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The Hellfire Gala - Part 1

Posted on Tue Sep 10th, 2024 @ 11:33pm by Charles Xavier & Shinobi Shaw & Kennedy Kelly & Emma Frost

Mission: Episode 5: Days of Fortune Past
Location: New York City
Timeline: November 2, 1990

Kennedy huffed and released an anxious breath as she waited for her towncar to approach the unloading zone set up in front of the exquisite mansion. Built during New York’s Gilded Age, the opulent architecture and design of the old building showcased that it had been built by someone with money in one of the city’s periods of excessive growth and extravagance. And judging by how well the mansion's intricate stonework and ornate carving had been cared for, there was still an enormous amount of funds going into maintaining the building.

She knew she shouldn’t be nervous, Kennedy was born into such wealth and status. If there was ever a group of people she should be comfortable around, this was it. Nevertheless, she couldn’t help but remind herself that she had been cast out of such luxury and if tonight held any promise, she would be able to reclaim some of her socialite status. At least the masks helped to conceal her identity, press surrounding Kennedy had been unsavory as of late and anyone who recognized her right away would flag her as having a tarnished reputation, a mark that would doom her from making any type of connections this evening.

Looking in the town car's mirror, she adjusted her mask for the final time. The soft white leather had been shaped into the head of a stag, with its gentle tapering nose and elegant antlers the mask provided a regal profile. The animal was a symbol of strength, power, and transformation, all qualities that Kennedy had hoped to embody tonight.

As her car approached, a gloved footman dressed in 18th Century attire offered her his hand. Kennedy took the offered assistance but made no attempt to acknowledge or thank the man, she remembered her former place in this beautiful and cruel world. Instead her eyes remained fixed on the building and its grand entrance hall as she entered.

The interior of the mansion matched its splendid exterior, the hall was tiled in a checkerboard of polished marble tiles that had been polished until it reflected the light from the grand crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. The chandelier, with its cascades of sparkling crystals, bathed the room in a soft, opulent light. Rich, crimson drapes framed tall, arched windows, and the walls were decorated with gilded moldings and lavish tapestries depicting historical scenes. It all felt so old and majestic, a setting that practically shouted how old the wealth was that built this place.

Kennedy advanced to the centerpiece of the mansion, its ballroom. It was an expansive space designed for grandeur. The floor is a gleaming parquet of dark oak, intricately inlaid with geometric patterns. The room was dominated by a massive, ornately decorated fireplace, with its mantle adorned with gilded mirrors and an array of candle sconces. The ceiling was painted with elaborate frescoes of mythological scenes and framed with a cornice of gold leaf. The walls are lined with lush, brocade wall coverings in rich hues of gold and burgundy, interrupted by large, candelabras that casted a warm, flickering light. More crystal chandeliers hung from the ceiling, their prisms catching the light and scattering it across the room.

The space was filled with party goers who’s conversation and laughter created a buzz of celebratory energy. Every guest wore formal costumes or attire, complete with elaborate masks that added an air of mystery and elegance. Whoever this Hellfire Club was, they certainly knew how to host a party. Kennedy had never seen such a display of excess and overindulgence. Helping herself to a crystal flute filled with pale champagne, she made her way through the crowd.

A large man with an grapevine scar across his jaw and an overall grizzled disposition came up behind Kennedy. "Pardon, Miss. This event is invitation only and I need to see yours."

“Oh sure… let me show you.” Kennedy was surprised by the request but she was also expecting it. She was a stranger to the Hellfire Club and based on the rumors she had heard in Boston, they seemed to thrive in their exclusivity. Pulling open the tiny drawstring purse hanging on her wrist, Kennedy produced the invitation that had been sent to her. Even though the invitation had been folded half a dozen times in order to fit into her miniscule purse, it was still legible.

The scared man unfolded the invitation with obvious annoyance, his massive meaty hands struggled to open the tightly folded invitation. But once opened, he read it and huffed out a little laugh in response to her invitation. “Thank you Miss,” His demeanor suddenly a touch more cordial than before “you shan’t be bothered again.”

As Kennedy closed her purse a touch of commotion began at the entrance to the mansion. The crowds whispered as a different type of excited energy passed through the room. Before she could make out what was being said, another valet dressed in period specific attire shouted into the ballroom.

“Presenting the Black King and Queen!”

The crowd parted as a man and women entered and a round of applause and praise began simply for them stepping into the room.

Dressed in more of the same archaic clothing, the Black King parade waved to the room with a wide grin on his face. While the 18th century clothing was odd, its rich black velvet, lace and satin bows were all luxurious in texture and design. For a costume party, it was definitely an experience and lavish outfit. Above his smile was the mask of a ram, its faintly ovine shape was dwarfed by the impressive pair of horns curling around his head, gilded in gold and coming to an elegant point, the Black King looked proud and fine in his attire.

Escorted by the King’s hand was the Black Queen, whose costume attire was a touch more unconventional. She was clad in risqué black lingerie consisting of a deep cut bustier and barely there panties, the only coverage that was provided came from her thigh boots, opera length gloves, and the dramatic cloak of black silk. For all of the Black King’s smiles, she remained stone faced and indifferent, her ruby red lips remained set in a bored pout. The only touch of emotion that showed was a cutting gaze hidden behind the mask of a cat.

Kennedy clapped with the rest of the crowd, not wanting to stand out too much in a crowd of enthusiastic patrons. It was better to show them she was like-minded and similar so they might accept her.

The Black King and Queen began to greet and acknowledge the pawns that bowed before them in a makeshift court set up in the ballroom. After several minutes of meandering and mingling, Kennedy felt the Black King’s eyes upon. Unsure of what else to do, she merely lowered her head and curtsied in response to his lingering stare.

As the King leered, the Black Queen gestured to the man with the grapevine scar to approach her. After a brief and whispered conversation the Black Queen finally smiled before she spoke. “Summon her if she catches your eye, Black King.”

"Verily," said the Black King, his voice oily and rich, an echoing blend of theatrical pomp and circumstance with sleazy charm. "Come unto me, little stag," he said with a dramatic beckon of his finger. "Let us become better acquainted."

Kennedy felt her heart pounding at his request for her to come forward. She didn’t know who the man was but his position in the Hellfire Club was obvious, his presence brought the party to a standstill. Even if the Black Ling grew tired of her quickly, it was still enough clout to even be noticed by him when so many huddled around him begging for his attention. Setting her glass of champagne aside, Kennedy made her way towards the King. Her taffeta ballgown swished and crinkled with each step she took but she managed to move with the languid grace that her dancer’s body provided.

“Your Grace.” Kennedy bowed deeply this time, playing into all the pomp and circumstance these people seemed to love.

"Forgive my boorish presumption, but I must confess that I do not believe we have had occasion for meeting." When Kennedy straightened from her bow, the Black King took her hand by the wrist and held it up as if to kiss it. He paused above the skin and smirked at her from beneath his ram's mask. "And who might you belong to?"

"And here I thought I knew who I belong to." Her smirk was hidden under the nose of her mask but the King picked up on the glint in her cool blue eyes lined in black. "I was invited by the Inner Circle."

"You're ruining your own surprises, Jason," the Black Queen purred. "This little doe is part of our special event for the night. Emma set it up herself."

"Marvelous!" chuckled the Black King no deeper than this throat. "How marvelous indeed!" Turning to the Black Queen, he gave her an ivory grin that made her the envy of the gala. "Such a wicked thing, our Emma, sating my desires before they even have occasion to tempt me." He looked back at Kennedy, though his eyes took in every feature before resuming eye contact. "Yes, you will do rather well." He handed Kennedy off to the Black Queen. "You may attend Selene while I give court to the others, but do not stray far, my fyxen stag."

“Did you know that a white stag is a symbol of divine and spiritual power? They are referenced as such in both European and Eastern folklore.” The Black Queen took Kennedy’s hand and began to promenade through the ballroom with her. The dense crowds parted like water for the Queen.

“I always liked them in Greek mythology.” Kennedy admitted but didn’t fully explain why. “The symbol of the Huntress.”

“The Huntress you say?” There was a lilt of amusement in the Black Queen’s voice. “You know that English Kings would try to cull a white stag if one was spotted… they believed the man who claimed it would be granted a long and prosperous reign.”

“Oh…” Kennedy seemed a little uncomfortable with the analogy. They were no longer talking about medieval practices.

“Not to worry my dear,” The Black Queen laughed and haughtily dismissed her concerns. “Our dear Black King, he’s much kinder and gentler than any nobility of the past. He just has a proclivity for the auspicious. You’re eighteen aren’t you, dear?”

“Today, actually. It’s my birthday.” Kennedy offered the information in order to remain on her good side even though the question made her even more uncomfortable. But it worked, confirmation of her age made the Black Queen purr.

“Perfect my dear, just perfect.” The Queen directed her away from the ballroom and into another wing of the mansion. “Let me introduce you to some more of my friends before the King wishes to see you again.”

“Presenting...” Other members of the Inner Circle began to make their entrances, though none quite carried the same panache as the Black King and Queen. At least none among the Black Bishop and Rook or White Bishop or Rook.

Jace's costume was such that not only would he fit in perfectly at the Gala, but when he stepped into his new role in life. And with a mask, no one would be the wiser...especially Kennedy.

The wolf mask he was wearing was luxuriously crafted from dark leather and silk with baroque patterns etched into the surface. It featured sharp, angular wolf-like details, intricate silver and gold filigree work, and a predatory gaze. Adorned with tufts of fur and pointed ears, it has a wild, supernatural appearance while symbolizing cunning and power.

The thing that made Jace a little nervous right now, though, was the reveal. He sat next to Emma in the backseat of the car, holding his hands in his lap. He knew that his nervousness showed and that she could probably sense it. The thought then occurred to him that maybe he was not as nervous as he should have been considering what he was about to do and the kinds of people he was about to upset. You did good in the courtroom, you'll do fine in the boardroom, he told himself as the car pulled up to the curb and the gloved man approached the door.

The White Queen had kept her own council tonight. Young Jace was skittish enough, his mind filled to the brim with facts both critical and trivial to this evening's activities. To quiz him further would be counterproductive. She reached up to adjust her masque an incremental bit. The masque itself was shaped of silver, clear crystals of exquisite perfection, and the softest kid leather. It formed the face of a celestial being, radiant and cold and wise. "Keep your wits about you, my darling. There are many here tonight that seek your favor. Some are beneficent, others full of wicked malice. And be wary of the most treacherous of predators."

In the weeks between the court decision and now, one of the things Jace had been practicing was keeping himself partially out of phase. He wasn't able to hold the phase variance for hours on end; that would take a lot more time. Kate had been instrumental in teaching him the nuances, giving him more tools to use. The rest would be up to him. Jace implemented that phase variance before he stepped foot onto the curb. How long he would be able to concentrate and hold it with everything else going on around him would be the real test.

"I shall," he said as he nodded to the rest of her statement. "The most treacherous of predators...that wouldn't happen to be the Inner Circle itself, would it?"

Emma's grin of delight punctuated her next words. "Quite so. Expect them to be the most lethal thing in your way. Expect no mercy, so be certain you show the lack the same."

He then ensured his mask was secure as the door of the car was opened. He got out and mustered every air of sophistication and arrogance he could. He smirked as he thought back to the time spent around Magneto and hoped to eventually surpass even that level of hubris.

Jace adjusted the coat of his costume, paying no attention to the attendant, and took a few steps forward. He gazed at the outside of the mansion and nodded at the extravagance of the architecture. The young man began to relax and the nervousness faded away as the full realization that he belonged here finally settled in. This extravagance, this opulence, this was his world now.

“Presenting the White Queen and Guest!”

The White Queen paused at the entrance of the party when all eyes were upon her. Thanks to one of her companies with the defense contract, a framework of glowing angel wings came free from her shoulders. The soft glow of the ethereal feathers gave her the appearance of a truly celestial representative. She gestured with the ease of true royalty to the crowd. "And now the party can truly begin."

"Hello, my dear," said the Black King Jason Wyngarde as he approached Emma in his flow through the crowd. He grasped her by the hips and pulled her close to kiss the air beside both cheeks. He paid utterly no attention to Jace. "As delightful as ever and twice as beautiful besides."

"Twice?" She sniffed quietly in derision. "I must be slipping. So how does the evening go so far? I trust no blood was been spilled this early in the festivities?"

The Black King's oily laugh echoed almost as if he had a lapel microphone. "My heavens, no. In fact, I must thank you for arranging such exquisite companionship for me during the after party." He glanced over at Selene and Kennedy, found them in the crowd, and bid them to approach. It would not do for the royalty to hobnob with lesser Inner Circle members before paying tribute to one another.

"Come, Selene, my raven. And bring our new pledge with you." Rare enough that anyone was elevated to the company of the Inner Circle, but Kennedy wasn't really in a place to decline another beckon from the Black King.

The Black Queen bowed her head and beckoned the King's request from across the ballroom. Taking Kennedy by the hand she escorted her back through the crowd in the same fashion as before. They only stopped briefly when Selene made sure that Kennedy's wine glass remained full. The moment her champagne glass dipped down to half-empty it was refilled again.

Jace paid as much attention to Jason Wyngarde as the Black King did to him. While he knew he belonged here, he also knew that his time had not yet come. It was close to be sure. But Emma had that all planned out. He looked around the ballroom as the other two played with each other in the hopes of catching sight of someone who could be Kennedy. He knew her invitation had said to dress in white, but honestly, there were several blondes dressed in some form of white.

"I must confess, Emma, you may have outdone yourself with this arrangement." Wyngarde beamed so wide his teeth practically had a sparkle run down the breadth of them. "You must allow me to thank you properly sometime."

Jace gave up on searching the crowd and instead focused on the treacherous predators. The Black King and the Black Queen, Jason Wyngarde and Selene Gallio respectively. He began going over in his mind the things that Emma had been quizzing him on for weeks. At this point, Jace was being more tactically minded as he surveyed the would-be enemy and listened to the conversation. Being completely ignored had its advantages.

"Emma, so nice of you to finally grace us with your presence." Selene's smile was sickeningly sweet as she greeted Emma with a pair of air kisses near her cheeks. Almost as an afterthought, the Black Queen handed Kennedy over to the King. The teenager dressed in white was thrust upon Jason in a way that showed how little Selene actually cared for her. "I see you brought your own little toy for the evening, how fun. Who is this?"

Selene looked Jace over from top to bottom, her eyes examined him like one might evaluate livestock or a racehorse. "He seems acceptable."

"It's all in the breeding, darling," Emma purred between air kisses. "You would be amazed at what you can achieve with the right pedigree."

Jace was still being tactically minded when the other two joined the group and conversation. Whether it was accepted or not, Jace gave a polite bow of his head to the King and Queen together. He adjusted his wolf mask before turning to render the same to the white stag that had been tossed to the King and paused. The slender form, the blonde hair, the soft jawline and the pièce de résistance, those striking blue eyes in contrast to the white mask. It was Kennedy alright. He smiled as he hadn't seen her in weeks and continued with the bow of his head to her. He ignored the Queen's examination and comment just as the King had ignored him. Yet he was still wary and alert.

Emma remained silent but smirked a little at the brief acknowledgment from Jace and the arrival of his requested guest. As anticipated, Jason had gone after her like the dog he was and a fight of this girl, this scrap of meat, was bound to occur. It was a petty little squabble when compared to what was actually going to occur tonight. But insult and injury made such lovely bedfellows.

"It appears the others have already made their way to the Inner Chamber, so perhaps we ought to make our way there ourselves." The Black King took Kennedy by the fingers in what appeared to be a delicate grasp but was actually quite firm. At his touch, another a rush came over her like another glass of wine. "Come, my pet. You may accompany me in what is certain to be my finest hour." He winked at Emma. "Bring your toy as well. 'Tis only fair."

Kennedy remembered Xavier's warning to be careful around these people and a slight rush of panic filled her mind as Jason held onto her just a little too tightly. She knew leaving the public party and going into a private room with them was a bad idea but that feeling of hesitation and apprehension was soon washed away as an unnatural calm filled her mind. Suddenly the idea of leaving didn't seem so terrible, in fact it actually sounded nice. With a demure nod of her head, she followed Jason's lead.



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