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Jace's Girl

Posted on Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 9:13am by Shinobi Shaw & Kennedy Kelly

Mission: Episode 5: Days of Fortune Past
Location: New York City - SoHo
Timeline: October 10, 1990

[Warning: This post contains mild adult content - Reader discretion is advised]

Kennedy looked around the outdated lobby of the SoHo Hampton Inn. Lit with fluorescent lights that hummed and decorated with fake houseplants, it wasn’t exactly posh but it was an attempt at comfort and style that most mid-ranged hotels provided. She would never say anything to Jace but she had never stayed in a cheap hotel before. Then again, she couldn’t afford any type of accommodation on her own, so Kennedy really didn’t have much room to complain. Instead, she patiently waited for Jace to finish checking in while clutching her bag and continuing to scan the lobby.

It wasn't the greatest place to stay, but it also wasn't time to have the high-end. That day would come soon enough. Jace finished the check-in process and had two room keys in his pocket as he turned to Kennedy. "Third floor, turn left out of the elevator, end of the hall. We can relax once we get in. Maybe order some pizza or Chinese takeout later. Thanks again for the ride and for staying."

“Chinese food.” Kennedy groaned as she clutched her stomach “It feels like it’s been ages since I’ve had takeout. That sounds amazing.”

“And you’re welcome. I’m happy to drive you and for us to spend more time together.” Kennedy smiled at him as a touch of nervous energy overcame her. Things felt a little different away from the mansion or Salem Center, and as they rode the elevator together to the third floor things began to feel very real.

She stopped outside the hotel room door. Unsure of what to do with herself, Kennedy merely stepped to the side and waited for Jace to open the door. “You have the keys.”

"Oh, right." Jace removed one of the keys and opened the door. He stepped inside and put his back against the door to hold it open. He looked at Kennedy as the realization was setting in...they were in a hotel room together. For the afternoon. And for the night. "Takeout it is then. I'm pretty sure we can find some menus somewhere." He glanced quickly inside the room. Standard stuff; a television, a dresser, a chair, and a couple of beds. "Looks okay. After you," he said.

“Yeah… it’s okay.” Kennedy slowly entered the room as she looked around. “Some people like the colors yellow and brown together.”

She made her way over to the bed and sat down, the box springs squeaked a little in return. Kennedy looked over at Jace, who was still holding the door open.

“Are you going to come in?” She smirked a little from his frozen position. Knowing that Jace was a little nervous made her feel better. “Sit down with me.”

"Oh, um, right." Jace closed the door, secured it...for what that was worth...and walked in. He put his bag down next to the wall and sat next to Kennedy on the bed. The bed squeaked again and he chuckled. "I've never thought those colors went together," he said. "Reminds me of rust." His nervousness was manifesting itself as silly, idle chit chat.

“It’s definitely a choice.” Kennedy leaned back and rested on her elbows as she laughed a little more than was necessary. “But it’s not so bad.” Her blue eyes surveyed the room once more before fixing on Jace. “It’s private.”

Her laugh made him smile. "And we haven't really had that before," said Jace. "We've been alone, but not had privacy." He scooted back a little and turned to face the reclined Kennedy. He didn't hide the fact that he was taking in every inch of her body as he looked her up and down.

"God, you're beautiful," he said.

Kennedy bit down on her lower lip in a coy attempt to stifle the smile he had created. But the grin traveled up into her eyes and whatever attempt she was making to remain unphased by his compliment was lost. When she was with Jace she forgot about all the rotten twists of fate that had cost her everything she had. Once upon a time she had been a socialite who was blessed with enough affluency to make any of her whims into a reality. Her future had been bright and filled with fortune. Kennedy didn't realize how carefree her life had been until she had been ripped from the clouds she lived upon. But in moments like this, when Jace looked at her and saw nothing but beauty, Kennedy was free to be her old self again.

She reached up for him and tenderly caressed his cheek before Kennedy slowly pulled his head down towards her own. Her lips found his as she kissed him slowly and sweetly.

Jace inhaled sharply, a breath catching in his throat, as Kennedy caressed his cheek. He slowly exhaled as he realized that he'd never felt like this before. Their time at the pond in the Savage Land had been special, but it was nothing compared to the feelings she was eliciting right now with her tender touch. What had he'd done to deserve this? To be with her? He gazed at her as she drew his head down to hers. Leaning over her, he placed one elbow on the bed beside her arm, his other hand resting on the opposite side.

The slow, sweet kiss was as tender as her caress of his cheek. Her lips were soft and inviting. If he weren't so completely absorbed in the moment, he might have thought to describe it as intoxicating. Pulling back slightly, he shifted his weight onto his elbow and gently tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. He lightly traced a line from her ear down her neck and then smiled. Jace cupped his hand behind Kennedy's neck and met her lips with his for another tender kiss.

Kennedy’s hand slipped down from his cheek and rested on his chest as Jace kissed her once more. Tension started to rise between them as their kisses deepened and she could feel how fast his heart was beating underneath her palm.

She murmured against his lips before breaking their kiss to speak. “Have you ever done this before?”

Kennedy had been dying to ask him but it had never felt like the right time. But as things grew heated between them it felt like she might lose the opportunity all together. So rather than go into this blind, before they passed the point of no return she dared to bring it up.

Jace dropped his gaze. "No, not this," he said. "I...I've never gotten this far with a girl before." He looked back to Kennedy. "Have you?"

"No." Kennedy shook her head to confirm the statement. "I hadn't been ready until now, but I want to." It was a genuine sentiment that suddenly made her feel nervous all over again, they were on an equal playing field. Rather than dwelling on the uncomfortable moment their confessions created, Kennedy wiggled and shimmied out of her shirt. The removal of clothing turned the focus back towards the physical rather than their inexperience.

She gave Jace a minute to examine her in that same slow and roaming way that he had done just moments before. Kennedy's body was svelte and gracile with lean lines and faint curves of femininity. Her skin still held onto faint tan lines that a summer in the sun had created and they made her skin golden and warm in color. And of course the frill and lace of her underthings, delicate and dainty, they reminded him of all the French fineray that Kennedy loved.

Jace smiled. In that instant, he was happy that she had chosen him to be ready with. At least that's what he understood. He watched as she wiggled out of her shirt and saw the dainty, lacy underthings they had talked about. Jace wanted to just ravish her, but held back. For now...

He placed a hand gently on her bare stomach and slowly moved it up until the tips of his fingers touched the lace. He slid it to her side after a momentary pause and placed his other hand on her other side. Jace held Kennedy for a few seconds as he took in the lines and curves of her beauty.

Jace then sat back up on the bed and removed his own shirt, revealing fair skin and a lean, toned physique. His slim build and flat stomach were more noticable as well as some muscle definition, particularly in his arms and chest. He looked at Kennedy and leaned down to kiss her stomach before moving up to hover close to her face.

A flutter of giggles poured out of Kennedy as he kissed her bare stomach, partly from the faint tickle of his lips and partly from nerves but it was still a happy sound. Her laughter stopped as he made his way up her body and their eyes met once more. She smiled up at him with endearment in her gaze, whatever lingering nerves had remained sudden disappeared as an overwhelming sense of happiness took over Kennedy.

Taking advantage of her newfound confidence, she reached out for Jace and wrapped her arms around his waist. Kennedy pulled him into her as her lips returned to his and their bodies crashed against one another with a sudden burst of exuberance.

To be pressed against her, feeling the warmth of her skin and the movement of her chest with every excited breath. To have her arms wrapped around his waist, holding him on her. He was thrilled; the excitement was building with each kiss...and would be rather noticeable in a few seconds. Jace's lips remained pressed against Kennedy's as he propped himself with an elbow. The other hand, he placed on her lacy underthing, cupping the same suppleness as the lace.

Jace felt her shoulders rise as she gasped in response to his touch. The weight of his body and the rising passion that started to grow between them had Kennedy feeling hot and flustered as her heart began to race and her breath quickened. The building excitement created another surge of inhibition in her and she once again became bold in her actions. Kennedy reached down and unfastened his pants and whatever burgeoning desire had started in Jace soon came to fruition from her touch. Things began to move quickly between them now that the dam had broken. Whatever clothes remained were soon discarded and their hands began hungry and urgent as they pawed and caressed each other while kisses became frantic and demanding.

Jace groaned as Kennedy's touch caused more arousal. Passion and hunger fueled his desire for her, igniting a fire that burned deep within his soul. Every touch, every kiss, every press of flesh stoked the flames, making his heart race with an intensity he had never known.

"Ohhhh Kennedyyyyy," he moaned.

His lips made their way down her neck and to her chest where they paused a moment. Jace held Kennedy's tender beauty in each hand as his mouth brought an ever increasing pleasure to both of them and to her.

Kennedy squirmed and writhed beneath him as untamed lust took over and her need for more continued. She moved at that same rushed and urgent pace that their lack of inhibitions provided. A hasty shift of her thighs and a firm press of her hips happened underneath Jace as soft and inviting heat brushed against him.

“Do it.” Her voice was a raspy whisper thanks to the anticipation that had built up between them. “Take me.”

Passion. Unbridled passion moved to lust and a desire for more of her. His manhood strengthened and pulsed as the soft heat brushed against him. If you desire more, then take it. Words that had been spoken to Jace in an entirely different context. Yet here, he desired more, more of Kennedy, and he would take all of her.

Jace lowered his hips onto Kennedy and gently took what she was giving to him as he pressed his strength into her warmth. "I want all of you," he said. In that moment, the world faded away as he felt her closeness and lowered his body nearer hers.

“Jace.” Kennedy gasped before everything between her and Jace turned into a blur. The weight of his body and the smell of his skin, the smoldering intensity that filled his gaze as he found the pace that caused both of them to moan and whimper, the squeak of the bed beneath them, and then the quickly found apex of delight that followed. It all was an overwhelming experience that flooded her senses and left her dumbfounded.

"Ohhh Kennedy," said Jace in a whisper. That was the most exhilarating, most passionate thing he'd ever experienced. It left him breathless. She left him breathless. All he could do in that moment was lean down and press a tender kiss to her lips. He was still on top of her, still enjoying the fleeting pleasure for a moment. He kissed her again and gazed into her blue eyes before moving off and laying next to her beautiful form. Jace rolled onto his side and propped himself on his elbow as he absorbed every part of her into his memory. "You, my dear, are exquisite."

Kennedy huffed a laugh through her nose and he watched her blush all over again from his compliments. Except this time, she didn't hide the effect he had on her. There was no game of staying coy and unbothered by his praise, instead she let him see her for who she was and what he did to her. Kennedy has bared her body to Jace and in this moment of euphoric vulnerability she bared her soul too. "Everything that's awful goes away when I'm with you. I'd be lost without you, Jace."

Jace smiled at her blushing; he rather enjoyed watching the rosy color rise in her cheeks. At her comment, he reached over and softly caressed her warm cheek. "I'm glad I can chase the monsters away...I'll always chase the monsters away from you." He smiled, "I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you, Kennedy."


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