Xavier's School For Gifted Youngsters

The private boarding school in Salem Center, NY is in reality a training facility for heroic mutant advocacy and activism for peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants. Unknown to the public, senior students and graduates of the school have went on to become crisis intervention specialists affectionately known as the X-MEN.

In the dawn of the final decade of the 20th century, the first class of X-Men went missing with the lone exception of their field leader, Cyclops. Professor Charles Xavier, unable to locate his missing students, was forced to rebuild his team. This time, however, he looked beyond the walls of his academy and recruited mutants from wherever he was able in order to form an ALTERNATE CLASS. In time, it is hoped these new mutants will continue the fight for the future of peaceful coexistence between mutants and humans, and perhaps discover the fates of their predecessors.

X-MEN: ALTERNATE CLASS is rated 18+ for content. RPG Rating 2 2 2

Latest News Items


Posted on Mon Nov 11th, 2024 @ 11:01pm by Charles Xavier in General News


Emma Frost Sentenced: Hellfire Scandal Exposed!


In a dramatic turn of events, former Hellfire Club executive Emma Frost has been sentenced to 25 years in prison after serving as the state's key witness in exposing the criminal conspiracy behind the illegal financing of the Mutant Registration Act and the racketeering operation funding Operation Zero Tolerance. Frost's testimony has led to the arrest of several high-profile politicians and business tycoons involved in the Hellfire Club's secret dealings. In exchange for her cooperation, prosecutors did not pursue life imprisonment, leaving her eligible for parole.

» Operation Zero Tolerance

Posted on Tue Oct 8th, 2024 @ 6:26pm by Charles Xavier in General News

Operation Zero Tolerance unveiled to the world


» Mutant Registration Act

Posted on Tue Jul 16th, 2024 @ 8:23pm by Charles Xavier in General News

The assassination of Senator Robert Kelly has expedited the Mutant Registration Act which President Richardson is expected to sign. Kelly's public murder has sparked widespread fear and outrage, driving the public to demand stricter regulations against mutants. This sentiment has pressured political figures to support the Act, leaving mutants with limited options as they brace for the impending legislation.


Anti-mutant activists, particularly the Friends of Humanity, have intensified their protests nationwide. Senator Peter Krane, a new ally of this group, sponsored the Act in the Senate, where it passed with a 3 to 1 vote. Senator Frank Stone of New Jersey was the only dissenting voice. In the House, Congressman Graydon Creed, founder of the Friends of Humanity, led the bill, which passed by a closer margin of 2 to 1, with many abstentions.

The Senate sent the bill to the House in mid-September, and it was passed by the end of the month. Key figures in the executive branch now include Mutant Response Division Chief Haskett, National Security Advisor Gyrich, and Unified Command Coordinator Colonel Moss, all poised for action once the President makes his decision which every expert predicts to be signing the Act into law.

In response, X-Factor has organized a conference to unite mutants and superhumans, aiming to discuss and plan their next steps. Chief among the threats is the resumption of Sentinel production by unknown parties. The involvement of the private sector to a much greater degree than the original Project Wideawake is very alarming due to the profiteering aspect of mutant rights violations. As the government escalates its stance against mutants into systemic oppression, the mutant and allied community must band together to avoid potential genocide.

» Sol Invictus!

Posted on Wed Jun 5th, 2024 @ 9:30am by Charles Xavier in General News


69º 30’ S, 68º 30’ W :: SAVAGE LAND


"Cerebro scans have managed to punch through the interference surrounding the continent, revealing that the entire team has assembled around an ancient city. Perhaps their close proximity to one another allowed for Cerebro to detect them. This confirms the earlier report from Bliss nearly two weeks ago that everyone had been split up. I wish there was some way for me to aid my X-Men in whatever struggle that tore them apart and reunited them. Unfortunately it is all I can do to be an even intermittent observer.

Information regarding the history of the Savage Land is sparse, but what the database has collated identifies the team's area of operations as the City of the Sun People, so named for the Temple of the Sun which overlooks it. There appears to be a palace of some sort to the east. Geological evidence suggests an expansive cave system all throughout the highland region. Mission notes from the First Class's foray into the Savage Land identify the king of the Sun People as Akeem whose chief rival is the High Priestess Zaladane whose mischief with the Savage Land Mutates first drew my X-Men to their domain several years ago. No doubt Zaladane has complicated the mission to deactivate the Citadel and end the geomagnetic storms that are sweeping the globe. Whatever the true source of her power, the primitive framework of sorcery and witchcraft may present an angle that my Alternate Class is unprepared to face.

I can only pray that Erik upholds our agreement to lead them to victory and, ultimately, home.

» Tournament of Sims - Best in Genre!

Posted on Mon Mar 18th, 2024 @ 12:08pm by Charles Xavier in General News

Over a year ago, the Ongoing Worlds blog hosted another annual Tournament of Sims. I submitted a series of posts from 2022 to be evaluated by a panel of three judges. Their raw scores in the categories of Story, Characters, and Readability were tabulated together and entered against several other X-Men sims and dozens of other sims.

The tournament is very Star Trek dominant, but maybe as much as 1/3 of the entries were not-Trek. We received Outstanding overall and were the ranking sim in the X-Men genre.

Here are the scores and feedback from the three anonymous judges:

Judge 1

Story: 7 Characters: 7 Readability: 8

"Great use of JPs along with some very interesting character introductions leading to a well written plot crescendo.
Could strive to be a bit less cliché in some parts. This sim does a great job with posting was good, I was able to dive in
and know what was going on and who was who."

Judge 2

Story: 7 Characters: 7 Readability: 7

"One thing they could work on is 'setting the scene'. While I could figure out what was happening, sometimes setting the scene helps people looking in through the window. However, overall, this sim is doing things very well!"

Judge 3

Story: 8 Characters: 10 Readability: 8

"This sim does a great job with characters having strong motivations and being believable. The format of the posts and individual tags showed cohesion and that the group works together well.
For the most part everything was under control and happening as planned and there wasn’t a lot for the characters to solve. There were a few typos or spelling errors."

As a reward, here are some vintage superhero candy sticks!

For further reading on the Tournament of Sims, check out the Ongoing Worlds blog post.

Latest Mission Posts

» To Catch a Killer - Part 3

Mission: Episode 6: X-Fernus Agenda
Posted on Sat Feb 8th, 2025 @ 8:39pm by Pietro Maximoff & Bobby Drake

The General Services Administration building loomed against the frosty Washington night, its austere neoclassical façade standing as a silent testament to bureaucracy. The glow of streetlights reflected off the pale stone, while the December air bit sharply into their clothes. Bobby and Pietro crouched in the shadows of a side…

» Late Night Cravings

Mission: Episode 6: X-Fernus Agenda
Posted on Fri Feb 7th, 2025 @ 10:16am by Drew Williams & Aurora Summers

Drew came to a quick stop in front of the mansion doors. He paused to pull off his backpack and check the contents he had run into town to get for Aurora. Aurora had telepathically contacted him about twenty minutes prior when she'd woken up with a midnight pregnancy craving.…

» Something Has Gone Terribly Wrong

Mission: Episode 6: X-Fernus Agenda
Posted on Fri Feb 7th, 2025 @ 2:20am by Charles Xavier & Scott Summers & Jean Grey & Angela Williams

Angela was in one of the classrooms listening to a lecture on Greek Literature when her stomach exploded in pain. The pain quickly subsided, but she knew somehow that something had happened to her brother.

Having just flown back from his conference, Hank was hyped up and excited for the…

» Pandora's Box

Mission: Episode 6: X-Fernus Agenda
Posted on Thu Feb 6th, 2025 @ 2:40pm by Kurt Wagner & Hayden Davis & Kennedy Kelly & Maeve MacKenna & Desmond Greene

The rattle and sway of the train car was the first thing Kurt registered as he drifted into consciousness. His body ached from the rough treatment they had received, and a cold metal collar dug into his throat. The rhythmic clanking of chains filled the air, punctuated by groans, whispers,…

» The Flesh Factory

Mission: Episode 6: X-Fernus Agenda
Posted on Thu Feb 6th, 2025 @ 2:26pm by Connor Bruin & Kayleigh Marshall & Drew Williams

Darkness gave way to a slow, throbbing ache in Connor’s skull. His body felt heavier than usual, sluggish, like he was wading through tar just to regain awareness. His gaze flicked down to Drew and Kayleigh, the only other teammates he could see. They needed to wake up. Soon.
