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Courage Under Fire

Posted on Mon Sep 2nd, 2024 @ 7:48pm by Connor Bruin & Hank McCoy & Iris Walker & Bliss Hawkins & Hayden Davis & Ethan Hale & Aurora Summers & Kennedy Kelly & Maeve MacKenna & Kayleigh Marshall

Mission: Episode 5: Days of Fortune Past
Location: X-Mansion Infirmary
Timeline: October 21st, 1990

Mansion Imaging Center

Hank stood in the dimly lit control room of the imaging center, his furred fingers dancing over the touchpad as the scanner hummed to life. The glowing silhouette of Connor appeared on the screen. Hank’s sharp eyes scrutinized the readings, his mind already racing through possible explanations for Connor’s newfound ability to absorb and repurpose the energy of a Prime Sentinel blast.

"Fascinating..." While Hank was himself exhausted, it was difficult to subdue his curiosity when something reared its head. "Connor, if you can hear me, please indicate in the affirmative."

Bathed in soft blue light as the machine began its deep analysis, Connor was partly hypnotized by the experience. Hank's voice snapped him out of it and he let out a hoot.

"Thank you." Hank allowed a soft smirk but made no other indication of amusement. There was nothing off-putting to him about Connor expressing himself through grunts in lieu of known words. Expressive language was expressive language. "Preliminary readings are already supporting our previous hypothesis we developed after your return from the Savage Land. Although we had no basis for determining the nature of Zaladane's energy projectiles, Sentinel technology is a generally known value. It does appear that your nervous system is conductive for several known forms of energy, but I would like to continue scans until we know more."

Connor nodded his understanding and let out another hoot. After being checked out on the Blackbird and found to be without injury, Hank offered to perform some deep resonance imaging along with other scans in order to confirm that he was unharmed and perhaps get to the bottom of how and why. Hopefully this would not take much longer, but Connor was desperate to learn more.

As much as Hank would love to sit idly and monitor Connor's readings, there was no time to dwell on that now. With a final tap on the screen, he set the scanner to complete its cycle before turning away as the door to the imaging center slid shut behind him.


The infirmary was full, and the students needed him. Hank adjusted his lab coat, pushing the weight of worry aside as he prepared for the task ahead. The heavy burden of medical support due to his lab work was something he had long grown accustomed to, but it never got any easier—especially when the injured were so young.

Hank approached the others who had been unharmed, all waiting to be given instructions on what to do next.

"Thank you for your patience," Hank began, trying to hide his exhaustion. The exercise of a proper bedside manner would begin with his example. "Now that I have Connor situated in the resonance imager, it's time to begin tending to your teammates. I have already hooked them up to the autodocs which will see to the worst of their injuries, which I will monitor from the central computer." He held up a blue talon. "However, their vitals require consistent monitoring in the event of mechanical failure, and so I require volunteers to provide oversight as well as tend to any basic needs they may present."

Pausing to affix a freshly-printed piece of paper to the the desk, he continued. "Aurora is in bay 1, Kayleigh is in bay 2, Maeve is in bay 3, and Bliss is in bay 4. Please join me as I visit each patient and remain with one of them until I can make my next rounds."

“Absolutely,” agreed Iris. She was ready to help her teammates recover in whatever way she could. She put what had happened to her out of her mind for now; she would have plenty of time to talk to literally everyone about that.

Kennedy nodded her head in agreement but didn’t really speak up. She had never been one for anatomy or science classes in general so the idea of providing medical care made her nervous. She tried not to think about the Purifier that had exploded upon impact from her touch as they got ready to assist their fellow teammates. Nursing was definitely not her strong point.

"Yes sir," said Hayden. This was going to be a new experience for her, medical stuff, and visiting patients. She'd never been on this side of the hospital need before.

Ethan wanted to be an attorney, not a doctor so his experience was somewhat limited, though perhaps not as limited as some of his teammates. His prior training had included basic and advanced first aid, and he wasn't in the least bit squeamish. "What can I do to help?" he asked.

"Choose a bay as I make rounds," Hank said. "Then join me."

Bay 1

Aurora was the first to stir, her eyes at first wondering where she was. “Professor?” She slowly moved to sit up noting light bandages on her hands and wrists, she remembered letting go and giving all she had to try and burn out the Sentinel.

"I'm afraid Professor Xavier had to remain in Washington," said Hank as he opened the curtain into Aurora's medical bay. "You are safe now at the Mansion. Try not to move, though. Your heart rate has finally stabilized but you need to rest, given your condition."

Aurora relaxed back on the bed. “Is my son alright, Hank? I didn’t do anything to harm him did I? And everyone else?”

"The fetus appears to be in fine health," Hank replied with a warm, reassuring tone. "You are quite fortunate, Aurora. I daresay Sentinel battles should not become a regular feature of your prenatal regimen." He flashed her a toothy grin, then added, "As the Bard himself wrote, 'Though she be but little, she is fierce.' Both you and your child have proven that true today. But let us not tempt fate too often, shall we?"

“That’s a promise Hank, thank you.” Aurora smiled warmly.

Looking around, Hank said, "Iris, if you have indeed followed me, please make yourself known. Aurora could use the company as we discussed."

“I’m here,” said Iris at once. “Sorry. I guess I forgot to keep myself visible.”

Aurora offered Iris a warm smile. “I wish I could do that sometimes Iris.”

“It gets old real fast,” Iris assured her. “I’d rather I can default to being seen and choose to go unnoticed.”

Aurora nodded. “I guess I can understand that, Iris, there are times I wish I could disappear into the background.” She shrugged her shoulders. “Guess we all have our regrets one way or another.”

“Yeah,” said Iris darkly, thinking of her family. “But let’s not talk about that. Let’s talk about something happier. Like… um… do you like movies? There’s one coming out next month that looks interesting. It’s about a man who goes out to see the frontier and ends up making friends with the nearby Sioux tribe. It looks interesting.”

"Ah, yes, a familiar tale, no doubt influenced from the book 'A Man Called Horse' by Dorothy M. Johnson," Hank said. "You can find that one in the mansion library. I can attest it is quite worth the read and can be enjoyed in a single sitting." After checking everything over, Hank said, "You look well enough, Aurora. I will leave you two for now."

Aurora nodded and smiled before turning her attention back to Iris “Sounds fascinating” She offered Iris a warm smile. “Perhaps we could see it together.”

“Absolutely,” replied Iris. “I’ll buy the popcorn.”

Aurora nodded and smiled. “I’ll look forward to it! It’s been... forever since I’ve seen a movie.”

“I saw one a few weeks ago with Bobby,” Iris commented. “Ninja Turtles. It was so cheesy. But I think it was meant to be.”

“I'd like to see that one” Aurora smiled. “It looks like fun. Do you think Bobby would accept an invite to join us for the movie we’re seeing?”

“We can certainly invite him,” agreed Iris. If nothing else, it would at least let Bobby know they hadn’t forgotten him.

“Excellent” Aurora nodded. “I think he’d like that, at least I hope so.”

Bay 2

The sound of another's voice woke Kayleigh from her slumber, she opened her eyes hearing Aurora’s voice nearby. Her body hurt from the injuries she’d healed, but she hadn’t really had any choice but to do it, even at the risk of her own life. She offered a smile. “What did I miss?”

"A homecoming most sweet," Hank replied, entering her med bay. "How are you feeling?"

“Sore and achy, but that’s nothing new it’s how I feel every time I heal someone.” Kayleigh offered a smile. “I couldn’t stand by and do nothing though.”

"Ah, the healer's burden," Hank said with a thoughtful nod. "You remind me of what Camus once mused—'There is no love of life without despair of life.' Your selflessness in the face of pain speaks volumes, but do remember, even the strongest souls must rest. The world needs you in one piece, Miss Kayleigh, and to see that you remain as much, I have asked Hayden to sit with you."

Kayleigh nodded and smiled. “That’ll be nice, thank you for everything, Doctor McCoy.” She looked towards Hayden. “Hi Hayden.”

Hank smiled and slipped out without another word.

Hayden waved and answered, "Hi." She pulled one of the chairs a little closer to the bed. But before sitting down, she asked, "Can I get you anything? Glass of water? Ice chips? Ooh, ice cream! What's your favorite flavor?"

Kayleigh paused for a moment. “Ohhh... Vanilla, Strawberry, no... make it Raspberry Ripple, please!”

"Oh that sounds real good," she said. "I hope I can find that in the kitchen. If not, would strawberry be okay?" Hayden was going to try l hard to find the raspberry for Kayleigh. "I might just get some for myself too, because, you know, ice cream."

“Any flavour will be fine Hayden, like you said it’s ice cream!” Kayleigh grinned.

Hayden was not a speedster, but she could run decently. "Okay, be back in a couple of minutes." She left the room and ran from the infirmary to the kitchen. When she got there, she searched though a couple of freezers before finding a small container of Raspberry Ripple tucked away in the back. She took a small container of Rocky Road for herself and grabbed two spoons. She paused outside the door to the room to catch her breath before entering. "Okay," she said, rounding the corner, "it took a little bit, but I found some Raspberry Ripple in the back of one of the freezers." She handed it to her along with a spoon. "And I found some Rocky Road for me. That's my favorite."

Having propped herself up comfortably with a pillow, Kayleigh smiled warmly as she accepted the tub of ice cream. “Thank you, Hayden.” Opening the tub she spooned herself out some ice cream savouring the flavour. “Lovely, can’t say I’ve ever tried Rocky Road, it’s never really appealed to me.”

"You're welcome," she answered as she removed the lid and dove into her own ice cream. "It's definitely a yay or nay flavor, Rocky Road. So where did you live before you came here?"

“England.” Kayleigh smiled. “My parents actually didn’t mind my being a mutant, they supported me, but when my powers got out of control we decided between us that I should attend this school. I know a lot of mutants here have parents who aren’t so understanding.”

"England! That's awesome. I've always wanted to go there and see all the sights," said Hayden. "But parent's, yeah, mine were pretty supportive, too. I came here after my powers started acting up at school. I guess we're a couple of the lucky ones who have understanding parents." She enjoyed a couple more spoons of ice cream. "So you heal people? Does that do all of this to you?"

Kayleigh nodded. “Pretty much, it’s the downside to having such a powerful gift. I suffer for those I heal.” She offered a brief smile before tucking into her ice cream.

Bay 3

Hank entered Maeve's bay next. While she had not passed out, she seemed nonetheless dazed on the Blackbird. Her condition was one that could be complicated by shock at a moment's notice. Keeping a keen eye on her would be paramount for the next few hours.

"It's only me again," Hank said, adding, "although I did bring some company with me."

Maeve still wasn't sure what happened. She was confused, her mind chaotic. She had been whispering to herself in Irish Gaelic, a language she didn't really speak much as no-one else understood it outside of Ireland and even then much of the mainland didn't speak it. She remembered getting shot, an itch in her shoulder reminded her of it. She went to help Scott but... did she get hit? Trying to sit up she winced as her bruised abdomen, and now chest by extension due to the force of the hit, reminded her she did. However she couldn't remember what happened after that. It was a blur, clouded. Then there was that big orange rock man she touched, Ben. Some weird energy came from him as she connected with the 'stone' of his body and broke her free from her 'daze' or whatever had happened.

"Hi," Maeve said and waved. As she did so some of the machines glitched for a second and some of the metal nearby wobbled a bit. "Did someone bring me here? I don't remember lying down... and that machine is on the fritz."

“Hi, I’m Kennedy.” A tall and willowy blonde sheepishly waved to Maeve as she stepped forward and broke off from the rest of the group. “I can look at your equipment.”

Even though she knew nothing about tech, it was better than bandages and gauze. So Kennedy remained with Maeve and tried to troubleshoot the beeping medical machines next to her.

“I think you got onto the Blackbird on your own.” Kennedy suggested as she began to push random buttons. “But my first mission was kind of a blur too, it can be a lot to take in at first. But it gets easier… kind of… sorta… or at least it’s not as overwhelming.”

The machine next to Maeve began to consistently beep as if she had flatlined. The annoying sound created a momentary panic in Kennedy that caused her to simply turn the medical equipment off. “Sorry, are you okay?”

"I just don't understand why it got so crazy so quickly." Maeve responded. "Who shoots into a crowd?" she asked rhetorically as she shook her head in disbelief. The flatline of the machine caught her off guard and forced her to look in its direction as Kennedy quickly turned it off. "I mean, I feel fine, but you might just have killed me. Don't worry, I won't tell Dr. McCoy," she joked in a playful Irish way.

“I’ve only been doing this for a couple months but in my experience, it always escalates quickly. I think most of the people we encounter are nut jobs just looking for an excuse to fly off the handle.” Kennedy traced the cord of the medicine equipment to the wall. She unplugged it for a moment before plugging it back in.

“And thank you for not reporting your premature death to Dr. McCoy, I have enough knocks against me already.” Kennedy offered her a smile in return as she turned the equipment back on, it went back to beeping as expected. “You’re Irish right? How did you get here?”

Maeve's mind flashed back to the boat. It was horrible, cramped and the men who brought them over horrible. A promise given for a better life with no intention of keeping it. Unfortunately for them they met a rather pointy end, something Maeve regretted even though they were going to sell them off for God knows what... but she still killed them. She'd never done that before, nor since (thankfully).

Snapping back, "Yeah, come from a small island called Achill Island, just off the coast of Ireland. Came over on a boat a while ago so still not used to all this. I was living alone..." meaning she was homeless but rarely admitted it to new people, "So had no idea there was so many people who had abilities. I still can't quite believe it. Where are you from?" she asked.

“Oh, I’m from Boston… like the tea party.” But there was no trace of an accent when Kennedy spoke. In fact, she had a very nondescript American accent with an almost posh undertone to it, the best way to describe it was expensive. “Gosh, the island you come from must be really small then, mutants are on TV and in the papers all the time around here.” Kennedy sat up straight as she realized something. “Hey, you don’t think we’re going to be in the papers?” She gasped in horror “Or worse, the nightly news?!”

"Oh! I read about that!" Maeve exclaimed a little louder than she'd expected and the force at which she had forced a small wince out of her due to her bruising. Thankfully that was subsiding nicely. "Definitely quite small, only a couple of thousand people on it last I heard." she shrugged. "Where I was there wasn't a lot of technology, we read books, learned things, were outside a lot. So... yeah, not a lot of mainland, or world, news on show. My people, my 'clan', have always had these types of gifts. We believe they are given to use by the Tuath Dé, the Gods. At least that's what my mother taught us all before she died." Maeve sighed. "I think we'll definitely make a footnote somewhere... we did make a pretty big splash. At least they'll get your good side, all of you is a good side." she chuckled.

"Thanks," Kennedy said with a hint of a blush "You're pretty too, I like your hair. I can't get mine to grow that long." She grew a touch more somber at the mention of Maeve's mother. "I'm sorry for your loss, my dad died recently too. It's really hard sometimes. Death comes with a lot more complicated emotions than I was expecting it too but I'm slowly getting better.”

Bay 4

Finally, there was Bliss. Despite her internal injuries, Bliss showed remarkable resilience for one someone who had suffered beneath the Blob's enormous biomass. Hank was visibly impressed.

"Hello, Bliss," he said gently, entering with a calm step. "I have to say you are one of a kind. I've personally witnessed Blob flatten an automobile. That you are still among us is nothing short of astonishing, much less that you're in one piece." Cocking his thumb over his shoulder, he added, "Ethan has agreed to sit with you while the autodocs perform their duty and restore you to health."

Ethan reached out his hand and put it lightly on Bliss' upper arm. Interpersonal interaction, especially with the opposite sex were not his strong suit, but it was an area he was trying to improve on. "It's going to be alright. Is there anything you want to talk about?"

"If either of you need assistance, just press the big, red button." Hank indicated the one near Bliss's bed before taking his leave.

Bliss felt like her chest was filled with splintered shards of glass. Every breath ached. She could see her scans on the monitor next to her bed. She could see her ribs knitting back into their proper shape. She knew enough that anybody else would have probably died from having their ribs crushed into their lungs. She's as tough as a $2 steak, she knows that there's only so much her body can handle at once.

Bliss reached up to pull the oxygen mask from her face and tapped the bed with her other hand to get the doctor's attention. "Hey....thank you."

Pausing at the door, Hank gave Ethan an apologetic look. There wasn't likely to be much conversation with Bliss wearing the oxygen mask, but then again Ethan was seemingly especially chatty either. Perhaps they would do some good for one another.

Ethan kept his eyes on Hank until the doors closed behind him. "I guess I'm not that bright. I should have realized you couldn't talk with that mask on. As I said, I must be stupid."

Click-hiss the machine went.

"I doubt you can understand, or even hear me, but I guess that's not the worst news I've heard." Ethan paused. "Don't get me wrong," he corrected, "I know you're hurt pretty badly and I want you to get better. I guess what I mean is that I need someone to talk to, even if they can't talk back."

Bliss's had long since fluttered closed.

"I've tried to fit in here I really have," Ethan went on. "Some days I think I'm getting close, even there, then the next day it all turns to shit and I know I'll never be an X-Man."

Frustration piqued Ethan's voice. "I'm not a mutant, I was built to hunt them down. Kind of like that Terminator move. Only it's not fiction, it's real. I've even killed people. How many here have done that? I bet close to zero. But I've done it twice now."

Once he got rolling, he couldn't stop. "And things have only gotten worse since that little trip to the Savage Lands. I feel less like Ethan and more like the animals they've fused my DNA with. They are really fucking with my mind and I don't like it."

His tone softened a bit, but his angst was still ripe. "And don't get me started with my personal life. The only person, the only boy I've ever loved tried to kill me and Bobby killed him." The mention of Bobby gave him pause for a moment. "Speaking of Bobby, he not only killed my boyfriend, he kissed me. Don't say anything to anyone, I promised I'd keep it secret and not tell anyone."

Should he stop talking? Ethan couldn't stop, not once the dam had broken.

"Then Levi left me."

Another click-hiss from the machine.

"It seems my life has become one giant cluster fuck." With that conclusion, Ethan fell silent for several minutes.

"Well, are you going to say anything?" He felt stupid for even asking. "Of course not."

Bliss hold her oxygen mask away and spoke quietly. "Welcome to the party, pal." She coughed a bit before continuing. "Do you know how to play checkers?"

"I've played a few times," Ethan responded.

They managed to pass the time without the need for conversation.

Mansion Imaging Center

As he returned back to Connor, there was a noticeable slump in Hank's shoulders. He had tried everything he could to project his usual amiable demeanor which was so essential in a physician's bedside manner. But truth be told, he needed these students to look after one another more than they did. He was unraveling at the seams. If it had not been for Scott calling him back from the brink, Hank may have perished in his sudden bloodlust against the Omega Sentinel, against their old friend Warren.

Hank sighed with the opening of the door. More than anything, he wanted to deny his duty. The lab was calling him to continue his work. At the very least, he needed to see this one task done.

"Well, Connor, it appears the scans are completed." Hank began to release Connor from the imaging station before he pulled up the results.

<. What does it say?.> Connor signed to Hank. He could not wear his gloves which paired with his speech-generating device.

"The results show nothing in and of themselves," Hank said. "And that is itself further confirmation of our hypothesis. Your cells can absorb energy. So far it appears your neural kinetics are most significantly impact, but due to an inability to observe anything other than the absorption of energy, it is difficult to see what else is afoot."

Connor put his gloves on and began signing for his device to speak for him. "IS IT A SECONDARY MUTATION?"

"Perhaps," Hank said, his fatigue beginning to show. "Particularly since Moira never detected it in all your time on Muir Island. I recommend a full panel of scans and tests from her."

That was an unusual statement from Hank. It made Connor furrow his brow. "IT IS NOT LIKE YOU TO GIVE UP."

"I haven't given up!" Hank snapped before calming himself. "I have not given up," he repeated in a quieter voice. "It is the nature of research to refer you to the foremost specialist and none is more eminent than Moira MacTaggert."

"IF YOU ARE CERTAIN, THEN I TRUST YOU." Connor did not look so certain though.

"I am," Hank insisted. "Could you do me a favor, Connor? I have something else which requires my immediate attention, and so I would be appreciative to prevail upon you to keep an eye on the others for me."

Connor was team leader. This was a task he could do without any effort. "YOU CAN COUNT ON ME."

"Thank you." Hank was already out the door in a hop.


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