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All That Is Gold Does Not Glitter

Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 9:58pm by Charles Xavier & Shinobi Shaw & Emma Frost
Edited on on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 10:01pm

Mission: Episode 5: Days of Fortune Past
Location: Wolfgang's Steakhouse | New York City
Timeline: October 1st, 1990

As Charles Xavier watched the Town Car roll through the mansion's gates into the greater world beyond, his eyes narrowed. This Jeryn Hogarth was just a pawn. Of this he was sure. A mid-level corporate estate attorney such as him was working for someone else. But despite his best efforts, Xavier had been unable to identify the patron who had sent this lawyer to sniff around his student. He headed down to Cerebro with the intent of monitoring the car's movements and final destination.

The Town Car stopped in front of Wolfgang's Steakhouse in Manhattan. Hogarth stepped out of the backseat and opened the door for Jace as if he were the personal valet. "Come on, sir. She doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Brown loafers, coordinating socks, and dark navy blue slacks could be seen coming out of the open door of the car. As Jace stood up, one could see that a dark lavender, button down shirt completed his ensemble. It was the same outfit he'd bought weeks ago in Salem Center.

"Then let's get moving," said Jace. "Lead the way."

The doorman to the restaurant opened up without being asked. Hogarth stuck a folded wad of bills into the man's pocket. "Reservations for..."

"You're expected, sir." The doorman pressed a security code into a discreet side door inside the lobby, then stepped aside with his hand extended once it opened. "If you please, sir."

"VIP section," Hogarth whispered to Jace.

Jace's eyes widened. "Not what I expected," he whispered. He knew this was a business meeting, but, dang, the VIP section. He wasn't sure what to expect from this mysterious woman...what business she was it connected to his father and then to him. He was glad to have Jeryn with him at any rate.

"Our meeting is over on the other side," Hogarth said as he led Jace through a lounge full of dark velvet and polished leather underneath crystal chandeliers. "Square your shoulders and keep your nose in the air as we walk through. You'll fit in just fine."

Jace stood up taller, squared his shoulders, and tried to look like he was more than department store clothes. He had a feeling that places like this is where he'd eventually be anyway. So might as well start acting the part. "Gotcha," he said to Hogarth. He walked in stride with his lawyer and continued following the doorman.

Beyond the VIP section of the restaurant was a private dining room with a special catering staff dedicated to serving the truly important guests. Jace and Hogarth were escorted by a tuxedoed man who looked more at him in a fighting octagon than an upscale luxury establishment.

"In there," the man said through a lip that looked perpetually swollen before returning down the hall to the VIP section. He would ensure nobody walked that hallway without permission.

"Alright, here goes," said Hogarth as he opened the door. "Play it cool. She will only embarrass you if you don't."

What the stately dining room lacked in size it made up for in furnishings. Burnished bronze fixtures adorned the walls, though they only gave contrast to the polished silver and gold implements on the table. A silken tablecloth draped over the edge. Only three settings were prepared, though between the golden candlesticks, crystal glassware, and a floral centerpiece that boasted more precious stones than flowers, there seemed little actual room for people at the table.

A lone blonde woman sat at a tall backed chair at the table, savoring a drink of some undetermined origin. Her blue eyes lit up with curiosity at the opening of the door. At a snap of her white velvet gloved fingers, the ritzy staff who had been standing against the wall came forward to refresh her glass.

"Please come in, I've been waiting with great anticipation. If you would enjoy a refreshment, please order what you like. The bar staff is quite adept at making whatever you would enjoy." The demeanor of the woman was so nonchalant as to be aloof. Not a glance for the servers who waited on her hand and foot.

Hogarth had the presence of mind not to openly gawk at the woman. Her shoulderless ensemble was not visible below the waist, but in all honesty his eyes might have never roved that far. Long white gloves extended past her elbows and gave emphasis to her thin, athletic arms which in turned framed her bust. The way her bosom heaved when she spoke made the revealing but classy garment into nothing short of scandalous. "Ah, y-y-yes, um, I am Jeryn Hogarth and th-th-this is my client—" But she cut him off.

"My name is Emma Frost, and please make yourself comfortable. We have a number of things to discuss, and I think you will be most excited by the revelations to come."

"Yes, Miss Frost, uh, thank you." Hogarth had done his best to meet her gaze, but eye contact had been out of the question. Even his usual courtroom tactic of staring at a spot on her forehead right between her eyes was failing him for some reason. He had actually never met with Emma in person, which left him utterly caught off guard. What was it about her presence that left him so scattered? Embarrassed that he was making a fool of himself, he looked straight down at his feet and began to move his own chair, but a waiter came forward to assist him in being seated. "Sit down, son," he said to Jace. "Miss Frost here is, uh, well, perhaps I'll let her tell the story."

His nerves of steel faltered as he heard Hogarth stumbling over his words. This didn't even sound like that same confident man who first visited him at the mansion. Taking note of the waiter, Jace never reached for chair. Instead, he stood there and waited for one of the staff to move it out before sitting down. "I'm sure you already know my name," he said. "Both of them."

Ms. Frost offered a relatively warm smile at the lad's revelation. She took a sip of her peach Bellini as she appraised him with fresh eyes.

"And which name would you prefer to use? One carries value only to yourself. The other carries wealth beyond the dreams of avarice." Her sky blue eyes gleamed with curiosity at the young man. "Choose wisely."

He smiled in return. She was absolutely right on both counts. "Wealth beyond my dreams," said Jace. "That's the one we're going with."

Ms. Frost lifted her drink in salute to the young man. "Wise choice. It's always better to be rich than poor, but both have their particular challenges."

The statuesque blonde looked to Hogarth with a raised eyebrow of mild distain. "So are you planning on speaking coherently? I am paying you a significant retainer, let's see if you can earn it."

"Wh-what do you wish of me, Ma'am... Miss Frost?" Hogarth pulled the napkin from his lap and ran it over his clean mouth just to give himself any form of cover. "That-that is to say, I-I've already secured injunctive relief for... for our young friend, just as you asked. His replevin case is all but concluded. If there's anything else I can do..."

Ms Frost took a moment to compose and restrain the sharp retort simmering on her tongue. "I want every legal issue resolved by the gala. There is to be no leeway or loophole to derail our efforts. Is that clear enough for you, Hogarth?"

"Clear and already taken care of, Miss Frost." Hogarth refolded his napkin to give his hands something to do.

Emma's expression softened when she turned her attention back to Jace.
"Now, to your circumstances. Until issues are resolved regarding the ownership of your late father's estates, I offer my own resources to provide appropriate accommodations. I have ample space in my penthouse right here in Manhattan. That would provide an opportunity to find an appropriate costume for the gala."

Hogarth opened his mouth to speak. "I have taken the liberty—" But Emma kept speaking right over him as if he hadn't said a word.

"The Gala—one of the premiere social events of the year, will provide an appropriate environment for your emergence onto the scene. This will allow you to make a rather impressive splash within the community at large. We'll make an effort to acquire an appropriate costume for this moment."

She took a sip of her drink before continuing. "What kind of costume would you like to make your inaugural appearance at the gala? We have artists on hand who have won Emmys and Oscars for costuming. It lies upon you to come up with an initial idea upon which they can build."

Jace smiled. "I would appreciate that, thank you," he said. "For a place to stay in the interim and an opportunity for find an appropriate costume. If you could recommend a tailor, I'd appreciate that as well. I only have a few small...decent...things. But nothing befitting the name. Regarding a costume idea, I have a picture or two in my head, but I can't draw. Let alone clothing designs. And I don't know which would be better as I'm not as familiar with this level of society." He paused for a second. "I also want a gala invitation addressed to Miss Kennedy Kelly at Xavier's Institute. I can hand deliver it myself before I leave."

"That can be arranged," Hogarth said, eager to be of help and get his professional bearing back. "In fact, if you'll excuse me, I can make the call now..." He excused himself from the table and stepped away to the cigar room where he could take a personal call with his brick cellular phone.

As Jeryn Hogarth left the private dining area to make his phone call, Xavier was finally able to penetrate the veil that had surrounded him the entire time. This was concerning. Whoever Hogarth had led Jace to meet for a private business dinner was a first-class telepath. It was a situation that would bear watching... insofar as Xavier could watch. If Cerebro could be diverted, then it would present a true mystery indeed.


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