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The Hellfire Gala - Part 2

Posted on Thu Sep 12th, 2024 @ 6:16pm by Kennedy Kelly & Charles Xavier & Shinobi Shaw & Emma Frost

Mission: Episode 5: Days of Fortune Past
Location: New York City
Timeline: November 2nd, 1990

The Continuation

Excusing themselves from the ballroom, the five of them made their way through armed security in three-piece tuxedos and white devil masks down a dark corridor to an executive elevator. A biometric scanner unlocked the door and allowed them entrance.

"I am certain you will find the next ride more to your liking," said Wyngarde to Emma. The doors opened and he ushered Selene and Kennedy within before pressing the door button to close in the faces of Emma and Jace.

"How rude," said Jace. Then he remembered the amount of security he'd seen. If there were listening people or devices, they didn't need to know. He turned to Emma and thought, ~How did you put it? Expect no mercy, so be certain to show the same. I am prepared.~

~Every interaction is a test or as I like to think of it, a game~ Emma leaned forward and allowed the scanner to read her.
~Remember who you are and the ace you hold up your sleeve, the plays being made tonight will create a most delicious checkmate.~

When the door opened, Emma and Jace found the trio waiting for them outside the Hellfire Room where the Inner Circle would meet. Evidently they would make their grand entry together despite the separate elevator rides.

The heavy oak doors of the Hellfire Room swung open with a quiet creak. The room, with its dark wood paneling and rich red drapes half-cloaked in candlelight, was already occupied. The other members of the Inner Circle had indeed arrived early and were seated around the ebony table inlaid with red velvet trim.

Donald Pierce, the White Bishop, sat with his fingers steepled and cold, calculating eyes which scanned the room. To his left, Emmanuel da Costa, the White Rook, leaned back in his chair, exuding the casual confidence of a man who was accustomed to power. His dark eyes flicked toward the door, expectant but unreadable.

Opposite them, Harry Leland, the Black Bishop, sat with a glass of bourbon in hand, his large frame testing the tensile strength of the wingback chair. He took a leisurely sip, his ruddy face flushed with both drink and his ever-present aura of indulgent superiority. Beside him, Janet Van Dyne, the Black Rook, was poised elegantly, her delicate fingers tracing the rim of her wine glass. Her sharp eyes glittered with a mixture of boredom and latent disdain as she waited for the others to arrive.

The room fell into a brief silence as three figures swept into the chamber. More than firsts among equals, the royal positions of the Inner Circle afforded a power and grace that the others would only ever challenge collectively if at all.

Jason Wyngarde, the Black King, led the way. He paused at the threshold for a moment, his gaze sweeping over the seated members and savored the moment, his thin lips curling into a knowing smirk. Jason’s presence was magnetic as his appearance was impeccable. The entire room seemed to bend to his will as he stepped forward to take his place at the head of the table.

With a mere snap of her fingers Selene requested a fresh glass of wine. The mouse mask clad Janet appeased the Black Queen's wish, offering her a warm smile as she theatrically bowed while offering the glass to her.

Jace kept his mouth closed as he entered the room. These were the movers and shakers. They installed leaders, felled industries and shaped the world. They were no one to trifle with...unless, well, just unless. There was a lot to pay attention to, a lot to focus on. The individuals he'd been learning about, the current environment, what was being said, and then Kennedy. She was there and he found his mind wandering to her at times. It was all overwhelming. So with everything going on, he couldn't hold the slight phase variance he'd started earlier. Jace returned to normal density.

Emma took her place at her assigned seat and looked over at the distracted Jace. With his drop in phasing, she was able to pick up on his thoughts again. He was thinking about that girl again and the realization made her brow furrow behind the guise of her mask. This wasn't the time or the place to let teenage dalliances get in the way of her plan. Reaching out for Jace's hand, she caressed the top of it and caused his attention to return to her. "My fine wolf, I have reserved a seat for you at the table with us. Sit by my side so we may finish what we started."

The Black King and Queen settled into their seats with the ease of rulers returning to their thrones, while Emma took her place with the poise of a chess master preparing for the next move. The room, now filled with the most powerful members of the Hellfire Club, soon crackled with the tension of unspoken ambition.

There was no place for Kennedy to sit as the rest of the inner circle took to their seats around the table. Attempting to regress to the edge of the room, Jason stopped her by taking her by the wrist. That feeling of calm compliance returned and Kennedy willingly remained by his side. With a firm and far too aggressive tug, the Black King guided Kennedy down onto her knees, directing and demanding her to sit on the ground next to him as he conducted business at the ebony table. His hand came up and he forced her head to rest in his lap before he lovingly stroked her golden hair like the pet she was.

Selene took a sip of her wine as she surveyed the inner circle of the Hellfire Club. Dressed in masks of barnyard beasts, they all looked up towards the Black King and Queen in silent servitude. Tonight was going to be a glorious night for them. It was simply a matter of minutes before Jason made is final move.

Jason Wyngarde, the Black King, leaned forward slightly, his voice smooth as silk but carrying an edge that cut through the silence. “It seems we are all present,” he said, his eyes lingering on each of the Inner Circle members in turn. “Shall we begin?”

"Yes," said Harry Leland between slurps from his goblet. "Let's get on with it."

"Do what you brought us here to do," Donald Pierce said between his steepled fingers.

Emanuel da Costa and Janet van Dyne were both silent, but they clearly shared the same sentiments. Nobody had the appetite for the pageantry that the Black King was attempting to perform.

"There are indeed many matters of import before the Inner Circle today," said Wyngarde, wanting to draw out the moment as long as possible. "Perhaps we should address the foremost one before us." Whispering to Kennedy, he said, "Be a dear and hand me the briefs affixed to the table's underside and distribute them around the table, hmm?"

There was a moment of hesitation in Kennedy's movement as if she was struggling with herself. But with another touch of Jason's hand across her bare arm all of the struggle left her and Kennedy did exactly as she was instructed to. Reaching under the table she found the documents the Black King had mentioned and she walked around the table distributing them.

The White Rook's eyes lingered on Kennedy as she leaned into him. With the mask of a white crow across his brow, there was no mistaking the hungry gaze in his eyes as fixed on her collarbone and then moved downward. "Sweet little deer, I feel like we have met before. Once the masks are off you and I will have to become better acquainted."

Kennedy remained silent but her jaw feathered in response to the comment, once again it appeared she was struggling with herself. Saving the Black King for last, she provided him with his own set of documents before returning to her position at his feet.

As the briefs were laid down in front of him, Wyngarde began slowly unwinding the strings that held them fastened together. Each motion was like a choir conductor's signal, somehow affecting the ambiance and tenor of the room with subtle but noticeable notes that he seemed to control.

"Fortunes rise and fall," he said dramatically, "and so we recognize the Golden Rule which is that he who has the gold makes the rules. It is in this spirit that I act upon our glorious tradition of asserting my right to rule. Before us are statements from everyone's holdings as of the start of the fiscal quarter. Quite plainly to even the most rudimentary eye, it can be seen that my fortunes have outpaced you all. Combined with that of the Black Queen, we frankly have the means to buy and sell every last one of you." His eyes fell on Emma but soon passed over. She was the lone exception, but admitting so would break his spell. "It is, therefore, with great honor that I hereby assert my right to the title of Lord Imperial of this august Inner Circle and of the worldwide Hellfire Club with all subsidiary holdings, pawns, and assets thereunto."

Wyngarde paused to look around before leering at one and all with the million dollar question. It was their one and only opportunity to challenge his claim before things got very ugly. But nobody learned anything new coming here. The whole reason for the Hellfire Gala had been that Wyngade positioned everyone where he wanted them. This was just a touchdown victory dance. "What sayeth thou?"

"Here. Here." Selene clapped her hands in approval of the Black Kings declaration. Her role as the Black Queen would be solidified and empowered based on her support and approval of Jason's claims to victory. "All hail our fine and benevolent Black King."

The Black Knight and Rook were not especially pleased, but they weren't surprised either. Everyone knew this was coming. Reluctantly, they bowed their heads.

"Aye... my lord." Da Costa looked down at the table and his own assets which were not inconsiderable. They just couldn't compare to Wyngarde's.

"M'Lord." Van Dyne's tone was far from submissive and she didn't look away from Wyngarde for an instant. Her eyes didn't even blink. But she capitulated.

Seeing the writing on the wall, Leland and Pierce followed suit.

"Aye," Leland bellowed.

"Aye," Pierce agreed.

The way Kennedy was being treated infuriated Jace. But he kept his mind and remained as stoic as ever. She would be safe soon enough. He made a show of looking to Emma and nodding his head before clearing his throat. Before they had gotten out of the car, she had given him the necessary financial paperwork along with several other documents. Jace had folded them in thirds and put them in the inside pocket of his fancy overcoat. Now, he removed the folded papers and held them up for all to see. He respectfully laid them down in front of the Black King. He nodded his head and then backed away to where he had been standing next to Emma. He never took his eyes off of Jason.

"I beg your pardon!" Wyngarde said to Emma, not even looking at Jace. "It seems your dog needs a tighter leash, my dear friend." There was nothing friendly in his tone. When nobody else said anything, his debonair charm began to melt away under his intense censure. But as he glanced over the stack of documents placed before him, his anger soon turned to dread.

"Oh come now Jason, you know that every dog has his day." Emma leaned back in her chair and crossed her long slender legs in a manner so casual that it was infuriating. "Like I was telling your Queen earlier this evening, it's all in the breeding."

"No..." The Black King's smug posture began to fade. His slick hair turned wispy. The strong cut of his jaw turned more angular, his cheekbones sunken rather than raised. Even his warm, brown eyes that commanded the room faded to muddy opacity. "No, this can't be!" His velvety tone turned to nasal whining. "No, no, no!!! I refuse! Challenge! I challenge this!"

He slid Jace's papers to the center of the ebony table. "This is not possible and I demand the Inner Circle do not entertain such ravings!"

Selene stood up and read through the documents laid before them.... rightful heir... power of attorney... all assets returned... Shaw.

"What is this?" The cat masked Selene hissed in disbelief "Are you trying to say that this... this whelp is..."

"Exactly that." Emma's cool and collected smile appeared as a shiver of delight passed through her body. This was all so perfectly planned and executed. Months of work coming to fruition before her very eyes, tonight would be a night that went down in Hellfire history.

"May I present to you, Shinobi Shaw. Rightful heir and executor to Sebastian Shaw's estate. If you'll all be so kind as to review the documents provided to you, you'll see his inheritance has been claimed and he is already legally in control of all Shaw assets." Emma cooed the words as if she were saying them to her lover, she looked over at Jace before she continued... "Take off your mask and show the Inner Circle your face. Let them see the wolf in sheep's clothing that now stands before them. Proclaim your true title and rank amongst the Hellfire Club."

Jace leaned forward in his chair and removed his mask, revealing his identity. A confident smirk played across his lips as he placed the mask on the table in front of him. He'd been working on speaking in a calm and controlled manner for the last several weeks in preparation for the Inner Circle. The tone of his voice was cold and disdainful as he started.

“Thank you, Emma, for your diligence in everything you have done to bring us to this point tonight." He turned to face the Black King, "Jason." He dropped the bloated pomp and circumstance for a moment in order to make the Black King feel even less in control. Or so he hoped. He turned to address the rest of the Inner Circle. "Before you proceed with a vote or any other business, allow me to assure you that I am indeed Shinobi Shaw, the rightful heir to Sebastian Shaw. It was his legacy that you and others sought to control, to divide amongst yourselves like vultures circling a fresh kill. But here I am, not merely the heir to a fortune or a name. I am the rightful Lord Imperial, the true leader of the Hellfire Club, and the future you’ve all been blind to.”

He paused to let the weight of his words settle in. He'd practiced this, or some form of it, for a while as he tried to be who he was.

“While you were busy plotting and scheming for power, Emma was quietly laying the groundwork for my rise. Every asset, every share, every ounce of influence my father amassed is now under my control. You may think you can resist, that you can challenge my claim." He eyed Jason. "But let me assure you, that would be a grave mistake. The same blood that ran through Sebastian Shaw runs through me. He believed it was better to be feared through the brute force of power rather than to be respected. If you wish to test whether or not I inherited his proclivity to brutality, by all means proceed. But I will not be a pawn in your games; I'm the one who will be moving the pieces from now on.”

Shinobi stood and moved from Emma's side to stand behind the Black King's chair. He leaned down and menacingly whispered, “You thought you could take what was mine." He hit the chair with the palm of his hand and then cast a sidelong glance to the White Stag, to Kennedy. "You thought you could cast a vote and make yourself Lord. But there is only one Lord Imperial, and that is me. Now, I suggest you rethink your loyalties, because those who stand against me will find themselves facing the same fate as all who defy the Shaw legacy.” He phased his arm, passed it through the back of the chair and grasped Jason's heart. "I can remove whatever I wish." He gently massaged it and then released the heart before removing his arm as easily as he had inserted it.

A gasp fluttered out of Wyngarde's quivering mouth. Never had he been so close to death before. And it terrified him.

"Let him go!" Selene begged and groveled to Shinobi, how quickly her motivations changed when power dynamics shifted in the room.

"So unbecoming, Selene." Emma chuckled as she took a sip from the glass of wine the Black Queen had abandoned "At least show some shred of dignity during your downfall."

Straightening up, Shinobi placed his hands on the top of the chair back. He faced the entire Inner Circle once again, his voice as commanding as it could be. “The Hellfire Club is mine. And with it, I will shape a future where our power knows no bounds, where we stand unchallenged as the true rulers of the world. My father had a long-term vision and I have already given it life, such as it is. If you oppose me, if there is deceit in your heart, I will simply remove it." He quickly patted Jason on the shoulder and put his hand back on the chair, "Isn't that right? So I call for another vote before we get to other business. Who stands with the true Lord Imperial...and his new White Queen?”

Emma bowed her head graciously as Shinobi declared his rank and title, the entirety of the Hellfire Club was his and of course her position as the White Queen in this new era would be preserved.

Wyngarde had clearly lost the room. He sunk back into his chair and covered his head with his hands as he slowly slumped forward with his forehead against the ebony tabletop. The other members had some questions they passed back and forth amongst themselves, mostly to assure they had truly all experienced the same unexpected upheaval.

As the others were deliberating, some quietly and some rather vocally, the eighteen year old reached down next to Kennedy and took her hand. "C'mon, stand up. You'll never have to sit at anyone's feet ever again. I can give you the life you were born to have, the life you were destined for." Then he smiled. "I've missed you these past few weeks since So Ho, my White Queen."

Emma's look soured from under her mask and she was about to speak before she was interrupted by the flourish of energy suddenly displayed by the girl at the Black King's feet.

"Jace?" Kennedy blinked a few times and he watched the hint of fog that had once filled her eyes start to dissipate.

"Jace!" She removed her mask and stood to greet him with an overly enthusiastic hug and press of her lips to his. "I missed you so much... these past couple of weeks have been terrible without you." Kennedy kissed him once more before she remembered where they were and everything that had just played out before them.

"Is this what you've been doing all this time? This is the legal battle you've been trying to win?" Kennedy looked around at all the men and women seated at the table. The Inner Circle remained silent, too stunned and scared to speak to their new lord.

"It's going to take me some time to remember to call you... Shinobi Shaw..." Kennedy ran her fingers through his slightly mussed hair. "What is this all about anyways? Brutality and taking what is yours? That doesn't sound like you, Jace."

Shinobi returned the kisses of the beautiful blonde. "Won," he said, "legal battles we won." He smiled as she ran her hand through his hair. "Getting used to calling me Shinobi will just take time, like everything else. As to what this is all about, you'll soon learn." Shinobi authoritatively pulled out the chair that Jason was sitting in, a sign for the Black King to remove his ass from it. "But ultimately, it means I can give you everything you were born to have; recognition, societal status, whatever you want. The world will be yours." 

"With these people?" Kennedy glanced around the room at the cutthroat men and women who made up the Inner Circle. Professor Xavier had warned her not to trust these people, that they were vile and evil. But the promise of more, of the life she still so desperately wanted, to be with Jace. All of it was so tempting because it was everything she had ever wanted. Kennedy nodded her head in agreement with his words and she sat down in the chair next to his, taking her position at Shinobi's side.

"I... I need to... excuse me..." A dethroned Jason Wyngarde rushed out of the room with a silken handkerchief held over his face.

To Be Concluded...


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