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Posted on Thu Jul 11th, 2024 @ 8:35pm by Charles Xavier & Iris Walker & Mara Ricci

Mission: Episode 4: The Savage ConneXion
Location: X-Mansion | Xavier’s Office
Timeline: September 19th, 1990

After finally getting some food in her stomach, Iris had two tasks: first to talk to Professor Xavier about seeing short claw dude on Asteroid M and then to call the President. In that order.

Vaguely, she wondered if she could put off calling the president until tomorrow. Surely he wouldn’t begrudge her a good night’s sleep after everything she’d been through. And besides, nobody would be answering the phones this late at night. Somehow, though, she figured he would find a way to make it her fault. The least she could do would be to leave a message with a few details and a promise to follow up on the morning.

The mansion was almost entirely deserted at this time of the night. The students would be in bed and all of her teammates were still eating. She, however, walked purposely- and invisibly- through the halls, making her way to Xavier’s office. Before long, she found herself standing outside her destination and raised her fist to knock on the door.

Before her hand met the door, it opened as if of its own accord. Professor Xavier was not alone. Mara sat against the corner of his desk, looking visibly distressed.

"Iris, it's good to have you back." The Professor looked unsettled as well, but he was doing a better job of controlling his emotions. "There was a matter I was going to discuss with you in the morning. Seeing as though you're here now, I'd like to offer some good news after your time away."

Nodding at Mara, he said, "First of all, allow me to introduce Mara Ricci. Her singular expertise in computer science and information technology is responsible for much of our hardware around campus. You may recall I'd mentioned bringing in an expert to upgrade Cerebro during the geomagnetic storms. We can have Mara to thank for what little support I could provide remotely these past weeks."

Mara tried not to look too grim as she gave Iris a smile and little wave.

"However, what involves you, Iris, is that between our joint efforts, Mara and I have removed all trace of Project Strawberry from the MRD database." Xavier beamed at her with joy. It felt good giving good news, especially in the midst of a developing dire situation. "You and your family are free."

Iris’s brain stalled at that. Had he just sad what she’d thought he’d just said? She was free? There were so many questions, like how did they do that? Had they erased the computers and the minds of everyone involved? Had they made a trip to Washington DC to do it? How had they escaped detection?

But those questions would have to wait.

Finally, she blinked, mouthed wordlessly for a moment, then finally said, “you… are you sure? I mean, of course you’re sure. But.. but how?”

"The measures I took to erase all knowledge of yourself from the memories of those individuals involved..." Xavier paused, choosing his next words carefully. "... they cross the ethical lines I've set for myself in most instances. It is a delicate thing, not at all unlike a neurosurgeon's touch within the brain, to remove memories from the mind. It is not something I can do lightly, not without risking extreme harm. The Sword of Damocles the authorities placed over your head was tantamount to extortion, threatening not only yourself but innocent lives." His mouth spread in a half-smile, wry and rueful. "Perhaps I am only rationalizing my actions to myself. But it's not something I relish, even for my enemies. I am unqualified to be judge, jury, and executioner, much less to play God."

Glancing at Mara, he went on. "Since I'm speaking candidly, I will go on to say that actions have consequences. In these circumstances, we may have traded the target on your back for one on Mara's." He nodded at the telegram he had received which sat on the desk. "This was sent to me today. Deciphering the code in which it was sent, it's a warning that all individuals known to be able to manipulate technology are persons of interest in an undisclosed investigation being conducted by a top level defense initiative. That means Mara."

The Professor sighed. "Normally I would think to separate you two so that you could pose no risk of incrimination together, but seeing as how Mara requires sanctuary for the time being, I thought it only right for you to become acquainted and for you, Iris, to be made aware of Mara's role in securing your family's well-being."

Iris blinked again, her previous elation turning to horror. “Oh!” she gasped. “Oh, no. Oh, I’m so sorry!” she said to Mara. “Oh, this is all my fault!”

“No, it isn’t,” Mara assured her. “They were using you and I don’t regret it one bit. I’ve been living in the open for a long time and I’m sorta counting on that to deflect suspicion, at least long enough for me to come up with a really good story. I thought about saying I was just trying to find a game company’s computer to play some games.”

“Isn’t that the plot of that film with Matthew Broderick and Ally Sheedy?” Iris pointed out.

“Yeah, I was hoping you wouldn’t catch that,” she replied. “But they probably will, too.”

“Probably,” agreed Iris. “So what do we do now?” she asked the Professor.

"For now, nothing at all." Xavier eyed them both very carefully. "'Society in every state is a blessing, but Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one', which is to say that while I maintain that our actions were morally justified, they may not be legally defensible. The best thing we can do now is nothing. We return to business as usual. I will keep my ear to the ground and will alert you should anything else come through the wire." Giving them both a nod, he said, "I'm very proud of what both of you have accomplished. I am available if either of you need to talk, but I advise we keep these matters between just the three of us unless circumstances require expanding the circle of trust." He smiled at them both. "If there's nothing else, I must excuse myself and retire for the evening. You both may have the room so long as you require it."

Sensing there was nothing more to be said, Xavier locked his desk draw and computer before leaving his office to the two young ladies who were both astonished for different reasons.


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