His hands shot out blindly and found her breasts again and gripped them out of sheer masculine reflex.

“Jean…” Why was it so intense? Was it the memory? Or did he remember because of the feeling? Whatever the case, Scott was indeed dumbstruck and Jean was half a step from being his ventriloquist.

~Do whatever you want~ Scott expressed into their psychic bond. ~My body is yours~

~* ‘All in due time’ *~ Jean’s voice was silky smooth as she closed the gap between them, her body coming into contact with his for more of that slick touch between them. She kissed the line of his jaw as she remembered how enamored they had become with each other after their first time, this whole new world of pleasure had been opened up to them. Their obsession with each other caused them to run off together any chance they got. Jean recalled parking his Jeep in the middle of woods, off road and in the dark they tumbled into the backseat together. In the cramped confines she had climbed on top of him and rode him hard enough to make the whole vehicle rock in time with her. ~* ‘I can’t help but delight a little in watching you get all hot and bothered over me.’ *~

“No complaints here,” he whispered somewhere between a squeal and grunt, eyes still closed. ~That was a good time~ Scott recalled the backseat of the Jeep. He remembered afterward it took locking in the 4x4 hubs to get out of the rut their rocking had made in the soft soil. Such was the power of her telekinesis.

Like the spark shot through him just then. Scott grit his teeth for the sweet shock of it all. His breathing quickened even more. Times like these were when he was little more than a fleshy fiddle and Jean played him masterfully. All he could do is bask in her teasing, loving performance and thank his lucky stars. ~I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself as much as I am~ A dreamy smile spread across Scott’s face that was broken with intermittent grimaces of pulsating pleasure. His hands held onto her breasts like a roller coaster safety bar. They were the only things keeping him even remotely grounded.

Jean smiled in satisfaction as he practically melted from her touch. There were days when he mercilessly baited her, with lingering fingers and mischievous smiles along with the occasional dirty thought, all while she was required to remain focused and involved in a subject other than Scott Summers. It resulted in her practically pouncing on him at the end of the day, it was bad behavior that rewarded itself. To have moments where she could turn the tables on him, well, it too was a bad behavior that rewarded itself.

Her hand stopped its languid tease of him as she pressed herself firmly against him. Her breasts filled his hands as they molded to the compressed space between their bodies, while her breath on his neck was hot compared to the warm water behind them. Jean’s hands found his hips and with a tug she pulled him in even closer, the movement creating firm friction between them. Each time they came together felt like waking up from a dream, as if Scott was never truly alive until he was joined with Jean in body and soul.

Her soaked wine red hair slowly dripped, causing single water droplets to glide down her neck and chest as her heavily lidded bedroom eyes gazed up at him. He watched as a dreamy look of intoxication washed over her face and her full lips curled into a satisfactory smirk.

When Jean was younger, she used her telekinesis for absolutely everything. Any mundane or tedious task she had to do, it was done with telekinesis while she lounged on the couch. The results of these tasks were often sloppy and poorly executed, either by her inexperience with her powers or by the rushed and uncaring nature that she approached the work with. This resulted in the Professor banning her from using telekinesis outside of training, her diligence and consideration was required for all tasks she was assigned to, even the boring ones.

One evening Scott and Jean had been given kitchen duty together, the least desirable chores in the mansion; it required the two of them to wash and dry all the dishes by hand before putting them away. Of course, Jean cheated and used her telekinesis. While she was walking all the clean dishes to the cupboard, Scott leaned in behind her and whispered something in her ear. The feel of his lips along the side of her neck and the breathy words he uttered caused Jean to lose all focus and every single dish went crashing down onto the kitchen floor, shattering all of them into a hundred pieces. The damage was too extensive to hide, they had broken most of the dishes, so Scott and Jean had to immediately confess to what they had been doing. The misbehavior resulted in punishment, a month of kitchen duty together, they would master the task and respect the work being asked of them.

But it was in those nightly meetings, where they washed and dried dishes together that Scott and Jean began talking to each other. Nervous, polite conversation turned into meaningful discussion. When their month of kitchen duty was over, they still continued to meet and talk, it was the first step in their friendship and subsequent relationship.

But then there were times she had been his eyes. That one time when Magneto had stolen his visor in battle and learned why that was a bad idea. And then the night when his glasses slipped off in Breakstone Lake, Jean eventually had helped him retrieve them, but not before a seductive game of Marco Polo back to the dock. Scott trusted Jean with his life and with all that he had. He only wished he had more to give. She was his everything.

“If I had to think up the perfect woman, she wouldn't have held a candle to you.” He cupped her cheek with his thumb under her chin, putting her mouth right where he wanted it. And then he sealed his words with a kiss. ~It’s not a pedestal~ He remembered her earlier sentiments. ~It’s a promise never to take you for granted. You're one in infinity~

She laughed a little from his caveat, a work around to say what he wanted to say. He felt the laughter in their kiss, giving the moment of affection an effervescent buzz that reflected her good mood.

~* ‘This perfect, one in infinity, woman picks you. So just make sure to remember that when you’re talking me up. At the end of every day, no matter what happens, I will always choose you.’ *~ Jean kissed him once more, a small sweet little kiss that dotted the end of her telepathic declaration. She gazed at him for a long moment, soaking him in as the shower continued to rain down on them. It was tempting to stay just like this for the remainder of the night but pang of hunger moved through her along with an audible growl. It made both of them laugh, the sound reminded them that more than their sexual desire needed to be fulfilled. Despite their heavy petting and moments of shared nostalgia, they actually rinsed themselves off before the shower was turned off. Jean reached for the towels already hanging in the bathroom and handed Scott one.

“What should we do for dinner? French?” She managed to ask without breaking into a giggling fit over the reference to the failed dinner party with the Fantastic Four.

“Nah, we had French recently.” Scott kept a straight face himself, though the towel helped. “Maybe Italian? I bet you haven't had good salami in a while.”

“You’re right, I haven’t.” It took all of Jean’s willpower to keep a straight face as delivered that line.

Scott's mouth turned flat as he fought his own grin. “I could go for some tortellini in clam sauce. Italian it is.”

Jean shook her head in disbelief at how stupid this conversation was but there was a smile on her face. “Okay, you win. That was terrible. I definitely don’t want Italian now.” She returned her towel to the rack and waited for him to follow her into their bedroom. Rather than dress, she reclined across the bed. Jean looked up at him from her position of repose, her damp red hair falling all around her. “Maybe we should just stay in, order something? Chinese?”

When she finally gave up, Scott allowed himself a small chortle of victory. He chose to air dry along with Jean and followed her to the bed. “Chinese sounds good,” he said, looking down at her Birth of Venus pose on the bed. “Double it up though. I worked up an appetite.”

Don't do it, don't do it, don't do it. Of course he did. Scott smirked and ran the tip of his tongue over his lips, signaling hunger.

She noticed his flirtatious gesture and innuendo and in response she placed a single bare foot on the center of his chest, stopping him from moving forward. “I saw that.” Of course she saw, he wouldn’t have done it if she hadn’t. “What was that all about?”

Scott gave an innocent shrug. “Just hungry, I guess.” He looked toward the phone sitting in its cradle on the nightstand. “Do you want to call in the food order or should I?”

“I don’t know what I want.” Jean dropped her foot from his chest and got up from the bed. She wandered into the kitchen and came back with a neon pink tri-folded menu. She leaned against him while perusing the tiny black font, her hair tickling him as it brushed across his skin.

“Will you eat egg rolls? Of course you will,” Jean muttered to herself while she continued reading.

“I’ll have a number twelve.” She handed him the menu as she stood up straight, assigning him the responsibility of calling in to the restaurant. “And yes, I’ll share.” Jean briefly wandered the condo as Scott placed their order, collecting all of their discarded clothing and putting it away before she put on her short, pale blue robe and ran a brush through her hair. She didn’t want herself and their place to look too much like a sex den when the delivery guy arrived.

“How long?” Jean asked before placing a kiss on his bare shoulder.

“Thirty minutes,” Scott said after returning the phone receiver to the cradle. “Which is a little concerning now that I think about it.”

He laughed away the mild worry and went to the coffee table out by the elevator. No one else was even on that floor, so he didn't bother dressing. There was a drawer of petty cash in one of the desks. He pulled out a $50 bill. ~That should cover it~ he thought. ~Tip and all~ After pinning it to the corkboard by the elevator, he went back to the master condo.

“Where were we?” Scott asked before he laid eyes on Jean. The fact he was still buck naked didn't seem to register to him.

“What are you going to do when other people move in here?” She laughed at his unabashed wandering through the entire 29th floor. Jean wrapped her arms around his waist as she approached his tall, toned frame. “I have to admit, the amount of privacy we have is a breath of fresh air. No heavily stomping feet or fits of laughing down the hallway, never having to share the television, clothing optional for a cup of coffee in the morning.” She placed several kisses across the length of his bare chest. “I almost feel like an adult.”

Scott couldn't agree more. The kisses on his chest made his flesh rise with bumps. “It was home for so long that I never really thought of it as a school anymore,” he said. “Really was high time for us to strike out on our own, wasn't it? Maybe this year was just fate’s way of… I don't know…helping us along.”

“I like that idea,” Jean said with a soft smile “It helps bring some purpose to how terrible things have been.” She still suffered from nightmares and even though their frequency and intensity had diminished, they still managed to creep in on her. Jean wondered if they would always be there. But this time with Scott, it certainly was the silver lining.

Whatever the case, he loved being here with Jean and how right she was. “We'll be more discreet when more people come, but this is the longest I've ever been naked with you outside a bed. I'm kind of sorry to see it end.”

“We’ll still have this space for ourselves.” She tried to remind him of the positives as her kisses traveled across his shoulder and the side of his neck. “And I never said you should get dressed.” Jean’s lips brushed against his ear as she uttered those suggestive words.

Scott grinned from the hushed whisper at his ear. The kisses were wonderful but her voice was plain sensuous. “I'm starving,” he said, matching her suggestive tone. “But dinner won't be for another half an hour.” He kissed her softly, drawing out her lips with his own. “I wonder if there's anything to hold me over until then…”

“I’m sure you can find something to snack on.” Jean’s voice dropped to a softy, husky tone that matched the close proximity of their lips. She ran her hands up and down his back, her fingertips traveling the length of his spine. An idle caress that matched their hushed words and soft kisses. “And after dinner I’m sure you’ll find something for dessert.” The idea of spending the entire night like this made her toes curl.

Scott nipped at her top lip, displaying a little more forwardness than the coy banter. “Dessert sounds good,” he said, “but maybe just an appetizer for now.”

The whole time he had been slow walking her backwards. Just then they had reached the table where he had been guiding her. Now at the end of the line, Jean found herself pressed on her back while Scott sank to his knees in time to catch her ankles. With her thighs now resting on his shoulders while she laid sprawled across the table, Scott took a moment to assess the situation. ~I think I found something to hold me over~ He blew softly across her feminine folds through a feisty grin. ~My favorite~

~* ‘You’re insatiable’ *~ Jean’s honeyed response teased Scott’s wolfish thoughts while he spread her out across the table.

Jean’s very existence narrowed to the feel of his mouth against her, inside of her. Eventually, her body tightened and she twisted and ratcheted her hips from off the table until his broad hand splayed out across her stomach and he pressed her back down towards the table and to him. Once her climax had ended, he kissed her a few more times just for the loving affection before pulling back from her pelvis. Rather than seek more pleasure for himself, he pulled her up and into an embrace where he held her until she could catch her wind.

“Yeah, I think that hit the spot,” he whispered into her ear with a hint of mischief in his voice. “I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives like this.”

She took his head in her hands and held his gaze with those beautiful green eyes, the beauty didn’t come from their verdant color or for how they sparkled when she smiled, but because she looked at him with love. Jean held him close to her as she shared her emotions with him through the bond. Deep and expansive love that was limitless and unconditional. The type of love that had the power to crush your chest and make your heart ache from the sheer joy it created. Love that moved mountains and withstood the sands of time. That was what Jean felt for Scott.

“I love you with everything that I am.” Her voice wavered from the emotion “And I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you like this.” Scott melted away in her arms. Words failed him then, both verbal and mental. He had been taken apart and put back together so many times that he'd lost track. The only constant was Jean.

To Be Continued...


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