New Kids
Posted on Sun Jan 5th, 2025 @ 10:56pm by Drew Williams & Angela Williams & Charles Xavier & Kurt Wagner
1,877 words; about a 9 minute read
Episode 5: Days of Fortune Past
Location: X-Mansion | Professor Xavier's Office
Timeline: November 19th, 1990
The Williams siblings sat in comfortable chairs in the immaculate office of one Professor Charles Xavier. The desk in front of them was spotless and well organized.
Angela glanced at her brother with curiosity and some slight confusion. Their parents had told them to pack and placed them on a bus to the nearby town and given the address to this place with little explanation. "What is this place and why did Mom and Dad send both of us here?"
Drew could only shrug in response to Angela's questions. His father had said that the man they were about to meet was someone that could help Drew and keep both he and his sister safe until things could be sorted out back home. "I really don't know much more than you do, Angela. I think it would be best to wait and hear what Doctor Xavier has to say."
"It is 'Professor,' actually," said a kindly voice as the door opened, "although I do hold a doctorate. However, my primary use is in teaching rather than research." His hover chair zoomed into the office and paused to one side of his desk. "I am Charles Xavier. Welcome to my home. I pray you may come to think of it as a second home, in good time of course."
Angela gave Charles a weak smile. "I appreciate the warm reception." She glanced at Drew for a moment before returning her gaze to Charles. "I am just a little confused as to why our parents sent us here."
Drew remained quiet. Professor Xavier, from what his dad had told him, had consulted with Harvard scientist on the G-nome Mapping Project. His father hadn't said exactly what help Charles had been, but that it had proven beneficial in advancing the research his father was doing.
Assuming his position behind his desk, the Professor folded his hands in front of him and gave them his warmest smile. "In answer to your ponderings, I must explain the greater mission of this school. You see, it was founded on the principle of fostering a better future for both mutants and humanity. A future where our unique gifts—our mutations—are not feared or mistrusted but embraced as part of the diverse tapestry of life. It is a dream I hold dear, though the path to achieving it has often been fraught with challenges."
He paused for a moment, his expression softening as he turned his attention to Angela. "Angela, as one extraordinary mind to another, I must say your ability to recall information with perfect precision is a remarkable gift. I imagine it has both awed and isolated you at times. To know so much, to see connections that others cannot, can feel like a blessing and a burden, can it not?"
Turning to Drew, the Professor’s expression grew thoughtful. "And you, Drew. Your speed. Such a marvel, a gift which few people possess. Your journey has been difficult, hasn't it? Those state records, your Olympic qualification at such a young age, such sacrifices you have made to protect your secret. Foregoing an opportunity like the Olympics must have been a heavy decision."
Xavier’s voice softened, a note of empathy threading through his words. "The burden of secrecy can weigh heavily on young shoulders. But you needn't bear it any longer. Here, among your peers, you will find understanding and acceptance. You will also learn how to control and enhance your abilities, to understand them as gifts, not liabilities."
Professor Xavier's warm gaze rested on them both, measured and reassuring. "Therefore, the short answer to why your parents brought you here because they care deeply for you both. They want you to be safe in a world that often misunderstands us. More than that, they want you to thrive—to have a future filled with hope, purpose, and the freedom to be yourselves. Here you may learn to do just that and help others do the same."
Angela and Drew listened attentively to the Professor as he spoke.
Drew spoke up first. "I understand why my folks sent me. It sounds like you're saying that Angela is also like me, just in a very different way."
Angela looked from her brother, as he spoke, to the Professor. "So my being a straight A student somehow makes me a superhero. I don't understand how that's possible."
"Nobody said the word 'superhero,' dear Angela." Professor Xavier's eyes twinkled at the correction. "Although there are many who believe that mutants do possess the stuff of legends."
~I am a mutant, like yourselves~ Suddenly the Professor's voice echoed within their minds even though his mouth had stopped moving. ~My gift is that I can communicate directly with my mind. I will respect the sanctity of your own thoughts as I have trained other telepaths in this place, but I can tell you that both of you have potential beyond what you have realized~
The Professor broadcast a number of words directly to Angela's mind and allowed Drew to pick up on it as well. ~Your advanced cognition means that all forms of knowing and awareness, such as perceiving, conceiving, remembering, reasoning, judging, imagining, and problem solving for you are multiple standards of deviation beyond the median for your age. There is a reason you wreck the curve at school, Angela, but my desire is for you to understand that even top marks in the classroom fail to reach your true potential~
Turning to Drew, he said, ~ The incredible gift of your speed is derived from the complex equilibrium of multiple systems within your body working in tandem to produce phenomenal results. Through training, I believe you can exceed your already outstanding feats through applications outside the track lane~
"In short, I wish for you to know that you are in good company," the Professor concluded aloud, "and that I very much look forward to seeing the people you grow to become."
Drew was a bit amazed at the telepathic link that Professor Xavier had performed. It made him wonder at what was in store in the coming months. He wanted to learn more about his powers and how better to use them. He glanced at Angela. She was somewhat in shock by her expression. He turned back to Professor Xavier. "Sir, I appreciate everything you've shared with us so far and I am eager to learn more. I think Angela and I need to get some rest. It's been a long couple of days getting here."
Angela nodded in agreement with her brother. She looked a little pensive before she spoke up. "I know we can't call home. Dad said it would be too risky that the call would be traced. Could you get word to our parents that we made it here safe?"
"Already taken care of," the Professor assured them. "Would you like help in finding a room? Or perhaps a tour? I can arrange either one. If you would prefer exploring the mansion on your own..." The Professor gave special mind to Drew's super speed. "... that would be acceptable as well."
Drew shook his head. "A tour would be nice, but I'm very tired. We were on a bus from Cambridge to New York City last night, spent the morning waiting for the connecting bus to here. I would rather wait until morning if that's alright." His stomach gave a slight growl.
Angela giggled at her brother before glancing at the Professor. "Drew's right...although he might need to find the kitchen before turning in."
After lowering his head for a moment, the Professor looked back up at them both. "That can be arranged."
A rumbling bamf caught the twins off guard as a wisp of brimstone cut into the room. Before them was a man of dark azure and indigo complexion, golden eyes aglow, and a spade-head tail dancing behind his back like a charmed snake.
"Angela, Drew, allow me to introduce Kurt Wagner," the Professor said, sinking his teeth into the 'W' to sound more like a 'V' as per the German pronunciation. "He is a member of faculty and will be able to assist you with getting settled."
Kurt's demonic face split into a kindly fanged grin. "Ja, eet vould be my delight." He took a dramatic bow. "Schön, Sie kennenzulernen, Fraulein Angela and Herr Drew. I am to understand zhat you vould like directions to ze kitchen?"
Angela looked at Kurt. She seemed non-plussed by his sudden appearance. She glanced at Drew for a moment before turning back to Kurt "Drew muss mehr essen als ich. Ich möchte jetzt nur ein weiches Kissen und ein bequemes Bett. (Translation: Drew needs to eat more than I. I just want a soft pillow and comfy bed right now.)
Drew envied his sister at times. She was extraordinarily gifted in acquiring knowledge. It never dawned on him that that could be her mutant ability. Not until Professor Xavier had brought the topic to light. "Something to eat before bed would be great sir."
Kurt smiled warmly, his hands briefly folding as if in prayer—a habit from his time in the monastery. "Das klingt, als hättest du einen langen Tag hinter dir, Fraulein Angela. Ein weiches Kissen und ein bequemes Bett sind wahrlich Geschenke Gottes nach harter Arbeit. Wenn du möchtest, begleite ich dich zu einem der Gästezimmer. Wir können zu Fuß gehen, oder ich bringe dich mit einem kleinen Sprung dorthin—ganz, wie es dir lieber ist."
(English: "It sounds like you've had a long day, Miss Angela. A soft pillow and a comfortable bed are truly gifts from God after hard work. If you'd like, I'll walk you to one of the guest rooms. We can walk, or I'll take you there with a short hop—whichever you prefer.")
Turning to Drew, Kurt chuckled softly. "And for you, mein freund, I'll make sure the kitchen is ready to meet your needs. It's important that we recharge our batteries with a good meal."
Angela stood up with a shake of her head and grabbed the handles of her rollaway suitcases. "I appreciate the offer Professor Wagner, but just point me in the direction of the girls dormitory and I will be fine. If Drew doesn't eat soon he's probably gonna pass out."
"Nein, I am no Professor," Kurt said meekly with a shake of his head. "You may call me Kurt. Go up ze main stairs you passed in ze hall and turn to ze left vhere you vill find ze girls' dormitory." He placed a hand on Drew's shoulder. "Come, Herr Drew. Zhere is no time to vaste!"
The two men vanished in a puff of smoke.
"Well, there you have it, Angela." Professor Xavier chuckled at the lively activity unfolding around them. "If there is nothing else, then I will bid you good night."
Angela gave Charles an appreciative nod. "Good night Professor." She headed out, but paused in the threshold of the office door. "I think I am going to like it here. Thanks again for taking us in." Angela closed his door behind her as she left the office to go find her room.